Memory loss 4

Niel came out of the car and was surprised to see Sophia and Tracy sitting outside.

"What happened, why are you outside? How is Wilson? How is he?" He asked, rushing his words.

"He is fine, he is in the ward" Tracy replied to him

"But what happened? Sophia, you are already looking like someone that has been sick for a long time. Just calm down and everything will be alright." Niel said as he patted her back.

"Is Wilson awake now? Is he able to recognize anyone? " Niel asked

Sophia and Tracy looked at each other. Sophia gave Tracy a go-ahead sign. So Tracy narrated everything that has happened to him. The part that pained Niel most is that Wilson could recognize Cynthia and not Sophia. 

He did not show his sadness so as not to hurt Sophia the more. He now understands the reason why Sophia is looking like someone that has been sick.

"Have this, let me go and check with him whether he recognizes me too," Niel said.