The Death of Red Bama part -7

Alex PVs

As soon as I entered Bob's family home, my princess came running to me.

"Uncle! Daddy said we're going to see great-grandmother and grandmother, is that true?"

I picked her up in my lap and answered. "He's right, let's go see your great-grandmother and grandmother. Put some nice clothes on so they don't think we don't take good care of our little princess!"

"Alright, I'll get ready! Wait for me, don't go without me!"

"Um... If it takes too long I'll leave without you! Go fast!!"

After the little princess went to get ready in her room, I went to Bob Lee and said. "How is grandma Lala?

The last time I went to visit her in the hospital she didn't recognize me, she was in a catatonic state, and that made me very sad."

Bob Lee takes a deep breath and says. "Yes. After grandpa and grandma, Mary died it devastated her, and not long after grandma Lala suffered another wave of loss when her father died and you walked away without saying anything, I think she couldn't take the pressure and be like that.

I never said it out loud, but I'm sure Grandma Lala lost the will to live."

I remembered my moments with grandma Lala and said. "I really can't deny what you say. Grandma Lala was always the weakest psychologically and it was one blow after another, but I believe she will recover, after all, she was also the toughest in the family."

Bob Lee gave a gentle smile and said. "It's true, in our childhood, it was always grandma Lala who taught us never to give up.

Do you remember when you started playing with computers?"

I smiled nostalgically and said. "Of course, I remember, it's one of my most precious memories. It was when I started to spend less time playing with grandma Lala and spent more time fiddling with computers, she spent almost a year studying computer science, so she could help me and continue to spend more time with me.

Grandma was terrible at it, but she never gave up, until I started helping with the parts she didn't understand.

Grandma Lala was very kind and the purest, in the end, after a year of study she learned to use the computer."

Bob Lee laughed and said. "Hahahahah... I know that, she taught me how to use the computer too, on weekdays she would learn from you and on weekends she would teach me."

And while the little princess prepared to accompany us, Bob Lee and I talked and reminisced about our childhood. Time flew and soon it was time to go to the hospital and cemetery.


Red Bama PV's

The news about me and my family is a hit in the 7 pm newspaper, luckily for me the company's shares stabilized yesterday, now it's just a matter of reassuring shareholders and injecting more capital.

Today like every day this damn week, I went to the company early. As soon as I had my ass on the chair, ready to start reviewing reports, my secretary rushed into my office.

"President! President, no good!"

I've known this woman for years, so I didn't pay attention to the fact that she practically broke into my office, I asked. "Breathe and speak calmly, what's going on?"

The secretary took a few seconds to take a deep breath and then said. "Reporting to the President. Suppliers, distributors, and many other business partners have canceled contracts with our company, most importantly they have done all of this at once and practically together.

The contractual fines were paid in full and without negotiation of agreements, so we cannot sue anyone or do anything, we are practically powerless."

I didn't believe what she said, but knowing this woman as I do, she wouldn't joke about such a serious matter, so I said. "Impossible! You're fired! Is that something to joke about?"

"But... But President, I'm telling the truth! Here are the documents."

I knew it was true, but if this is happening, my company is doomed. "I need a drink!

You know Celia, someone is taking advantage of my misfortune and trying to bring me down, it could be more than one person."

Celia looked at Red Bama and said. "You are right, those responsible for this massive breach of contract are the food companies, that is, our competitors are behind the scenes trying to steal our livelihood.

My sources reported that the authors are the 4 small Texas beef companies and the 2 large out-of-state meat and dairy companies that are trying to expand into Texas in recent years."

My anger knows no bounds, just because I've been calm the last few years, these dogs think they can bite me when I'm distracted, to avoid being sold I said. "Celia, pass my orders!

Anyone who wants to leave the company, leave now!

Those who remain, I will remember their names."

"Yes sir! I'll do it right away!"

After my secretary left I grabbed my phone and made a call, it was the last thing I wanted to do but I have no choice. The call connected and I said. "It's me, I need help. This favor I did for you, I'm going to need you to return it."


(Y/N: It's me again! I'm coming back little by little so pass me your POWER STONES or Red Bama will steal your cookies!!)