The historic robbery!

(Friday, February 8, 2001)

Alex PVs

Today is the first day of expansion of my organization, and we are already starting with two golden keys, the first key and the first crime of Frankie and Nez, I decided to go with something easy and that is already in the planning for 10 years.

Yesterday everything was discussed with the girls, Nez and Frankie already know about my past and what I'm fighting for, and today is the girls' first mission, I finally decided to steal the treasure that is hidden in the old amphitheater.

"Girls, you already know, today I'm going to make my dream come true! Today is a historic day, we're going to find the cargo of the Spanish Ship, The Ballad of De Lá Cruz, Hidolgo stole it and hid it in opera singer Judith Snell's dressing room, and all things already told by Meg to you, her cargo Is Gold, Silver, and many jewels!"

"But Alex, why do you want to do this today?" Frankie I ask.

"Today there's a show in the amphitheater, and it's an opera, so at the end of the play, when they're in a wave of applause, Nez here is going to blow up the basement wall, which gives access to Judith's former exclusive dressing room, so I'm going to trigger the firefighters while Meg yells that there's a fire, after that, our associates will arrive in a retrofitted fire truck and we'll take all the treasure, like true treasure hunters!" I say with enthusiasm.

"It's a good plan, and we've heard the details. But there's a problem!" says Nez.

"And what would it be?" I look at Nez.

"If at the end of all this, the ship has sunk and there's nothing there, that's ten years of your life! You know right, that you're hunting a legendary ghost?

" Ha, I'm going to be pissed! But I've already created an emergency plan, that's the second golden key, and his name is Andrew Pollux. Big arms dealer and a good neighbor on the surface! But in reality, he is human trash that likes to have sex with 9-15-year-olds, whether girls or boys!" I speak with barely contained fury.

"Are you talking about the Swiss drug lord?" Mega question.

"Yes, Meg! If that treasure isn't in the amphitheater, this guy will find the crowbar!" I speak gravely.

"Hmm? Crowbar?" Frankie asks dubiously.

"Oh, that was so long ago, I'm going to have to dust off my good old crowbar!" I comment with nostalgia.

"It's true! ~ I still remember how sexy you were with that crowbar in your hand, that bastard deserved it! It's a shame he marked our lives forever!" Meg hugs Alex from behind and says in her ear.

"Can anyone tell me why these two went to a world of their own and left us here, full of curiosity!" Frankie stomps her foot on the floor and pouts.

"Hahaha... They do that a lot! But it's always a good backstory, and someone always gets mad!" Says Taty sitting in the office chair.

"It's true, this time I agree with the brute over there," says Olly as he walks toward the vending machine.

"Okay... I think they'll tell us soon!" Frankie sits in a chair and waits.

"Hmm." Nez does the same.

When Alex and Meg finish remembering the past, they look around and find everyone sitting there looking at them expectantly. "What's going on here, why are you sitting there?"

"We want to hear about that Crowbar story you told earlier!" Taty says with a smile.

"They're all the same, right?" I say in a tired voice.

The girl nods and Frankie says impatiently. "Tell me, I want to kill that pedophile!"

"Well... I'm not allowed to tell a story that doesn't belong to me! I'm just a minor character in this story, to be honest, it's not even a big story or anything."

"So whose story is this, don't tell me it is…?" Nez asks.

"Yes... It's Meg."

"I have no problem talking about it as it is something that brought me closer to you and brought me to where I am today!" Meg speaks calmly.

"Fine, but do you want to tell them that?"

"Yes. I consider them my sisters, after all, they are all close to you in one way or another!" Meg smiles.

"Alright, make yourself comfortable!" I walk to my seat at the table.

Meg sees everyone looking at her expectantly, so she sat in the chair faces everyone, and spoke. "This story goes back 1 year after I met Alex, a year when he and I were opening a live house where after-show girls provided special customer service for a high price, and the business was a monstrous success, we gain a lot from it, whether it's money or influence! But one day a drug dealer came to have a meeting at our establishment, and I, as the main owner, personally attended to them." Meg began to tell the story.

"I think I already know where this story is going!" says Nez.

"Yes," Frankie agreed.

"This drug kingpin took an interest in me right away, but I was always professional with him and said I didn't do that kind of service, but he wouldn't listen.

