
"Colins?, which of the Colins," he asked in surprise.

"Does that mean these people were hiding something from me? They told me as if the case is a minor one. I can't allow only my son to go. I must follow them immediately." Mr. Edward thought.

"Sir, we are here to see Colins Edward, your son," the second officer replied, interrupting his thought.

Just then Collins, Jones, and Mrs. Edward rushed out to see what was going on outside.

"Dad! What is the matter? Who are you speaking with?" Colins said as she rushed out.

His father pointed in the direction where the officers were standing. By now he already knew well that they were looking for him. 

The joy that overwhelmed his heart does not allow him to remember what happened early that day.

"How can we help you," he said calmly.

"Mr. Collins Edward, we need your attention In our station over the case of your ex, Nelly, trying to shoot you," the officer said.