
(Wednesday, January 15, 2001)

Alex PVs

After the old man left the room I was lost in thought and started to see life more broadly, I wanted to be the hero of the army, have a criminal empire in the shadows, and still be a tycoon, it's very childish of me, It feels like I'm treating this world like it's a dream and any moment I'm going to wake up.

To make my situation worse, I almost died, I don't even know how I ended up in this world, I don't know if I'll be reincarnated in another world with my memories or where people who die go, if I die and lose all my memories, it would be a death eternal because what defines us who we are are our memories and experiences.

Caught in a circle of thoughts and hypotheses, I didn't notice the young woman who entered the room with my belongings.

"Excuse me, grandpa asked to give you this..." says the young woman shyly.

"Oh sorry. I was thinking of a few things. Thank you so much, my name is Alexander but you can call me Alex." I say with a smile.

"Uh... You're welcome, you must have been through a lot, since you've been in a coma for so long, it's normal to be thoughtful.

My name is Kimberly, you can call me Kim. Here are the things you asked for grandpa." Kim says with her head down, not daring to look at Alex shirtless.

"Thank you. Tell me, as everyone here speaks English, as far as I know, we are in Afghanistan." I ask curiously.

"To be honest, this is because of the grandfather, he teaches classes for interested children, but not all of them, only six people speak English here in the village," Kim says softly.

"Oh, grandpa Jair is amazing, his medical skills are on par with army combat medics, if not greater."

"May I ask what the world is like outside? I never leave the village, only my father"

"And what do you want to know about the outside world? It's very big, I don't know everything, I only know a few simple things.

Besides traveling for work, I never leave my country!" I talk to the innocent young woman in front of me.

"And as your country is, it must be bigger than this simple village!" says Kim excitedly.

"Well, it's a big country, I've never explored much, but I've been to some places," Alex explained to the girl.

"Wow... Can you tell me what places you've been like?" Kim asks expectantly.

"Sure, I can tell you, but first, you give me some time to rest, I need to take care of some things first," Alex tells Kim to give Kim some alone time to make some calls if her devices are working.

"Of course, you must be tired, after all, you are injured. Sorry for my rudeness." Saying those words, Kim runs out of the room, her face red with embarrassment.

After Kim leaves the room, I grab my boots, rip off the soles, and check the two devices I always carry with me.

The cell phone was working, but the transmitter needs to be cleaned because water got in, it wasn't damaged because this object was of my creation and was made to be water-resistant, with the internal components all insulated.

After everything was settled I installed the transmitter on the satellite phone and dialed Megan's number, after a few rings she answered.

"Hello, who am I talking to?"

"~ Have you forgotten your male's voice?" I say in a sensual voice.

"ALEX!!! Are you okay? I'm told you were presumed dead in action!" says Megan trying to hold back tears.

"Well Alexander Bell died in combat my beautiful sweet Megan but your male Alexander Charles Swagger is more alive than ever, how is the situation?" I ask wanting to know what changed after my death.

"Well... Aside from Mr. Reddington who called and asked about you six times last month, your uncle Sean and Bob Lee, no one said anything, your death wasn't even announced to the world as the mission is secret." Megan says mercilessly.

It was at that moment that I realized, my death will affect no one, I will not be remembered for anything, and no one knows what I did, much less who I am. "Alright, don't tell anyone about my survival! Army Captain Alexander Bell is dead! As soon as I recover I'll be back, for now, this is my number, I only called between that time, which is when I will be available, otherwise, the number will be deactivated, if I need to talk to you I will call this number daily. Bye!"

"Alright! It's great to know you're alive, I miss you, the girls too! ~Come back soon and I'll let you in from behind~ Bye..." Megan hangs up right after those words.

After this refreshing conversation, I call Frankie, but even after calling for minutes on end, no one answers.

I tried to call Nez, I also called more than five times and nothing, on the sixth attempt she answered. "Hello, who's the annoying thing that calls people so often! If I don't answer sooner, I'm not available! Go to hell!!"

Cutting your curses, I say. "I didn't know my sweet Nez Rowan had such a foul mouth! Guess when I get back I'll have to discipline her!"

"ALEX!!! Are you okay? Where are you? How dare you go a month without hearing from me? You almost killed my heart!! Damn it!" Nez says desperately.

"Calm down! I'm fine! Private Alexander Bell is dead, got it? How can you think anyone would call that number of yours since it's an exclusive phone I gave you! Does your brain die with me?" I say very upset with your curses.

"Sorry. I forgot that detail. You have no idea what I went through, Major Blazer said you were reported missing in action, and fifteen days later they declared you dead in action.

They didn't give any explanation, Frankie asked the Major but the Major wouldn't give details and gave command of the unit to Frankie, she then punched him in the face and has been in jail for 10 days." Nez reported.

"Hahahahah... This situation is in keeping with Frankie's personality, don't tell anyone I'm alive, have you ever noticed that there's something wrong with the circumstances of my supposed death?"

"Yes. It's very strange, everyone pretends you don't even exist, they treat you like a taboo, anyone who talks about you is treated like crazy, I think I'm leaving the army, I don't want to go through the same situation as you, it wasn't for that I studied so much!" says Nez regretfully.

"Excellent, I'll need help with my plans, if you want a job just go to the CEO of Skynet Industries."

"Of course, I've heard about this company, it sounds like a rocket taking off, it's been featured in several magazines, the CEO is seen as a business genius and was voted the most successful young woman of 2000. Where do you know her from?" Nez says excitedly.

I talk a little more with Nez about the company being mine, and that Megan is my childhood 'friend' and then I hang up to rest, today was quite a day.


(Y/N: Sorry I'm late guys. There was a storm here in my city.

PS: For those who don't know, I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Hand over your POWER STONES or Frankie will hit you and take your cookies the same way she did Major Blazer)