The fall of Isaac Johnson part 11

Alex PV's

I'm getting pissed off, human nature is so hard to predict, there was no way I knew Meachum wouldn't think about the consequences and directly send his mad dog.

Jack Payne is also very irrational, he's cornered and yet he didn't abort the mission and instead foolishly insisted on completing it at the expense of his men.

"That's enough, I want to see the blueprints of this damn room now!

I will advance!"

Bob Lee. "How are we going to do that, I don't think they built an escape hatch for this particular room.''

As I thought about what to do, my men risked their lives to stop the invaders, the plants arrived on my table and I had an idea. "What is the room above this for?"

Nadine Memphis looked at the plants and said. "This room over there in the break room, in this place next door, and the cleaning room, and here is the safety equipment to prevent fire from spreading if the splinters don't activate."

I took a good look at these locations and a thought came to my mind. "Come with me, I'm going to need you. Sergeant Swagger, get the gear to my left, Agent Memphis, take me to these locations!"

Nadine Memphis. "Okay, but I don't know what we're going to do there.

Can you explain me?"

Bob Lee looked at me and spoke. "You're not planning what I'm thinking, are you?"

I smiled fiercely and said. "This motherfucker pissed me off nice, it's time to find out who gave him the capital to be so arrogant!"

Bob Lee. "Damn! It's going to be left for me, isn't it?"


Isaac Johnson PV's

Bob Lee is very strange, something about him has changed and it scares me. Hugh is also out of control and things are getting more and more dangerous.

Who would have thought that just because of a suspicious person, the damn Bob Lee would walk out of the event and report to the FBI without a second thought? I remember very well that this idiot was very impulsive, if it was back then, he would have jumped on this suspect and surrendered him. "Excuse me miss, Sergeant Swagger sent us here to reinforce you!

What can we do to help?"

Ginny. "Huh? Do you have any experience in siege fire or defensive battle?

If you have it, it will be very useful!"

This woman smells like trouble, I think it's better not to expose too much and be discreet. "I was capital of the army and now I'm national security."

Ginny. "Wasn't that the question Sir..."

"Isaac Johnson! To answer your question, I have some experience in perimeter defensive battle."

Ginny. "Alright, what about the rest of you?

If you did, follow Mr. Secret Service and those who didn't stay in the back and provide support with loaded weapons and full magazines!

Now go and report to Ross, the dark-haired boy over there!

And you sir secret service, go to the front lines and follow my men's orders, I don't trust you and I don't know you.

There's no way I'm letting you lead anything, even though I know your exemplary record."

This woman is very arrogant, how can she ask me to follow orders like that, I hope she dies soon. "Of course! I can understand her powers of attorney, we are all trying to survive this."

Ginny. "Thank you for your understanding, go to the front lines and contact Adam, he will instruct you."

"Hello Mr. Adam, I'm Retired Captain Isaac Johnson, your orders!"

Adam. "Hello Mr. Captain, I'm Adam, and welcome!

Do you know how to use the weapon you are holding?"

The people here are very clueless about were these clowns came from. "Yes sir! I know what I'm doing."

Adam. "Excellent! So sir Captain, do you see those disrespectful people shooting at us?

Well, just take these guys with you, pick one of them and shoot, be careful because they will shoot back!

Now go!"

He must think he's talking to a mental retard, he just can't. "Yes sir!

Well guys, if we want to survive this, we have to fight!"

I went to the indicated spot and started casually shooting at Hugh's men, I have to admit, killing these people makes me happy, even more so with how many times I've heard Hugh bragging about how hard it is to cultivate these men and that I eat every single one of them. One of them is more precious than the other.




The shooting continued with no stop signs, men falling from either side until I got a ring on my private radio. "Isaac, answer!"

"You can speak Meachum!"

Hugh Meachum. "Things have gotten out of hand, my men are unable to advance and Jack is under arrest!"

"I know, but what can I do about it?"

Hugh Meachum. "I already have an idea, whether you succeed or not will depend on your performance."

"Tell me, what did you think?"

Hugh Meachum. "I will sacrifice every man at the door, they will blow themselves up one by one and while they serve as a distraction, you go out there and help Jack complete the mission and get out safely or get killed!

This is very important, Jack cannot be captured, you understand the consequences if Jack opens his mouth!"

I was pissed, even now this guy still hides and gives orders. "I don't have a choice, I'm in it!

But let it be the last time you put me in this situation, if there is a next time, none of us will be able to bear the consequences."

Hugh Meachum. "I understand. I'll pass the orders!

When the first explosion happens, you find a way to find Jack, he already knows the plan. Good luck!"

I'm going to need it. "I'm ready!"


(A/N: PASS YOUR POWER STONES Or Hugh Meachum will eat your cookies and drink all the milk in your fridge!)