Too easy?

Alex PVs

I looked at Dom and asked. "If you know where my mom is, why are you only telling me now?"

Dom looks at Raymond Reddington who was frowning and then at me and sighs. "I don't know if you're my grandson, so I want to know the result of the test Red did on you."

On second thought, there was this event of taking the blood of the old man, he told me at the beginning of the conversation, I forgot that detail, to do a test, he will need the blood of both individuals, in this case, Dom's and mine. "How did you take my blood? I'm very careful about it, after all, I know a woman who can do a lot of damage with a single drop of blood."

Raymond Reddington, who had been silent until now, cracked a small smile and said. "It took two years, but the day you cut your finger with the knife at hunting camp, you were so worried about your blood that you didn't notice the glass you drank beer missing."

I'm feeling kind of ripped off right now, I just noticed this today but I was wondering so much how he got my blood, that I didn't worry about other fluids, but at least the saliva won't harm me so it doesn't matter. "hee... Astute as ever Red, but I'll admit, it was a good move."

Dom, who had been listening to the conversation until now, decided to ask something he was in doubt about. "If saliva was used, what did you want my blood for?"

Red looks sideways at Dom and says. "I didn't know it was so difficult to draw blood from the kid, so I used saliva."

Dom still in doubt asks. "Where did you get my saliva?"

Red looks at Dom like he's a rare animal and says. "Are you Russian!

All I needed was a bottle of vodka and two glasses, and you were shooting your saliva right in my face!"

Dom uses his right to be silent, he's an old outlaw, and to be an outlaw you should at least know where the law is and what your rights are. "..."

I got tired of looking at these two mummies, so I interrupted. "Okay, now we know how, where, and why, but the result is missing! Tell me Red, what was the result of that damn exam?"

Red looks at Dom, who looks desperate to know, and then looks at me, who looks calm on the surface, but inside I'm a mess, after what feels like hours, he finally lets out a weary sigh and says. "Aaah... Alright. In the beginning, when I first met you, Alex, you were just like your father, a hot-blooded young American patriot who wants to protect his homeland, but that was just the surface, deep down, you, were a lonely young man struggling to survive.

This trait was the same as Katarina, and little by little you showed more and more traits of her, so I searched for more information about you and discovered your mysterious birth, but what led me to take an exam was your red hair and wild behavior. Like hers, when I looked into your eyes, I saw a warrior, who will fight the world for himself and for those he loves!"

Dom gets emotional and sheds tears remembering his daughter, and says. "It was positive."

I see this scene, and I smile wryly and say. "It was positive for sure!"

Red sees the two with such certainty, he then puts on his hat, smiles, and says. "Oh, gosh! Of course, it was positive! Look at this troublemaker, if he didn't have Swagger Blood, you wouldn't have doubted it so much! This brat is double trouble because of Rostova Blood and Swagger's!"

Dom gets up and says. "Hahaha... That calls for a celebration!"

"Calm down! You're not forgetting anything, I mean Dembe is over there in that tree with a crosshair on my head! Kate, you can come in and call Dembe!" I scream in rage.

Dom and Red look at each other and laugh at the same time. "Hahahahaha..."

Dom, after laughing for a few seconds, says. "You were so calm this whole time, even with two guns pointed at your head, really a Rostova!"

After a while, Dembe arrives with a Rifle, accompanied by Kate, the two sit at the table and Dembe says. "Sorry about the weapon, but we thought you were trying to harm Dom!"

"No problem, I know you wouldn't shoot unless your lives were in danger!" I answer Dembe.

Dembe smiles and says. "I'm glad you understand, I like you, and I didn't want to shoot."

"Hahahahaha... Red, looks like Dembe has found a new friend! You'll be old and alone!" I smiled at Dembe, then spoke to Red.

Red scowls and then says. "Huh? Do you think Dembe would betray me?"

"Of course not!" I say smiling even more.

"Finally, getting back on topic, now that everything has been confirmed, and I am Katarina's son, Dom tells me where she is, and how can I get in touch with her. For even with all my resources, I haven't been able to find any sign of her."

Dom looks at Red, then at me, and finally answers. "Katarina is going around the world, as you know, there are many people after her, currently she is in Portugal. We don't contact her, she contacts us from time to time."

I became calmer and soon I reasoned. "How do you get in touch, what is the means of communication between the two of you?"

Dom took a sip of his whiskey taken by Kate and said. "Once a month I go to town to shop and I stay there all day, at 8 pm she calls me on the payphone."

I looked at Red and asked. "Alright old man, next time you go shopping call me. And you Red, how do you get in touch with her."

Red smiled haughtily and said. "When I want to get in touch with her, I look for her, leaving a message in a specific mailbox, with a secret code from us."

I settled in, and since I'm waiting until now, it doesn't hurt to wait a little longer. "Alright, I can wait a little longer. Let's party!!!"


(A/N: There you have it, why didn't I reveal the DNA test results before. Your author here is a Cough... Cough... Planner.

Source: Trust... (*﹏*;)

P.S: Pass your POWER STONES or Dembe will eat your cookies gently.)