Check In

Receptionist: "I count six heads, correct? Alright. Let's get started, shall we? Follow me."

The receptionist walks them through a long hallway.

Receptionist: "Here in this residency, we like to keep a low profile. You see, this is a public location, so we try our best to not out the fact that thieves live here. That is why we have a restricted amount of floors for other people.

They reach an elevator.

Receptionist: "I would kindly ask all of you to enter."

They all walk in and she follows too.

Receptionist: "You see button 35? From floor 35 to 40, only specific people can go up. By specific, I mean people with these."

She removes her card.

Receptionist: "This is the only way to get to the secret floor."

She clicks floor 35 and a red scanner appears on the side of the panel.

Speaker: "License."

Receptionist: "In case someone accidentally clicked it, we'd have this so we can say it's staff personnel only. Alright, shall we go up?"

She shows her card to the red scanner.

Speaker: "Access granted."

The elevator starts to move up. After a few seconds, the elevator stops and the doors slide open.

Receptionist: "And with that, welcome to the Check-In."

Everyone exits the elevator and looks around.

Receptionist: "This is the place where thieves from Vagis end up staying. Some return frequently while others, not so much. But imagine this as a safe point for yourselves. To our right, that is the dining area, where you can eat the daily food provided here. We have food from all over the continent so don't be shy and try it. Right opposite to it, is the planning area. Usually people go alone, but if you plan to work with someone, there are rooms for planning your next catch. Either way for individual or groups, that area contains old and recent information about anything, updated yearly. We also have computers which you can use to find updates daily. A pretty handy room. And in front of us, is the job board. If you don't want to spend time planning, we post information about jewels or artifacts and where they are to make it simple for people. For example, right there is information on the Jewel of Thari."

Kassius: "I have a question."

Receptionist: "Yes."

Kassius: "How hard would it be to obtain that jewel?"

Receptionist: "Hmm. I'd say given that you are a novice and Thari is a very strong country, your chances are slim to none."

Kassius (in head): "Slim to none? Do they have some military weapon or something?"

Receptionist: "And finally at the front, is the trade center. Come here with any item you've acquired and we can turn it into cash for you, wired to your cash cards. Anyway that's all for this floor. Time for you to head to your rooms. You see down the hall behind the elevator? They lead to stairs. Climb up to the next floor and look for rooms 206-211. But before that, the keys are on each door. So I have not assigned a room to you guys. That, is up to you. Each room is different but I shall say this: the larger the room number, the higher the quality. Clothes and cleaning equipment are provided in each. In exactly three hours, you should be back down here to meet him. Have a splendid evening."

Everybody sprints down past the elevator through the hallway. As Kassius is running, Bonnie shoves through.

Bonnie: "Sorry Kas, no hard feel-"

Sarah jumps over Bonnie and runs up the stairs.

Sarah: "Too slow monkey."

Bonnie: "Better hope this monkey doesn't take that room then."

Everyone runs up the stairs and reaches the next floor. They blaze through the narrow hall and race for the rooms. Sarah and Bonnie start shoving each other but Marcus runs past them.

Marcus: "That room is as a good as m- what?"

In an instant, Jinsoku rushes past Marcus and stops at a door.

Jinsoku: "211 huh? Nice."

Marcus (in head): "Dammit."

Marcus stops at a door and is followed by Bonnie, then Sarah, then Arnold and finally Kassius.

Bonnie: "Who's the slow one now?"

Sarah: "Would you like a banana for your victory?"

Bonnie: "What did you say?!"

Bonnie and Sarah start scuffling on the ground.

Jinsoku: "See you guys later."

Jinsoku enters his room. Marcus enters his room too. Bonnie and Sarah stop scuffling.

Sarah: "Better hope I don't just steal that room."

Sarah enters and slams her door.

Bonnie: "Try it and I'll kick your ass!"

Bonnie enters her room and closes the door. Kassius walks up to Arnold.

Kassius: "Looks like we got the worst rooms."

Arnold: "A room is a room at least right? Guess we gotta go with it."

Kassius: "You're right. I'm kinda hungry right now. I think I'll grab a snack downstairs. Wanna come?"

Arnold: "I don't think I have the energy. I'm going to wash up and rest. See you later."

They bump fists and Arnold enters the room while Kassius walks down the hall.

Kassius walks towards the dining area.

Kassius (in head): "Wonder what food they've got here."

He sits down on a stool in front of the counter. A bartender, of tall stature, white beard and light skin tone, dark brown eyes and a scar across his eye, is across from him.

Kassius: "So, what's on the menu?"

The bartender points upwards and Kassius looks.

Kassius: "That's the menu? Alright... can I have... the Half Shark Pasta bowl and some Pineberry Juice?"

The bartender nods his head and walks away. In an instant, he brings a plate with the food and the juice.

Kassius: "Whoa! That was quick. Well, thanks for the food Mr bartender. Bottoms up."

