The Argument 1

Mr & Mrs. Benson's joy knew no bounds as they received a positive response from their in-laws.

"They are very nice people very nice people, I could not believe all that they did," Mrs. Benson said.

"Why will you say that? Their behavior is not far-fetched. Don't you see how humble and hospitable their daughter is?"Mr. Benson said.

" Yes, that was why I was telling you that you should not look down on anybody," Mr. Benson said.

"Really? Do you want to insult me because of her now? You know I've been telling you that you always refer to the past" Mrs. Benson fired back.

Mr. Benson began to laugh. He was surprised that his wife was angry though he intentionally told her to realize her mistakes.

"Why do you get angry easily? Is what I'm saying not the truth? If I've allowed you you would have sent her away with your attitude because if that your prostitute friend's daughter" Mr. Benson said.