"Your emerald eyes are too damn beautiful."

"Sir Robert, where are you going?" Greyson shouted after seeing Robert running toward the forest.

"Seal the dragon! The butler knows where you can keep him!" Robert responded and soon resumed at running inside the forest.

Robert was more concerned about Mila than the dragon and ran back to the field where he left him.

"Everyone here is very emotional. I want to hurry and leave." Greyson mumbled while shaking his head. He then instructed his men to seal the dragon to secure it to the sealing room inside the castle.

Greyson only watched because his mages could seal it without problem. He is more curious about his friend.

Greyson looked into the forest where Robert disappeared and decided to go ahead as well.

"This place is disgusting as well." Greyson covered his nose the moment he appeared in the field where Mila and the knights were mercilessly killed. Greyson arrived at the field first because he used a teleportation spell. He walked slowly while looking for Mila's corpse.

"My dear friend, so you died like this? Your beauty doesn't deserve this." Greyson collected Mila's dismembered body and wrapped it in his white cloak.

He was about to walk toward where Robert was to give the duchess's body, but suddenly the cloak he was hugging suddenly moved.


Greyson opened his white cloak to see why Mila's corpse was moving and found her pendant moving while being soaked with Mila's blood.

"What is this?" Greyson wondered and kept it in his inner pocket to study it later, then wrapped the corpse again.

Thump, thump, thump


He hurriedly took the pendant again and felt a strong power from it.

"I don't want to die."

Greyson heard Mila's voice, and that made him let go of the corpse and the pendant.

"Mila, please rest in peace!" he shouted as he stepped back.

"I don't want to die."

Mila's voice keeps repeating until a gold glow bursts out and envelopes the entire area.

Greyson could not even make a noise and disappeared with the golden glow.

The flood of blood and the corpses were still the same, but Mila's body is now once again intact and showing signs of breathing again.



haa! Huff! Huff!

Mila shouted the moment she opened her eyes. She breathed heavily while her nightmare was still vague in her head.

"Is that a simple nightmare or was that the original Mila's memory?" Mila was confused again, as she felt like everything she saw in her dreams was real.

"So Mila died? What happened to the mage? Is Mila dead? How did I have a vision of those event?" Mila buried her face in the pillow, thinking so hard.

She is getting confused again about what really happened to the original Mila.

"Mother?" Christopher was woken up by Mila's noise and worriedly checked on Mila. "What's wrong?"

Mila and Christopher were sleeping together after Mila decided to give Christopher a chance as the original Mila's child. She was not that scared of the child anymore and hugged her to find comfort from Christopher.

"I heard your father is dead." Mila shared while burying her face in Christopher's chest. Mila thought maybe she had a nightmare because of the news of the Duke's death.

Mila discovered that the duke died from the incident. She should have been acting sad, but she looked pleased when she heard the news.

Mila felt a little bit free because of the Duke's death, and the only thing tying her up is the main character.

Based on the original plot, Mila will die of depression because of her husband's death. Mila thought that the solution was simple: she didn't have to be depressed so that she wouldn't die. Having experienced pain once is enough. She doesn't want to experience it anymore and chooses to have a happy, carefree life inside the novel. Mila doesn't even have the intention of getting involved in the novel plot.

"It's my fault, I am s-sorry." Christopher apologized while hugging his mother, but he was surprised after Mila lifted his head. She is smiling.

"It's morning. Let's have our day started?" Mila said brightly.

Christopher felt strange and just nodded his head.

Mila and Christopher had a nice breakfast together, then went for a carefree walk afterwards.

Also, Mila ignored her duty at the duchy and continued to play until sunset.

Robert and Christopher were with her all the time, but they weren't fully enjoying their careless activities as they grew concerned about Mila's state.

The people around Mila started to think that Mila was forcing herself to look happy, while others thought that the duchess had turned insane after the loss of her husband.

Mila ignored everything and continued her new life as an easy-going duchess.

On the second day, Mila's carefree life continued.

All day, Mila looked refreshed and smiled every minute.

She was trying on all the original Mila's clothes because its style was very different to the modern style she knew, while the people in the duchy started the ceremonial mourning for the duke and his servants.

When everyone was weeping, Mila was happily looking at her reflection in the mirror.

On the third day,

While Mila is feasting on her every meal, the people of the duchy begin preparing for the funerals of all those who died as a result of the dragon's rampage.

She's trying all the desserts and foods that she can't taste in the modern world.

And on the third day, or the funeral day,

Mila wasn't planning to attend because she didn't feel anything for an unimportant character in the novel and was planning to try to see the horses at the stable. However, today, Robert blocked her way and looked at her sternly.

"Mila, when are you going to stop?" Robert exclaimed while not letting Mila go out of her room.

"Stop what? I just want to see the stable." Mila tilted her head, trying to think of which part of her actions was wrong.

"You can't keep acting like you're happy! Faking happiness is harder than acting sad!"

Mila continued to smile brightly and clapped her hand.

"Ah! Is it because of the funeral?" Mila pushed Robert away because he was blocking the door. "People might find it weird that the wife is not present at her husband's burial! is that so? Okay. Okay. I'll go."

"Mila!" With his Robert's thick-muscled arms, he cornered Mila against the wall. Mila blushed as she could now have a full view of Robert's beauty.

"Your emerald eyes are too damn beautiful." She openly commented with a grin.