The next target!

Alex PVs

After taking over all of Andrew Pollux's routes, my operators increased their profits by 30%, my business more than doubled, and this is just an initial estimate.

My initial estimate is that after taking over the business of the other two, my business will increase by 80%, of course, that was before, I didn't count on the fact that they offer a single service, my empire, on the other hand, offers a complete package, be it weapons, a place to stay, new identities, information, among other things.

My empire is not only growing in the area of ​​transport, but it is also growing as a whole, and that is a welcome surprise.

At the moment I'm resting in my jet with the girls, our destination is Warsaw, I'm going to meet Geoff to get the money I extorted from him, I'm going to take the opportunity to take a look at Monarc Douglas Bank, and take a walk with the girls, what they saw and had to do it, it's not for everyone.

We arrive in Warsaw, and it's already 19:00, I'm going to call Geoff and see how things are going.

"Hello, I'm already in Warsaw, we can make an appointment whenever you want!" says Geoff as he picks up his cell phone.

"Alright my friend, we can meet at 21:00, you go to the park, walk to the second seat at the entrance to the park, getting there you glue the package under the seat and go to the other side of the park, getting there, you look under the second seat, there you will find a videotape, containing recent footage of their family, they will be holding newspapers with today's date!" I instruct him calmly.

"Okay! What's your second existence?" Geoff asks.

"Nothing for now! stay tuned and save this line! This is the last time we speak this week!" I say.

"Yes! I will do as instructed." Geoff says calmly.

After talking to Geoff, I head to the hotel room the girls rented, sure Geoff thinks I'm silly, he'll have our calls traced the next time I call, and I'll leave him a nice surprise.

Soon it was 9 pm and I sent one of my associates to the venue to get the card while I went with the girls to have fun. In the end, Geoff did what he said he would do, he honestly paid the 800 million, I still had my doubts that he wasn't up to anything, but seeing how he's been cooperating so faithfully and trying to make me believe he'll cooperate until the end. In the end, I'm sure he'll attack when I have my guard down.

We spent 1 week in Warsaw, a great place at this time of year, full of tourists and lots of attractions, I visited Monarc Douglas bank several times and the security is good, not great, but still good, I would say if I rob the bank, all of Warsaw would come after me so I understand why they didn't increase security but that will change soon my shadows have already found Kaja Tomczak, currently she is 18 years old and studying here in Warsaw, soon she will get a job in this bank, and I'll have everything ready for when that happens.

The holidays are over, and the business I took over from Andrew Pollux is already stabilized, so I'm ready to take on another one, and my target is the African, his name is Thomas Lubanga.

According to the Shadows, this guy was a soldier in Congo, but because of the lack of weapons in the war, his country lost a lot.

He abandoned his military career and became an international arms dealer, spending most of his youth until old age dealing arms, drugs, and even people, as real dealers.

Its business scale is on the level of being one of the biggest suppliers of weapons to big cartels like the Eberhardt Cartel and the Mombassa Cartel, this one is going to take a lot of work to stabilize.

"Girls, today we are going after a human trafficker, that is, another garbage that needs to be cleaned up! A man with no morals who sells his kind! Does anyone have any questions?" I ask.

"Yes! Why are we hunting people who work for the Eberhardt cartel?" Olly asks fearfully.

"Because I want to! The Eberhardt cartel will fall, just draw the right cards and this castle will crumble! Don't be afraid, I know what you went through being kidnapped by the Kings, and I understand your fears, but you have to face it.

Olly! Think of how many people weren't as lucky as you! Fight for you, fight for me, your new family, and the girls who weren't so lucky!" I declare angrily!

"Yes! You're right, I can't live in fear!" Olly declares.

"That's the Olly I know!" Meg hugs her.

"At least you're not a coward!" Taty teases.

"Fufufufuf... This girl still has salvation!" Nez claims.

"Hahahahah... That's how you say it! let's get the bastard and show him some truths of life!" Frankie says.

"And what truth is that?" I ask ironically.

"..." Frankie is embarrassed.

"Hahahahaha..." Everyone.

After some relaxation, I got serious and gave the situation report and how we are going to act. "Alright girls, let's act this week, the plan is simple, Thomas Lubanga in recent years has not left his mansion in Congo, his mansion is located in the mountains, and it is difficult to access by land, the only road is heavily guarded by hundreds of armed guards, he's got people high up in the army and a ton of thugs at his disposal! We plan to raid his mansion from above, in the dead of night." Halfway through the explanation, Meg asks.

"How are we going to get in? You said it was difficult to access."

"Good question! Let's go upstairs!" I say opening a map and showing my plan.

" This way?" asks Frankie

"But how are we going to get there, if we go by boat, the watchtowers and guards would notice us before we even see the coast!" Nez refutes.

"Hahahahah... We're going to use the American style! We're going by plane, arriving at the right coordinates we'll jump, then we'll swim to the shore and climb the lowest point of the mountain to infiltrate, here!." I respond by pointing to a small part of the map.

"oh... Hohoho... I think it might work!" Nez perks up.

"Of course, you will! My plan is simple, but it's only at the entrance, at the exit we will blow everything up!" I respond with a maniacal smile.

"Hahahahahahaha... Excellent!" Nez laughs along.

"I'm glad you liked it, Nez! Now, does everyone approve of the plan or do you have anything to add?" I asked curiously.

"Well... How about I stay and monitor you via satellite, like a watchtower, or a guide in case something goes wrong, you stay on the line with me and I'll give you the information in real-time!" says Olly.

"That's a good idea, what do you think Alex?" Mega questions.

"No doubt it's a good idea! I agree with your request, Olly! In this mission, you are the control tower!" I proclaim.

"Well, if anyone else has anything to add, I'm all ears!"

"Um... About the plan, I think we're missing a little problem!" says Frankie.

"Which would be?" I asked

"I think we should have a bigger team, you know, to distract the guards when our plane passes, because we're going to parachute into the water if a soldier sees us through the binoculars or I don't know if there's someone there watching the beach, it's going to be dangerous.

We have no way to defend ourselves in the water whatever the problem, it's not guaranteed they won't keep an eye on everything." Frankie says thoughtfully.

"That was something I didn't think of! Meg, call our associates, tell them I need them to buy some weapons from African arms dealer Thomas Lubanga, make an appointment for Friday, it has to be at night, at least 6 pm:00 hours!"

"Alright! That's a good idea!" says Meg.

"Frankie, you used your head!" Nez comments smiling.

"Of course! I'm a genius!" Frankie brags.

"Yes, you are a genius! when your brain isn't sleeping!" Olly says smiling.

"Hahahahah..." Nez and Taty.

"Hey! My brain only sleeps at night with me!" Frankie says, making the situation worse.

"Hahahahahahaha..." This time we all laughed at Frankie's antics.

"Fine! Since it's all decided, let's go hunting!


(Y/N: Wait for the release of my new FanFiction! Shingeki no Kyojin: Kruger Yeager. For those who have read the manga, and seen the Anime, we all know how the story ends! But what if Eren wasn't the only son growing up in walls? If he had an older brother, who would take care of him and protect him? Well, if you must know, wait until next week!"

Pass your POWER STONES or Thomas will steal your cookies!)