"But apologies! I don't know how!"

At the Aston Estate, there is an annex house very far from the main house where the core family of Aston resides.

Based on stories, in this average-sized mansion, there was a man living peacefully alone with a few servants, and that's where Robert went straight after using the teleportation scroll he borrowed from the late Duke of Esclamado's drawer.

It was the same mansion where he had spent his childhood, but he didn't feel anything like nostalgia as he glared and scoffed at the scattered art materials and canvas on the floor of the furniture-less room.

He walked slowly as he was cautious of the possibility that the person in the middle of the room could see him. Luckily, it doesn't.

He stood straight in front of the person, stepping on the person's canvas, and then he coldly smiled.

"Hey, twin brother. Time to die."


One sharp sound echoed for a second, and he made a large cut on his brother's neck.

"Aah! auckk!! ah!."

Robert's twin spit out blood and started to crawl on the canvas that was lying on the floor. His twin looked around very confused about where the attack came from.

Robert just waited for his twin to run out of blood and die.

"I hope what I think is right."

Robert mumbled while he changed his clothes to his twin brother's clothes. He then dragged his twin to the corner of the furniture-less room and returned to the original position where his brother was originally drawing on canvas.

"Fuck. I don't know how to draw."

Robert held the brush in his bloodied hand, which may have appeared like paint because of how the blood of his brother mixed with the paint on the canvas.

Robert didn't wait long, and someone had already gently knocked on the door to check on his twin.

An old butler went inside and gently reminded his twin to eat. "Sir, it's almost lunch time. Please come and eat. You didn't even eat your breakfast."

The room was well lit, and the lifeless body of his brother was in the visible corner of the room, but the butler acted as if the corpse didn't exist and thought Robert was his twin.

"I thought right?" Robert thought to himself.

Half the reason why he killed his twin brother was because he was speculating how the spell worked. The spell only affects people who are not aware of what is really happening, or people who don't have "awareness".

Like Christopher, who has "awareness". Tope could see Robert even if the spell was telling them that Robert was dead. That is why, to try out his speculation, he went to the dukedom of Aston and killed his brother, who looked exactly like him, without battling an eye to take his twin's existence.

Although he still doesn't get what "awareness" means, all he knows is that everyone was under an unknown spell, controlling everyone's lives and emotions like a puppet.

"What's wrong? Are you sick, master?" The butler asked again because Robert wasn't responding. The butler approached Robert, causing him to stiffen and just stare at the butler, fearing that maybe the butler noticed the difference in his build from his dead twin.

Robert's forehead sweats as he thinks, "Ronard and I really looked identical, but our physique wasn't."

Then he looked up at the butler to start acting weak, but his eyes shook after seeing a black wisp form behind the butler.

"What's wrong, master? Why do you look scared?" The butler asked as he slowly turned his body to look at where Robert was looking over his shoulder.


The butler didn't have a chance to speak nor shield himself from the attack of the dark being behind him after it pierced its still deformed body part into the butler's chest.


The body of the butler dropped to the floor while Robert was still frozen in place, stunned at what he had witnessed.

The wisp slowly turned into the unknown being that he had encountered at Duchess Rebecca's villa, and slowly, after killing the butler, it approached the lifeless body of Robert's twin and stabbed it three times before moving out of the room.

The unknown strange being ignored Robert, as if he did not exist. That is why Robert closely followed it. He took a robe that was hanging in the corner of the room to cover himself in case someone else might notice him.






"This is amazing; you're not even giving them a chance to fight back."

The unknown strange being stabbed, smashed, or sliced whoever it encountered while it roamed around the Aston annex mansion, while Robert leisurely watched everyone being killed helplessly.

He is more concerned about the reason why the unknown being were murdering the people of Aston than the deaths of the people around them.


"W-what now?"

Robert loudly asked once the whole annex house lit up in a golden glow after the strange unknown being finished killing everyone in the annex except Robert.

Then, after the entire house was completely covered in golden glow, the corpses began to float, and they moved in the direction of the house's dining area.

Robert walked away from the unknown being because he was more interested in what would happen to the corpses.

Like what had happened to Duchess Rebecca's villa, the corpses were piled on the long dining table, with his twin brother on top of the mountain of corpses.

Soon after, the golden glow slowly disappeared with the blood stains and traces of the murder all over the house, as if nothing had happened.

Robert gritted his teeth and immediately ran back to where the strange unknown being was standing and not moving.

"Hey! You're the culprit!" He shouted as he could not believe that he believed the strange being for telling him that she was not the one who did the murder at Duchess Rebecca's villa.


Again, the strange being forced itself to rip its face to form a mouth to speak.

"Nooo.... I am not!"

"I see it with my own eyes! You did this all!"

Robert grabbed the strange being's neck harder to not let it go, but it didn't choke her because the strange being wasn't breathing at all.

With closer contact, Robert could tell that the strange being wasn't a normal living being because it seemed to lack the normal body parts to tell that it was functioning as a normal living creature.

The structure of its body was too peculiar, as he could not tell where its heart was located.

"T-he crea-tor ma-de m-me do this!!!" the strange being responded in a monotone and choppy way, but Robert could tell that the strange being was forced to do something.

He doesn't know why, but it's easy for him to believe whatever the strange being's words are without having any doubt and pitying it instead.

Robert was about to ask another question when the strange being cast the same attack it had back in Duchess Rebecca's villa.

"Don't tell me that attack is forced too?" He asked without panicking because he wouldn't fall victim to the same attack again.

Robert gathered aura around his feet to strengthen them before kicking the strange being, causing it to fly away from Robert and break through the walls.

Robert followed it until to where it landed.

Ironically, it landed on the pile of corpses.

Robert noticed the casting was still proceeding without the will of the strange being. That is why, before it could finish its casting, Robert picked up a random sword lying around the dining area and surrounded it with aura.

"Why do I feel like saving you?" he exclaimed as he ran toward the strange being, pointing his aura-enhanced sword.

"But apologies! I don't know how!"