The death of Red Bama part 11

Red Bama's PVs

See where I've come, literally at rock bottom. The worst of all this is that I'm being arrested for crimes I didn't commit, okay, some I committed but most of them I was framed, after all, whoever built an empire without getting their hands dirty is lying and is a hypocrite bastard.

Life is full of ironies, the various crimes I committed that I thought would land me in jail, it was because of the ones I didn't commit that brought me here, it would even be funny if it wasn't happening to me. I'm furious! When I get out, the first thing I'm going to do is hunt down the sneaky bastard who put me here and destroy everything he loves.


Attorney. "Mr. Bama, I'm telling the truth.

If you've been framed, the person who did this to you knows pretty much everything about your company, it's scary enough!"

"And why do you say that?"

Attorney. "I reviewed the documents presented as evidence and the audits from those same years reported by your company and..."

"Speak clearly! I'm paying you to get me out of this hell and not to worry about my feelings!"

Attorney. "Very well. All the gaps and errors presented by your company's audit coincide with the reports of money laundering, kickbacks, illegal land acquisition, etc..."

When I heard my lawyer's words, I couldn't believe them. "Really? Can I see the documents presented as evidence?"

Attorney. "But of course! Make yourself comfortable."

I suspected incrimination, but it's much worse. All crimes reported in these documents are crimes that I committed at the beginning of my career and also throughout my career, I mean the crimes I committed are numerous but the main ones are here. "It seems my ghosts from the past have come to haunt me."

Attorney. "Look, Mr. Bama, if you want me to help you to the best of my ability, you better be honest."

"Ahh... Alright. Everything in these documents is practically true."

Attorney. "Well... Then I'll have to reevaluate your case and hire my partners because now it's going to be an industrial case."

I gritted my teeth to calm the anger and asked. "How much is this going to cost me?"

attorney. "Well... I'm going to have to evaluate the evidence that was presented and calculate my chances of winning and if we don't have a chance to win, I'm going to have to minimize your losses.

But the maximum will be 200 million dollars and the minimum is 50 million dollars."

When I heard the quote from the bastard in the suit, I nearly vomited blood. "Fine. At worst, what's the worst thing that could happen to me?"

attorney. "Before you think about bad things, how about I take you out for something to eat?

I have already posted your bail and due to your contributions to society and your history, you will respond in freedom, but your assets are frozen and your passport has been confiscated, you cannot leave the country, and if you need to leave the city only accompanied by the police ."

"I know all this, any idiot who watches television knows these things.

May I leave now?"

Attorney. "Yes. Let's get your belongings and sign you out!"

After going through all this shame, I finally got out of jail. How could I have imagined that at 59 I would go to jail, all because of my fucking son! If he didn't have so much trouble… "So what's the worst thing that could happen to me if I'm found guilty?"

the lawyer is serious. "To tell you the truth, based on your background and personal life, counting on your contributions to society, you shouldn't receive such a penalty, but based on your political position, you will receive a grievance for taking advantage of your position • Public to commit crimes and break the law he swore to uphold.

By my primary calculations based on the charges, you will receive a life sentence at the very least and if all charges are substantiated, you will be sentenced to death."

"So if everything goes wrong, do I spend my old age in jail or die?

What are my chances?"

Attorney. "It's hard to say on the surface, but I'm going to need my team. Your case is very sensitive Mr. Bama."

"Fine. You email me your tax bills. Bye!" After knowing everything I needed to know, I said goodbye to the bastard and went straight to my company to see what I could do, set up an emergency meeting with my subordinates, and come up with a plan of action.

The front of the company is full of journalists so I was forced to enter through the back, if these vultures knew I was free they would kill me. When I got to my living room and sat down, about to call my secretary and set up the damn meeting, I heard a voice coming from my couch.

"Hello Red Bama, did you like my reunion gift?"

I got scared and asked hastily. "Who are you, get out now or I'll call security and report you to the police for trespassing on private property!"

"Calm down old man! I'm not from the press, didn't you hear what I said?

How about, let's have a good talk?"


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or the voice in Red Bama's office will steal your cookies!)