

Reddington PV's

I told Aram to leave and now I'm pretty sure that bastard banker betrayed me.

I'll have to go back there and be a little more persuasive, but before that, I want to know how things are going with Lizzy.

I left the apartment, looked at the landscape of the park and took a deep breath, and felt the smell of earth and rain, it looks like it was going to rain today. "Hello, Lizzy!"

Elisabeth Keen. "Reddington!"

"How was Alex, did he cooperate to solve your problems?"

Elisabeth Keen. "With a lot of difficulty and some interrogations, he was of great use to the case.

Seriously, man!

He knows a lot of things about everyone, how is that possible?"

I smiled. "Nothing is simple, the world is much more complex than you think.

Alex has survived since his adolescence in the underworld, he grew up knowing that whoever has the most information, has the most advantages and survives the longest.

He, like me, built an underworld empire based on buying and selling information and that made us make a habit of never interacting with others without the necessary information."

Elisabeth. "Okay, but that doesn't answer my question, how does he know all this?

Has he spied on our lives from the moment he heard about us?"


He doesn't have to, he commands hundreds of people if not thousands.

It's easy for him to know what he wants about you, you have no idea how many corrupt officials there are in various layers of the American government.

With some amount of money, they can hand over any information about any employee or anything else you want."

Elisabeth. " That...

I don't want to think that of my co-workers.

Don't say those things anymore!"

She's still very gullible, maybe it's too soon. "What's your opinion of Alex?"

Elisabeth. "Why are you asking this?"

It seems her opinion is more neutral, she is no longer prejudiced against him. "I'm just asking because you're not complaining or judging him anymore."

Elisabeth. "I admit I was a little hypocritical and prejudiced towards him, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he's a criminal and I'm an agent of the law."

"I never said I canceled it, I just asked what you think about it."

Elisabeth. "He's not that bad, he's very useful when he's not being an idiot."


Alex PV's

I'm currently in my apartment getting my things ready to move in, Meg is arriving and the house has already been bought.

Instead of calling it home, it should be called a small village, because it was once more than a mansion.

Today I saw something amazing on television and honestly, I feel like there has been a serious glitch in my intelligence network I want to know why and that is why I am calling my head of the intelligence network.

"Baltimore, tell me what I'm seeing on television is a lie!

If it's true, why am I only getting this information on television and not in your weekly or emergency reports!"

Lord Baltimore. "Boss, if it's about Mr. Bob Lee's trial, I have a satisfying answer for you!"

"Tell me, I'm listening!"

Lord Baltimore. "Our intelligence network is having communication problems..."

"And why is this happening and how did I not know about this situation until now?"

Lord Baltimore. "It's because I thought you already knew, as our communication problem is caused by our security protocol.

The entire organization is confined to its regions and countries and we are not communicating.

I had already talked to Meg and she told me to suspend the isolation protocol as nothing has been leaked and our security is guaranteed thanks to the efforts of the intelligence team that investigated each relevant employee."

Honestly, I had already forgotten about this event, as I was pretty sure there was no insider in the organization, but since it's better to be safe than sorry, I started the protocol. " It's all right.

Since everything is getting back to normal, I want everything about the Bob Lee trial on my desk by the end of the day."

Lord Baltimore. " Yes sir!"


(A/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Lord Baltimore will eat your cookies!)