Kassius takes a bite of his food and drops his fork.

Kassius: "Wh- What the hell?! Why is it so good?"

Kassius starts eating his food very quickly and sips some of his juice.

Kassius: "Even the drink is great!"

Kassius finishes his plate and sits back.

Kassius: "Whoo! I'm stuffed. Alright, thanks for th-"

The bartender places a paper on the table.

Kassius: "Oh we have to pay for the food?"

The bartender nods.

Kassius: "Fine. Let m-"

Woman: "Put it on my tab."

Kassius looks to his right and sees a woman with short black hair, brown eyes, light brown skin, and of height taller than himself.

Kassius: "It's alright, I got it."

Woman: "I insist."

Kassius: "Look lady, I'm not trying to owe people money on my first day here."

Woman: "Don't worry. Free of charge."

Kassius: "Are you serious?"

Woman: "Yes. I'm just interested in the beautiful young man's name is all."

Kassius: "Me? It's Kassius. You know it's kinda creepy to pop out of nowhere like that."

Woman: "You say whatever comes to mind don't you?"

Kassius: "I try."

The woman chuckles a bit.

Woman: "You know what? I've taken a little liking to you."

Kassius: "Thanks. I would love to stay and chat but I gotta go."

Woman: "Hope to see you in the future. The name is Diana incase you were wondering."

Kassius: "Thanks Diana."

Kassius walks away from the dining area.

Kassius (in head): "Free meal? I'll take it. I may not get as fortunate next time so I should probably learn more about this place."

Kassius walks to the elevator. He notices a paper on the side and walks towards it.

Kassius (in head): "So this is the map of the whole place? It's pretty spacious. This is where I am now... and that's the second floor. The other floors look identical to the second floor, just less and less rooms going up. Seems as though it's just as the reception woman told us. Guess I could go exploring a little bit."

Kassius walks up to the stairway and climbs up to the second floor. He climbs up until he reaches the third floor and takes a peek. He sees two guys and notices something in one guy's hand.

Kassius (in head): "Is that a diamond?"

Kassius is dragged down and his mouth is covered.

Guy 1: "You heard that?"

Guy 2 signals him to move towards the stairs. They start slowly creeping towards it.

Guy 2: "Nah, I think you may be hearing... THINGS!"

Guy 2 looks down and sees nothing.

Guy 2: "Guess there was nothing after all. Anyways I want my cut..."

In a room on the second floor, Kassius is seated on a chair at a table.

Kassius: "You're that girl I saw earlier at the window."

Girl: "Yep. That was me."

The girl is of height similar to Kassius, long black hair, freckles, light skin tone and has maroon eyes.

Kassius: "So why did you run?"

Girl: "I didn't run. I- I had something to do."

Kassius: "I guess that makes sense. Anyways you live here too?"

Girl: "Somewhat. I've been here for a year now."

Kassius: "That's perfect. You see, I'm kind of new around here so I want to learn a little more about this place. You mind breaking it down for me?"

Girl: "Ehhh.. Why not? OK. There are three crucial things to know. One; never go to floors above the floor you stay in. Floors are separated by rank. Obviously some thieves are better than others so they have enough to afford higher floors. Right now, you couldn't get up there with your rank or your money. So for now, stay clear. Two; you can't steal from somebody's room. So if you leave something valuable, you shouldn't worry too much as people can't barge in your room to take it. And three; you gotta pay for stuff here."

Kassius (in head): "Kinda figured that out on my own hehe."

Girl: "I think that's pretty self explanatory. Alright, I hope that was good enough for you. Time to go."

She starts leading him to the door. She pushes him out and he turns to her.

Kassius: "Wait. Why did you help me in the first place?"

Girl: "Honestly, I couldn't even tell you. It just happened that you were there and I helped you is all."

Kassius: "Wait a minute... does somebody have a little cr-"

She slams the door in his face.

Kassius: "Hey, what's your name anyway?"

A paper slides under the door.

Kassius: "Ayana? Well, thanks Ayana. See you around I guess."

Kassius walks to his room door.

Kassius: "Room 206, how bad can it be?"

Kassius enters the room and closes the door. He turns on the light and is greeted by a room with one toilet, one closet and one kitchen. There is a mattress near the small balcony.

Kassius (in head): "Well, it could be worse."

Kassius jumps onto the mattress and looks up.

Kassius (in head): "I made it. This place is interesting enough but I can't wait to learn about the world. And him, is he still out there? I can't wait to meet him. I- I'll sho..w him..."

Kassius falls asleep on the mattress as the light shines over his head.

Man: "Yo... Kiddo! You still with me?!"

Kassius: "Huh?"

Man: "You just fell off an apartment. I'm actually shocked you're still breathing hahahaha!"

On July 12th, 3016, at the age of 11, Kassius encountered a man after the most bizarre incident. Little did he know this would be the turning point in his life.