
Alex PV's

When I arrived at the Bunker, Reddington had already been captured and taken away, what made me very angry is that the bastard Anslo killed Luli and wounded Dembe. "Frankie! Quick, take care of Agent Ressler and Dembe!

Can anyone tell me how Anslo Garrick managed to get Reddington out of that damn box?"

Frankie. "Dembe is fine, but Agent Ressler will need an operation, I advise you to take him to the hospital."

Harold Cooper. "I don't know how this is possible, but Anslo Garrick made a call and a few minutes later he received a video of hooded men pointing a gun at Agent Ressler's ex-fiancée and he handed over the password!"

I looked at the unconscious Agent Ressler and said. "It's not all bad, organize your troops, I'll help you track down Reddington."

Harold Cooper. "We have to be quick, they must know about the Chip in Reddington's neck, if we take too long they'll remove him!"

"You don't have to worry about that, Dembe has already gone after them.

But it is very unlikely that he will succeed in rescuing Reddington alone."

Harold Cooper. "Agent Keen already told me about the organization you work for, later we talked, and now the priority is rescuing Reddington."

"I don't owe you any explanation or conversation, I'm here to help you, I'm not your employee and we haven't even made any deals.

What you need to know I already told you, the rest is none of your business, control your temper or you could end up badly."

The mood turned awkward until Harold took a step back. "Yes, you're right.

I'm sorry and thank you for saving us all."

"Everything is fine.

Back to the point, Anslo Garrick didn't come here for revenge, this was a job.

Someone paid Anslo Garrick to extract Reddington from this base, so his life is safe for today. They'll probably torture Reddington for inside information and maybe even trade secrets.

You should be concerned about two things like finding and recovering Reddington and the traitor, surely someone within this task force is dirty and worked with Anslo to extract Reddington from the base."

Harold Cooper. "I know, Agent Keen and Agent Malik will lead this mission.

As for the betrayed, it's not my priority at the moment."

"So I'll go, you handle things your way and I'll handle mine.

Frankie, how are things on Nez's side?"

Frankie. "She has already intercepted the target and they clashed, we had the upper hand until their reinforcements arrived and they are fleeing in an ambulance.

We are currently in aerial pursuit."

"Alright, I'll join them, call Kate, and initiate anti-kidnapping protocol!"

Frankie. "Yea!"


Reddington PV's

Anslo Garrick. "This is going to be fun.

How does it feel to be betrayed by the person you just saved?

I mean, I just had to show a video of his ex and he gave it to you without a second thought."

I looked at the chains holding me to the ceiling and answered. "I don't blame him, in his place I would do the same."

Anslo Garrick. "Hahaha... Is Raymond Reddington being supportive?

What's happening with you?"

"Nothing is happening, I just understand why he turned me in.

But that doesn't mean I forgive you!"

Anslo Garrick. "That's your way of doing things.

You know Reddington, I learned a lot from watching you.

You taught me, and gave me a taste of the good life.

But that was all I had: A little taste."

"You are greedy, Anslo.

He went behind my back and made deals he knew I wouldn't approve of.

What did you expect?"

Anslo Garrick. "I think I expected something more than a shot in the face, Reddington." Anslo finished talking and started punching me in the ribs and stomach.

"Hahaha... You still prefer to use violence over brains!"

Anslo Garrick. "Like everything that involves you, things are more complicated than they seem.

If I could, I would end it now.

You would have the terrible death you deserve."

I spat my blood and said. "So do it!"

Anslo Garrick. "By the time.

Unfortunately, this is not my surprise party.

I was just hired.

My job was just to take him to the location.

And while I would pay anything to shut you up forever, others have paid much more to hear what you have to say."


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Donald Ressler will eat your cookies!)