The Life of Mary the Lonely Nurse (part 1/ Rewriten )

Maria PV

Hello, my name is Mary, I have been a nurse for as long as I can remember, right after graduation from school men went to fight for the country and women went to hospitals to save lives.

In my case it was a blessing in disguise, I didn't know I had a vocation to be a nurse, I stood out for years of my life in the profession.

The war ended and many co-workers went on with their lives, getting married, returning to their old professions, others went to their homes in other states and even in many different countries.

I was the same, I went back to my little town called Blue Eye, Arkansas, Texas.

As soon as I got back, I soon went to the only public hospital in my city and with my resume, I was accepted, I worked as a nurse for a few months thinking it would be forever, work was my love, my family, and my life, or so I thought. Until he met the famous and beautiful blue-eyed hero Charles, Charles Fitzgerald Swagger.

It was a beautiful day like any other when the news shocked the town, the famous hero returned home, Charles Fitzgerald Swagger.

Charles was an army veteran, retiring as a major in the United States Army and returning to become the sheriff of Polk Arkansas County.

Mary was indifferent to the first few days, they talked so much about him in bars, on the street, in the neighborhood, and even at the Hospital, even Mary couldn't help but be a little curious about it.

His life is peaceful and uneventful, so any exciting news is more than welcome.

Little did Mary know that these thoughts would change her routine, priorities, and her life forever.

Hello, my name is Charles Fitzgerald Swagger. I am retired from the Army, I fought for my country in World War I and World War II, my family has been in the Army for at least three generations before me and I have fought not to break that Swagger tradition, but war is not easy.

Every American patriot goes to war, they think they go to the battlefield and kill Nazis and they come back with a medal, full of honor, wealth, and status, but the reality is that few of them have come home, and the few that come back, they don't come back in one piece if they don't have physical trauma they will have mental trauma, the riches, none of us have seen or heard of wealth for a soldier, all we saw was misery and suffering, status was for whoever survived, it's a medal, handshakes from superiors and superficial compliments.

I'm also no different from anyone else I simply knew the truth from the moment I enlisted, I always knew and I think that's why I survived when everyone else died, my friends, life and death companions, and even people that I called brothers lost their lives in the flames of war, only I survived, I won a medal a little better than the others, a better handshake than the others and a status that the others didn't reach.

In the end, I'm no better than them, I carry my ghosts like everyone else.

Today is the day I got home, everything is the same as I remember, everything is so beautiful, so calm, it's everything I dreamed of seeing.

So why don't I feel happy? Why can't I feel the happiness I felt before I left, what's wrong?