An irresistible business opportunity.

Alex PV's

A week has passed since the incident at the FBI's central agency, more than forty people have died and countless others have been injured.

I'm currently at the post office, sitting outside the meeting room, I'm back to being Freddy Kruger and so according to Elisabeth and Donald, I'm not to be trusted and shouldn't listen to or attend important meetings.

So I'm here, listening to everything that is said in the so-called meeting through a bug planted in the jacket of our great hero Donald, anyway, hypocrisy reigns in this ultra team! secret, notice the emphasis on the secret word.

Reddington. "It's nice to have you with us, but should I say, 40 dead and countless wounded?

I hear they've found a finger and are trying to identify whose finger it is, but I have a hunch that you know damn well whose finger it is, am I right?"

Hearing about the finger gave me a huge urge to laugh. "hohoho... You have no idea who this finger belongs to... But speaking of it, you can pull your strings and help me get the finger back, it's still very useful to the previous owner."

Reddington. "Hahahahah... No problem, but you have to tell me, how did this finger become disconnected from the former owner?"

"No problem, it was very funny by the way.

Getting back to business, I smell business opportunities in the air, how about you?"

Reddington. "Are you talking about the cargo plane that crashed this morning or the robbery of a certain security company's armored car in Somalia yesterday afternoon?"

I looked left then right, got close to Reddington, and said. "We both know that the person who robbed that armored car was you, so I can only mean the cargo plane, don't you agree?"

Reddington. "In my defense, that armored car had no money! I took a loss..."

"Come on Raymond, we both know that with the contents of that car, you'd never make a loss, that's why you stole it, and just between us, money is way overrated!"

Reddington. "Hahaha... It's true, but back to the plane thing, do you already know who is behind this bombing?"

"I think that's a name for your blacklist!

General Ludd is in the country and his plans are a great business opportunity for both of us.

Are you going to announce it now or are you going to wait a little longer, I'm honestly not too worried about that because I know this time I'm going to make some easy money."

Reddington. "Are you sure it's Ludd's people?

As far as I know, they haven't finished their work there in France yet."

"According to my information network, it is Ludd himself who is in the country with a small team.

To be honest, this time things are going to get ugly and a lot of people are going to die!"

Reddington became serious. "To tell you the truth, Harold already asked me to take this case and I have some information, you're a little late this time. Goodbye Freddy!

I have a certain Deputy Director of the FBI to negotiate!"

"Hahaha... As always, you're the person with the most cards up your sleeve. See you later, Reddington."


Reddington PV's

After saying goodbye to Alex, I went to Harold's office and found him and Elisabeth already talking about the case, so after greeting them both, I went straight to the point and asked for access to the agency's database.

Harold. "No way! I'm not giving you access to the FBI database!"

"Then you'll have to find another criminal to talk to Agent Keen and make fun of Agent Ressler!"

Harold. "We have a deal!"

"Yes, the deal is that I deliver cases to you and not the other way around!

I'm not your consultant, I'm not the least bit interested in the cases you're interested in!

I think my proposal was incredibly fair.

You have to give to receive, Harold. You're asking me to go beyond the terms of our agreement, if you want me to help you, I will!

But I need something else to make this deal.

Rest assured, if you give me this access, it will benefit both of us."

Elisabeth Keen. "So does that mean you know who shot down the cargo plane?"

"You're talking as if an individual is responsible for this!

It's much bigger than you might think. It's a move!"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Harold Cooper will confiscate your cookies!)