Vagis Plaza

Principal: "The last test is 'Test of Time'. I'm pretty sure you guys can already guess something about this but it isn't going to be that simple. Each of you will be provided a map of the city and enough cash. You will pair up into teams of two again for this last test. You and your partner must collect one of the five cards pinpointed on the map. When you collect that card, you must head to the building marked at the middle. Right in the center of the city. The "Cleft". That's the building you will take your card and it will be the end of your test. We are currently at the East Side of the city so it will be a fair journey. In case you decide to try to enter the cleft without a card, you shouldn't waste your time. It's practically impossible to break into that building. You can only access entrance with that card so specifically only five teams will make it.

Random person: "What happens in the building?"

Principal: "I'm afraid that's classified information. Once you pass, you'll learn more than you ever have in your life. So try your hardest to win. Get into the teams I have assigned for you up on that board next to me and warm up. Maps and refreshments will be passed around shortly."

Everyone starts walking up to each other. Kassius walks to Bonnie and they both high five.

Kassius: "Looks like we made it."

Bonnie: "Yep. Gotta ace this end."

Arnold walks up to Jinsoku.

Arnold: "Yo."

Jinsoku: "Yo."

Arnold: "You seem hurt."

Jinsoku: "Well, kinda-"

Arnold: "Don't worry. You don't have to explain. Prying is not my style."

Marcus's eyes lock onto Jinsoku and he gives him a cold stare.

Marcus (in head): "I can't believe I lost to him. I will be the best, crushing all in my path. He will be no less."

Sarah: "Marcus! Marcus!!! Get over here."

Marcus: "Yeah, yeah. I heard ya."

Everybody starts warming up. Stretching and planning, the room is filled with conversation.

Kassius: "So what's our plan?"

Bonnie: "Well, there's five eggs. We'll just go for the one least likely to be gone for. There's an egg somewhere in the East nearby. Somewhere in the West, South and North too. There's also one right in the Center exactly at where the cleft is."

Kassius: "Do these circles have something in common?"

Bonnie: "Hmm. Test of time, specific locations. Maybe..."

Kassius: "I got it."

Arnold rubs his chin.

Jinsoku: "It has to be that. The landmarks. This city has five major landmarks including the cleft, on each side of the city. It has to be at each one. However we have to decide which one to go for. Come here."

Jinsoku whispers something into Arnold's ear. Arnold's eyes pop open.

Arnold: "Hmm. That's an odd plan but sure. But are you sure?"

Jinsoku: "You look more capable than you let off. I have a knack for spotting skilled people. The question is, do you believe you can do it?"

Arnold: "I mean, why not right?"

Jinsoku: "That's what I like to hear."

Bonnie looks at Kassius in surprise.

Bonnie: "Since when were you a deep thinker?"

Kassius: "I have my moments. I suggest we go to the South. I always come from there when on my way to the institution. I know my way around the roads."

Bonnie: "Alright. No problem."

Principal: "Alright! It's time. Everyone follow me to the gate."

Everyone starts walking out. As they approach the immensely large gates, Kassius looks at the bright blue sky.

Kassius (in head): "It's a beautiful day. The perfect day for me to pass."

The gates slowly open.

Principal: "A few words before you go. First, this has been an excellent test. I commend everyone who has participated. These are the last rules of the test. One, you are allowed to use physical force to steal the cards from others however you are forbidden to take a life as this will be in public space. Two, both teammates must be present in order for you to both enter. You cannot abandon your partner and enter alone or you will be disqualified. And finally, there is a time limit. Considering the lengthy journeys around the city, you have four hours. Any time beyond that and you fail even if you have the card. I said ten people will pass but that was inaccurate. In reality, only ten can possibly pass! It's still possible for there to be less so don't waste time. This is the test for all the marbles. Don't screw it up. Time is 8 AM. At 12 PM, test 3 will be concluded."

The gates open up wide and a gust of wind blows in.

Principal: "On your marks! Get set! .... GO!!!"

Everybody sprints outside of the gate and runs off into the city. They spread off into different routes.

Inside The Cleft, a man with white hair, blue eyes and white skin is standing in a fairly wide yet empty room with no windows but a vent at a point in the ceiling. He is fairly short and he is wearing a full black suit with a red tie. He looks down at his watch.

Man: "So it's begun? I can't wait to see the new group. This is gonna be interesting. Romulus better not have lied about them."