A few hours later, when his business was ready, he called me saying he wanted to close the account, I didn't know at the time that the room was empty, so I went alone, but when I got there, he immediately attacked me, pulled me into the room and closed the door, then he and running his hands over my body, I fought with him, I don't know if he was drugged or drunk, but he couldn't control me properly, so he got angry and violent, he started hitting me and I retaliated, but the bastard was too strong, and just when I thought I was going to be raped, Alex showed up with a crowbar in his hands and hit the pervert on the head, he hit him until the guy's head sank and died.

I soon discovered a side of Alex that I didn't know and witnessed his first murder, and he discovered my vulnerable side, that day we got on the same page and we're on it to this day!" Meg says the ending under her breath.

"Hahaha... Nothing like killing a pervert and hiding the body together with someone to deepen the relationship!" says Alex embarrassed.

"Oh... Is that a blush we're seeing on his face, Alex?" Olly teases.

"No! Excuse me, I have to make a call!" Alex runs out of the room.

"Hahahahaha..." The girls laughed at Alex's actions.

After leaving the room, Alex calms down and calls Raymond Reddington. The phone rings for a few seconds, and then someone answers. "Hello, this is Kaplan, who do I speak to?"

"Huh? Kate! why are you answering Raymond's phone?"

"Oh, it's Alex! Do you want to talk to Ray?" Kaplan asks.

"Yes, I wanted to invite Raymond to see an opera at the amphitheater, I want you to see it too, of course!"

"That's nice of you Alex, I'll take the phone to him, if he goes I'll accompany him naturally!" Kaplan says and goes to Raymond Reddington to deliver the phone.

"Hello? It's Alex, what can I do for you?"

"Robert Vesco!" I say with a smile.

"How do you know that damn name?" Raymond asks angrily.

"Hahahahah... Calm down Red, I'm giving you the chance to get back at him, in the clear style!"

"Alright, what should I do?"

"Nothing, just watch an opera at the New Orleans amphitheater and of course, things can heat New Orleans style!

"Very well boy! What time should I arrive?"

"7:00 pm is ok?"

"Great! Now I'm going to hang up since I have a jet to catch, I'm in Vienna Italy, but I think you already know right?"

"No! I didn't know, I'm so used to using satellite phones that I forgot the range of regular phones!" I say in an embarrassed voice.

" Hahahahah... Now that you say that, you can make a call no matter where I am! Very curious, at first I thought you always knew where I am, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Tell me, boy, how far do your satellites go?"

"All over the world, no matter where.

Unless they use signal jammers where I am, or where my receiver is, other than that I can find you through your cell phone wherever you are!

I'm the best tracker on the market for now!" I immediately answered your question, after all this is my arrogance.

"Good to know, how do I get these signal jammers?"

"Afraid of being tracked, Red?"

"Actually yes! This technology is scary! I can't do without a cell phone, but I also don't want to be tracked, so I need these signal jammers, I would be grateful if you could give me one of these toys!" Raymond Reddington speaks.

"Alright, when you get home tonight, I'll give you a toy! See you later!"

"Thanks, see you later!"

After hanging up the phone, I go over to the girls to continue discussing the details of the plan and which of my associates will participate in this robbery, after all, I don't want to share my money with anyone, if too many people know the secret could leak, then shit will go down.

While Alex has fun planning the heist, in Europe, specifically Italy, Raymond Reddington calls Kaplan to discuss the results of the blood test he did on a certain young man.

"So Kate, this boy is getting more and more terrifying, don't you think?"

"Stop paranoid Ray, Alex is a good boy!" Kate defends Alex.

"Yes he is, but he's very careful, it took us almost four years to get our hands on his blood, tell me was it worth it?" Raymond Reddington asks.

"I don't know, the results came out today, you were so paranoid whenever he called, you thought he was watching you 24 hours a day, and he made me come to Italy to take the exam!" Kate mocks.

"Give it a break Kate! I was right in the end! Give me the results, I want to know if she had two kids instead of one!" Raymond Reddington asks anxiously.

"Calm down Ray! Dembe went to get it, he said he was on his way, soon you'll know!

"Alright, I hope in the end I'm wrong, and he's not her son, because if anyone finds out about this, the boy will be in danger he can't even imagine!" Raymond Reddington says nervously.

"But if he's her son, I'll be very happy, I like Alex!" says Kate smiling.

"Yes. I like the Swagger boy too, it's precisely because I like him that I pray it's negative!" Raymond Reddington had barely finished his words when Dembe arrived.

"Dembe! Do you have the results?"


(Y/N: We're getting to the truth! Hand over your cookies! I mean... Hand over your POWER STONES or Kaplan will make your cookies disappear forever!)