The fall of Isaac Johnson part 13

Isaac Johnson PV's

I heard the noise of something heavy hitting the floor and looked for what caused such a sound. "Can anyone tell me what caused this noise?"

Jack Payne. "Relax man, it's all under control here.

The nerds are almost done with their part and I'm leaving and we're all going to have a happy ending except the dead ones of course."

This guy pisses everyone off, I wonder how this asshole climbed to such a high position in the organization. "Shut up for at least a minute!

listen carefully, those who are not invading the intranet, look for the cause of this sound.

If someone accidentally dropped something on the floor, let it manifest, if you don't, we'll search the entire room until we find the object!"

Jack was silent, watching the ceiling of the room as his men looked across the floor until one of the soldiers exclaimed. "I found something!"

I looked at the soldier in the middle of the room and asked. "What did you find there soldier!"

Soldier. "I found a bunch of molten steel, it's still hot!"

I approached the soldier and before I could get a good look at the molten steel ball, I heard Jack's annoying voice. "Hey, what's that on the ceiling?"

I slowly looked up, searching for what he was seeing, until I found, just above my head, a swivel camera descending from a hole in the ceiling. "Shit Jack! I shot this thing just now, that's a swivel camera! Someone's trying to look at what's going on in here!"

Jack Payne drew his pistol and, without hesitation, fired a shot into the swivel camera before it was turned on. "Done, problem solved!"

I was kind of surprised and said. "No. On the contrary, our problems are only getting worse!

The strange men who are supporting Bob Lee don't want to walk through the front door anymore."

Jack Payne. "That's good, now we can go!

Reason with me, if they gave up the door and are going to enter through the roof, it makes our escape easier.

My job just got a lot easier."

This guy has no way, he's an idiot. "Of course, our escape will be easier, and to compensate for that, our work will be infinitely more difficult.

You forgot that nerds haven't accessed the agency system yet, that's been our mission goal from the beginning."

Jack Payne. "And as I said, that is the purpose of your mission.

My mission is simple, take the men to the monitoring room and bring the package. Simple and easy."

When he finished talking, I ignored him and said. "Hackers, our mission is another, take down the entire network and erase all data from the server!"

Hacker A. "More sir, the monitoring system is connected to the file system, they are all on their network, separate from the general system!

And that's the network we couldn't break into!"

This time I despaired, I can't leave this room without erasing Bob Lee's images, and I don't have much time before Bob Lee's team enters the room. "How does the file system you are trying to access work?"

Hacker B. "They use the standard US government file system.

It works like this, for the whole month the program catalogs and stores all the data linked to the file and at the end of each month they send it to the government data storage and security site, in the hacker world we call this place ' the Pendrive ', don't ask me where it is located because nobody knows.

All I know is that every department in the US government sends their backups to this same location, they keep a backup of every department's data."

"Fuck you! You said everything, but you didn't give me a way out!

I want these pictures erased and I want them now!"

Hacker A. "Now it's impossible, we need ten minutes minimum."

How can these guys be so incompetent? "You have fifteen minutes if at the end of this period you haven't bought the objective, I have no reason to keep you alive!"


Alex PV's

"Hey Sergeant Swagger, did you see what I saw?"

Bob Lee looked at me and said. "Depends, did you see the all-black image?"

Nadine Memphis. "It wasn't always black, first I saw some people messing with the computers and then everything went black, and in the end came the static."

"It's a pity that this flip-up camera doesn't make a sound.

How's progress, Sergeant Swagger?"

Bob Lee calculated the progress of the melt in his head, he replied. "Nine to ten minutes..."


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Bob Lee will eat your cookies!)