Kassius and Bonnie are running through the streets.

Kassius: "Let's head to the train station. We can get to the South in no time with it."

Bonnie: "Alright..."

Bonnie (in head): "So that's how it is?"

Bonnie: "Head for the train. I'll meet you there."

Kassius nods and they both split into two directions.

Kassius (in head): "I dont know what she has planned but I hope she can make it."

Bonnie runs and runs down the long road. She turns into a thin alley and reaches a dead end. Two people enter the alley way.

Bonnie: "Next time make it less obvious you're following."

Person 1: "Does it matter? All that big talk but it looks like you're all alone now."

Person 2: "This is far as you'll go. We'll use you as bait for your friend to give us the card."

Bonnie: "Looks like that's not gonna happen. See, I could've just beaten you guys right here as a warning shot but it's been a while since I've done some cardio. So let's play a fun game of tag. Shall we? Or are you scared?"

Person 1: "Don't get confident. Like we'd let you leave here."

Bonnie: "Try me."

Person 1 runs forward at her and throws a punch at her. She jumps over it. She pushes off his head with her hand and flips over him. She runs towards the exit of the alley.

Person 2: "You aren't going anywhere!"

Bonnie kicks off the walls and jumps over him. She lands on the floor and starts running.

Bonnie: "Try to keep up!"

Bonnie starts running down the street. She reaches the end where traffic is blocking up the road. She flips over the cars and lands on the other side.

Bonnie (in head): "Can't waste any time."

Bonnie continues running. Kassius reaches the train station.

Kassius (in head): "Five minutes?! She's gonna miss it."

Kassius looks to his side.

Kassius: "You're that guy from the train yesterday. You won't believe what happened. My wallet wa-"

The adult man starts walking away.

Kassius (in head): "Wow."

Arnold is running down the street.

Arnold (in head): "So the cleft is the place? Just gotta make sure I'm there first."

Arnold notices a few people running on the other side of the road.

Arnold (in head): "Jinsoku was right. Many people would come here. Gotta pick up the pace. I have to dictate the game."

Arnold continues running. Jinsoku arrives at an underground station and gets on the train.

Jinsoku (in head): "Looks like it's up north for me. I need to get something really quick. Do I need it? Yes you need it. I need it."

Jinsoku sits down and everyone clears away from him.

Jinsoku: "Do I smell? Well, more space for me."

Jinsoku lies down and starts sleeping. Marcus heads on a bus.

Marcus (in head): "The East might be the smartest move. It isn't even that far from here. I'll get this quickly and I'll be out of here. This is going to be too easy."

Sarah is running on the side of the road.

Sarah (in head): "Just go to the middle he said. It shouldn't be hard he said. Damn Marcus! I ought to kick him into next year. This shouldn't be hard at all. No real competition here. Except for him maybe."

Sarah looks at Arnold.

Sarah (in head): "He wasn't too bad in the first test. I want to learn more."

Bonnie is running very fast and the two guys are tailing right behind her on bikes.

Bonnie: "Is that all you got?!"

Bonnie breaks a branch off a tree in front of her and throws it towards the wheel of Person 2's bike. The bike flips and Person 2 hits into the sidewalk on the other side, passing out.

Bonnie: "Cmon I haven't even had a proper breakfast. This is barely considered a warm up."

Bonnie cuts a turn and sees an old woman being robbed of her purse. She runs up to them and kicks the thief right in the gut, sending him back. The thief passes out on the pavement. Bonnie picks up the purse and gives it to the old woman. As Bonnie is about to stand up, she closes her eyes. Person 1 tries to kick the side of her head from behind her but she blocks him.

Person 1: "Wha-"

Bonnie: "Tag! I'm 'it'!"

She turns and punches him directly in the gut, making him cough. Person 1 passes out on the floor.

Bonnie: "And you're 'it' again. Take care of yourself granny."

Bonnie continues running and reaches the end of the street.

Bonnie (in head): "There's the train. It's about to depart."

Bonnie runs and runs. She speeds up the stairs and reaches the platform area.

Kassius (in head): "Is that Bonnie?"

Bonnie rushes towards the train and just asthe doors start to shut she jumps in. The doors close and the train takes off.

Kassius: "Where'd you go?"

Bonnie: "Had to stretch a bit."

Kassius: "Hope you're ready. Next stop is Vagis Plaza."