Is Isaac Johnson a double agent?

Alex PV's

"Do you already know who it is?

But I want to know, why Anslo Garrick kidnapped you and why he's dead and not you?"

Reddington. "The person behind this unpleasant event is none other than Alan Fitch.

Of course, Alan Fitch is the Conspiracy, so I don't need to tell you that the mole is from the conspiracy.

What intrigues me is that they discarded a valuable resource that is this spy, just to give me a heads up.

What is your opinion on this matter?"

"I don't have an opinion, but I know one thing.

Surely this little theater was to drag the snake out of the hole.

I worked relentlessly to locate you and as a result, I left traces.

Now they know of my existence, so I think sacrificing a spy is worth it, after all, it's just a disposable piece."

Reddington. "You're not seeing the big picture, finding you was just a bonus.

The main thing is to test my attitude and see if I have Fulcrom and if I'm willing to use it."

"If that's true, then we're in serious trouble.

Alan Fitch won't be able to maintain that balance forever.

We need time, which the conspiracy won't give us if it knows you can't use Fulcrom.

What will you do?"

Reddington. "You're right, we need time.

But the plan will continue the same, Elisabeth has already been exposed and that means we can't go back.

I'll send a message to those old people, don't worry.

Just do your part. Bye"

"Okay bye!"

After receiving news from Reddington, I couldn't help but smile, the fish took the bait. "Berlin, it's me."

Berlin answered the phone sullenly. "What's it?

You should identify yourself, think I'm a charity center.


"It's me yes, did something happen for you are you so stressed?"

Berlin. "The usual, my daughter fought with me.

But why are you calling me, do you need anything?"

"I'm calling to say that the fish has taken the bait and that we're starting phase two of our plan."

Berlin. "Did that bastard show up?

Leave it to me, I'll take care of him, I'll start phase two right away."

"Excellent, don't forget to get Reddington into this situation.

The more visible Reddington is, the more votes he gets. "

Berlin. "Alright, I'll start right away!"

"Understood. Until next time!"

I ended the call and got another one, just before putting my phone away I answered Isaac's call. "Hello, Alex.

We need to talk, meet me at the park."

"Isaac, I'll meet you there!"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Isaac Johnson will eat your cookies!)