The Death of Red Bama Part 3

(A/N: If you want to help me buy cookies, join my P@treon!



Kruger PVs

After starting the second phase of my three-phase plan, I put on a three-piece suit along with fake glasses, tossed my hair back, and looked very businesslike.

The third phase of my plan would be initiated by myself, I will contact Senior Red Bama and offer help on behalf of Gringotts Bank.

With the stage ready, I head towards the entrance of Bama Industries, when I reach the reception I say. "Hello, I would like to know if Mr. Red Bama is available?"

The receptionist was surprised by my question as no one looks for her boss these days. "Mr. Bama doesn't want to see anyone, may I know who you are?"

I smiled and took out a business card. "My name is Vladimir Rostova, I am a representative of Gringotts Bank and I came here to do business with Red Bama.

I think that's enough for him to want to welcome me."

The receptionist was surprised by my words, but she said them quickly. "Wait a minute, I'll go to him now!"

After the receptionist went to talk to Red Bama, I took my cell phone and started hacking into the security cameras and watched Red Bama's actions.

He was in his office getting drunk when someone knocked on his door, his first reaction was to put away his bottle of vodka and the second was to call the receptionist to come in.

The receptionist walked in and saw her boss's anger, so she quickly broke the good news. "Mr. Bama, there's a man in the lobby who wants to talk to you about business, here's his card."

Red Bama was irate to hear why the receptionist interrupted his thoughts, and I think she was mocking him, but still took the card, when he read what was written he quickly got up and ran down to the lobby to meet me personally.

Arriving at the lobby, Red Bama came up to me and said. "Hello Mr. Rostova, I'm Red Bama and I'm happy about your unexpected visit.

May I ask if you would like to come to my office so we can talk more about the reason for your visit?"

I, who already knew he was coming, had already put my cell phone away and was ready to greet Red Bama with a smile. "Of course, Mr. Bama, the purpose of my visit is to bring coal on a snowy day, if you know what I mean."

When we got to the office, Red Bama quickly poured me a shot of Vodka and said. "So... You know my situation, how are you going to send me enough coal for me to survive this blizzard?

I smiled professionally, denied the drink, and said. "Well... You should know about the bank I work for, and how we operate in the gray and neutral area of ​​the market.

I'm here to invest, when your company's dirty secrets came out, your company sank in just one week and became a hot potato for everyone but us of course.

For Gringotts Bank this is a good way to make money and friend, helping your company at risk, we will inevitably make a big profit.

I'm here to kill two birds with one stone.

Our business proposition is very simple and very famous in underground circles, we will provide you with financial capital and capable people in the field of marketing and everything else you need.

That coal should be enough for you to survive this harsh winter, don't you agree?"

Red Bama was pleasantly surprised, but still, he knew there was no free lunch in this world. "And what do you want in return, I don't think you guys at Gringotts Bank would value my friendship so much, do you?"

I looked at him innocently and said. "All we ask in return is 25% of your company's shares, of course, the starting capital will be equivalent to what we ask for.

We will apply an amount equivalent to 25% of your company's shares at market price, and if you want more capital to come into your company, you will have to use your shares with a guarantee and we will still give you one year to pay with 5% interest. Monthly.

What do you think, isn't it a good deal?"

Red Bama was surprised at the fair deal I was proposing and soon he said. "Why are you investing in me, in case you haven't noticed, my company is sinking.

What is the point?"

I, who was already expecting these words, took my cell phone and projected it on the wall with customer information. "See Mr. Bama, our bank is used to working with this type of business, the 25% of the shares we ask for are purely for profit purposes, if you look at the data portrayed in this file you will understand what we want.

See Mr. Bama, your company was once a giant, and now you have some problems and you lost a lot of money and your stocks lost value, if our bank invests in you now and helps your company go up, imagine how many millions we will make when your company gets back on track.

We invested dozens and profited hundreds, tell me if that's not a good deal?"

Red Bama was pleasantly surprised, he knows what the Bank's plan is and agrees with them. "If that's the case, I won't be polite.

Do you have a copy of the contract or are you still going to write it?"

I looked at the old man who was eager to give me his company and said. "Don't worry, I came prepared and I already have everything ready, you can take a look at the contract and see if it's to your liking if you go and just sign.

One more thing, I'd like you to get your son out of business, he doesn't have a good social image right now, and I don't think his company is worth associating with him."

Red Bama's mood turned out great and he quickly took the contract to read it, but on hearing what I said, all his moods disappeared as quickly as they came. "You don't have to pry into your clients' personal affairs, I suggest you don't do that again.

Be more professional, please, or I will file a complaint with your superiors."

My smile died quickly and I said with a cold expression. "You should have known that if it weren't for a special case, I would never have said this.

I think you should be a little more respectful to others, I'm not just any subordinate, if I said those words it's not for nothing, in case you didn't know, my superior is Gringotts Bank founding partner Kaja Tomczak.

It was in his name that I said this gentle reminder, my lady is a lady and like every lady, she hates rapists, if that wasn't good business and if she wasn't a successful businesswoman...

You would never have seen me in your entire miserable existence."

Red Bama was surprised and embarrassed, in his entire life, this is the first time he's been humiliated since he got rich. "I understand your circumstances, but you have to understand that he is my son!

I can't abandon my family, so I'll have to reject your proposal."

I looked at Red Bama like he was an alien and said. "As I said earlier, this is just a reminder, it will not affect our business.

It's just that with your actions, you are offending my lady and with that, you can never enter the circle of billionaires."

Red Bama was surprised by the term and asked. "Is there such a thing in this world?"

Seeing that he signed the contract, I checked everything and put it in my briefcase, got up calmly, and said. "Yes. The billionaire circle is as the name says, I have nothing more to say."

Red Bama understands he has no right to know as he is still a little way off hitting his first billion, watching me leave without saying anything else he gets anxious and asks. "When will capital flow?"

I walked to the elevator, pressed the button to open the door, got in, and when the door was about to close I said. "It's already in the company's account, I hope the shares are transferred by the end of the week."

As soon as the elevator doors closed completely, I took out my cell phone and made a call. "Hello, Kaja?

Then a soft voice came to me. "It's me, Alex. How was the transaction?"

I smiled and said. "Everything went according to plan, the first part of phase three was a monstrous success.

Start the second stage of phase two, tell them to push for the side of Red Bama Jr, which is the weaker side of senior Red Bama."

Kaja smiles widely and says. "Leave it to me and Olivia Olson, let's finish them!"

I smiled strangely and said. "You still don't get along with Som?"

Kaja gets mad at the way I call Olivia Olson. "Hump... You... You... Tuuu..."

I thought to myself. 'She hung up on me!'


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Red Bama Jr will harass your cookies!

P.S: Read my second FanFiction Shingeki no kyojin: Kruger Yeager, hope you like it!)