Young patriots are the future.

3rd person PVs

Washington D.C. (Pentagon)

In a meeting room, a heated debate is taking place, insults and cursing as if it were a bar in the favela, prestigious people recognized worldwide as the most powerful of the most powerful nation were nothing more than childish old men arguing and fighting with each other, no it looked like a meeting to decide the fate of a country.

However, two people arrived who made the president, who has so far said nothing, leave the generals of the country's three armed forces to keep their mouths shut, with just one word.

"Very well, Major Blazer, I hear that the mission I gave you was a success! And yet your team not only rescued the nuclear scientists but also destroyed their research facility! Good job!"

"Thank you very much, Mr. President!"

"Now whoever was responsible for our success, introduce me to this young hero!"

"Yes sir, his name is Alexander Bell, one of the most successful in our American army, before I came to my unit he studied at the camp, he was the best in all subjects, he did some small missions, until he arrived in my unit, on his first mission with me, he uncovered the crime scene, discovered a spy in our ranks, rescued the weapons, killed one of the Al Qaeda leaders, obtained vital national security information, and saved my entire unit, with his life on the line, and gained worldwide recognition, under the moniker of Crimson Devil, earning a bronze star medal and five million on his head, is one of the top 10 Sniper rankings.

His second mission as captain, and I don't need to list his accomplishments and that of his crew, was a complete success," says Major Blazer.

"Yes, it's true that this young patriot is a find, a real gem for the army, Congratulations General! His army will be in good hands in the future!"

"thank you, sir president!" The army general thanked him.

"Back to the point, can he give us a report on his last mission and what he found?"

"Please, Captain Bell, proceed with your report orally!" Major Blazer asks Alex.

Alex PV's

"Yes Major! According to the mission you assigned me, my unit rescued the nuclear scientists, but they only had two physicists and two engineers alive, the Iraqis killed two engineers for not wanting to collaborate, this facilitated our arrival before the bomb was completed, according to the intelligence collected, Saddam Husseim was not at the base, which by the way was a research and development center for chemical and nuclear weapons, we planted explosives and sent the whole place into the air, after rescuing the scientists, thus destroying not only the bomb project but also all the research done in the laboratory, with the base destroyed, the Iraqis initiated a protocol.

I followed them, to another base where Saddam Husseim was talking to a Russian about arms smuggling, looks like Russia wants the war to last long enough so they can restructure without being suppressed by NATO!" says Alex ending his report.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Bell, for your hard work and for risking your life, for the good of your country! I will reward you with a promotion and a silver star, you are a hero of the country, everyone should know!" says the president with visible emotion.

"Captain Bell, do you have a description of this Russian arms dealer you saw with Saddam Husseim?" asks the army general.

"Thank you very much, Mr. President, but I didn't do anything, I just planned the extraction of the scientists and served as bait for the Iraqi soldiers, the real heroes are the soldiers who entered the enemy base and saved the scientists and destroyed the entire base, three good men were killed. They deserve this medal, not me!" I tell the president with regret.

"Mister General, I don't think recognizing photos will help much, but I can make a sketch, a sketch of what he looks like now, does it look good to you?" says Alex talking to the army general.

"Yes, yes! you're right, everyone will get the medal and a promotion! You go to the independence day parade and I'll reward you there, what do you think?" says the president

"Of course, if Captain Bell gets more comfortable drawing, so be it, I'll ask the artists to come to you after your vacation is over! Is that okay?"

"I just received a medal, I don't know if it's good to win another one!" I tell the president

"Of course sir the artists can meet me at the base at the end of next month, that's when I come back," I tell the General

"No! no way, wartime calls for a hero, heroes are made to inspire people, give hope. You have to accept it!" says the president

"That's right, Young! soldiers need a role model, you are an expiration date for all young patriots! You have a moral duty to your fellow soldiers, whether they be in the navy, army, or air force!" says the Brigadier.

"I accept the medal, but I don't want any promotion! Only the medal is fine!"

"Alright, anything else?" says the president.

"Yes, I will receive the medal in a closed ceremony!"

"That... Alright! Anything else?"

" Only that."

The conversation was happening, the plans were being created and thrown away at the same speed, we drank and smoked, the old ghosts that command together with the largest armed forces in the world, nowadays they looked like children playing and fighting. Hours passed and finally, I said.

"I would love to stay and have tea with you, but my superior is very demanding and won't let me play here, if I take too long he'll make me wish the whole battalion!" Alex says jokingly.

"Oh, you mean your superior is all that? Great! I'll teach him a lesson, I'll send him to Alaska!!" the president jokes back.

"Hahahaa Major Blazer deserves it, he looks like a Slave Maker! He's going to enslave Alaska!!" Alex gives him a just cause look and points a finger at Blazer.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Everyone in the room.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, let's send this Saddam Husseim to hell! There's no end to his crimes! Let's end his reign of terror!" I say while greeting him.

"Yes, you are right Captain Bell, we are counting on you to help us in this endeavor!" says the president.

I salute and speak. "Yes sir! permission to withdraw?"

"Permission granted! God bless you young man, God bless America, now and forever!"

"May God hear the President!" everyone says at the same time.

Get out of that cult room, with a nagging fear of being brainwashed, this president is a cult leader.

I asked Major Blazer why these old men fight so much, and the answer was kind of weird to hear.

It seems that the army was the greatest military power in the country, right after the first world war the country's navy developed very fast, but even then it lost to the army, then came the second world war, and the Air Force was born and its power was not it was less than the last two, with technological advances, the Navy and the Air Force became as powerful as the Army, which did not have as much evolution, that's why these old people fight because the one with the highest performance receives more money to develop.

With these thoughts in my head and a slightly disturbed mood, I returned home to write my report and speak with Megan Philips and make plans for the company, she is now the CEO of my tech company and looks after my underworld organization, she only knows how to manage the underworld, she is not very good at the company as she doesn't understand much about technology, I need someone with technical knowledge in technology to handle the company and leave Megan alone with the underworld.

I went to a place I haven't visited in years, I haven't visited this place in three years, I went to New Orleans Louisiana, specifically, I went to a shed, where I put the fruit of my first robbery, a car I stole when I was fourteen, that's right the place is the shed where Bob Lee's share of Grandma Mary's inheritance is, and also where the black Dodge charger is.

I'm going to visit Texas and deliver Bob Lee's money and see how he's doing, and what happened to Grandma Lala, visit Grandma Mary's grave, and pay my respects to Dad, it's time to come home after six years.

With these thoughts and a sad mood, I started the car after five years.
