Loss is part of life... (rewriten)

Alex PVs

After a week I finally managed to get up, I went to the mirror to take a look, and let's just say that as much as I've been bedridden for the last four years, I'm still pretty good, just a little thinner, but nothing like some food. From Grandma Mary to fix it.

After a month I was discharged and ready to go home, the only problem is that grandma and dad are fighting over where I'm going to live, my dad says he's there now and wants me to stay with him, my grandmas say their house is my house and I shouldn't go out, the impasse doesn't stop and we are disturbing the peace of the hospital, after a lot of persuasions I made them stop fighting.

I finally managed to convince the father that I don't want to live with June, he took a long time to accept and let's just say he's not happy at all, now I'm going hunting with him next month, Bob Lee is coming too, I think he's too young, but daddy left without listening to me, I can't do anything else.

Many months have passed since I woke up and it is already 1986. Today is January 15th and Dad is coming to get me hunting.

In the last few months my father introduced me to a group of teachers to teach me, I also learned what changed in my body after the accident, I gained photographic memory and also a high understanding, when the teachers came to teach I learned everything like a sponge is remembered since I learned everything in my past life so it was all without major problems, I decided to get in touch with technology since we are in 86 and 90s technology will enter a new era and I don't want to be left behind.

My dad would go back and forth with Bob Lee and a man I know from the show, Sean, the Swagger family attorney, he and my dad are high school friends.

Sean left the state to study and work at a good law firm, came back recently and opened his office in the city, reunited with his father, and is nowhere to restart the friendship, nothing too complicated.

As soon as we arrived at the camp I had to admit that Texas is very dangerous for outsiders, every family practically knows how to use guns or has guns in the house, it is almost always more than one, my dad has two hunting rifles with him and Sean has a revolver, and the guy is a lawyer, imagine the other Texan family, what a danger! I want to see someone enter these houses to steal.

After getting everything ready Dad said I have to accompany him on the hunt while Sean and Bob go get ready for the meat to arrive, after which it was hours we found a deer, and well Dad put a bullet in it and it was all right.

(Y/N: Shit forward hahaha just to complete the story, I don't know much about hunting so forgive me (─.─||)... )


Earl looks at Alex and says. "Listen, Alex, in the hunt you must be patient, the prey will not appear in front of you and expect you to kill it, you must follow the techniques I have just taught you, and most importantly, never, I said never, aim your gun for something you're not going to kill, got it?"

Alex looks seriously at his father and says. "Yes dad, I understand, hunting requires patience, don't point your gun at something you don't want to kill"

"That's right boy, be responsible with a gun in your hand, because it's something dangerous that requires a lot of responsibility, look here, they come with a safety lock, only unlock it if you're sure you're going to shoot, if it's not unlocked it's not dangerous, pay attention pay close attention Alex 'cause a bullet is forever!" Earl looks at Alex in all seriousness as he says this.

"Yes, Dad! I'll remember those words forever!" Alex says in a serious tone.

Back at camp we had a lot of fun and it was all very happy, my first moment as father and son in my two lives, Bob was the happiest of all, and Sean is nice, he seems like an uncle to us, after enjoying the weekend, we got home and got into the routine.

I went to school for the first time in my life, I played with Alan, I had private lessons at home, I learned several languages, martial arts, and Uncle Sean taught me some laws and history and that was my childhood.

We entered the year 1989, a year of tragedy in the Swagger family, grandma Mary left this year, after receiving a call from the school, saying that I was fighting with some older students who called me a bastard and some other things, grandma was to school to sort out the situation but before she could arrive a truck picked her up on the road and destroyed the whole car she had no chance of survival when I got this news I passed out immediately I just woke up the other day the family it was all together until June behaved well that day, as it was Grandma Mary's wake.

After grandma Mary's death, grandma Lala seems to have aged about twenty years, sometimes I think the only thing holding her in this world is me and Lee, but even that doesn't seem to be enough now, grandma Lala has lost her spirituality and vivacity, now she has taken on the role of grandma Mary, she has become much more serious and rigid, she is still grandma Lala, but it looks like she is and at the same time not, but that's ok, I know she is already lost I did everything I did what I could to lift her spirits, but it wasn't until Bob Lee's birthday that she showed signs of improvement.

After Bob Lee's birthday, our dad took Bob Lee, Alan, and my hunt, but this time I'm also armed, my dad's been a little weird lately, but I think it's because of grandma Mary's death, he doesn't seem too focused on his surroundings, half worried, while I'm lost in thought, out of nowhere the father stops and says.

"Lee, Alex, come here, I want to talk to you.

Pay close attention, sometimes bad things happen to good people, and good people do bad things thinking they are doing the right thing. You shouldn't judge people by what others say and you should form your own opinions, understand?"

"Yes father!" the two responded at the same time, but Alex was intrigued!

"dad why are you saying this, does it have something to do with June? or was it grandma mary's death? dad why do people leave so soon?" asks Alex still intrigued by his dad's words.

"Alex, the loss is a part of life, your grandmother Mary was already an old lady and didn't have as much energy as you kids, so she didn't survive the accident.

I'm talking about life, you have to face life with an open mind, don't be carried away by prejudice, like June, she missed the opportunity to meet you, Alex, out of sheer rancor and rancor!"

"I see father!" says Alex a little less intrigued, but deep down he still feels uneasy.

After the hunt there was lunch and they enjoyed the family weekend at camp, Alex learned more about guns and hunting, soon discovered that not only was his memory good but his muscle memory was good too, everything I learned, I was soon put into practice instinctively, it made me very happy and I learned everything Dad taught me like a sponge.