Cycle Of Hate

As Arnold walks through the outskirts of the city, the empty roads remain silent.

Arnold (in head): "I know I'm not far into the city, but where is everybody? It's so silent."

Arnold continues walking and gets more and more exhausted. He looks around the area.

Arnold (in head): "Is that a pharmacy?"

Arnold rushes towards it. He arrives in front of the building. He walks up a flight of wooden stairs and reaches the front door. He knocks on it very loudly.

Arnold: "Anyone here?! I need help urgently! Hello?! Hel-"

Man: "Who is it?"

Arnold: "I'm a traveler. I have a little girl who needs medical attention."

Man: "Do you have money?"

Arnold: "I don't have it on me right now but..."

Man: "Goodbye."

Arnold: "Wait! Are you seriously gonna turn your back on an injured child? What kind of doctor are you?"

Man: "The type of doctor that can barely afford his own equipment as is. I can't just go using it like it's nothing."

Arnold: "Is there anything I can do?"

Man: "Hmm. Alright. If you can run downtown and get me some groceries, I'll try to help as best as I can. Do we have a deal?"

Arnold: "Deal!"

The man slides a list underneath the door.

Man: "Preferably from the RiteMart. Make it snappy, she doesn't look too good from here."

Arnold unties her and places her under the wooden stairs with his bag blocking her.

Arnold: "I'll be back as soon as possible."

Arnold rushes off down the road, heading downtown at a fast pace.

Arnold: "RiteMart... RiteMart... there!"

He spots the RiteMart and rushes into it. He runs through the aisles, grabbing all the items on the list and reaches the counter.

Arnold: "Hello? Is nobody here?"

Arnold bags the groceries and leaves the store but he suddenly stops.

Arnold: "What's all that noise? It's so loud."

Arnold walks in the direction of the noise and reaches a wide open square. He peeks from the corner and looks around.

Arnold (in head): "So this is where everybody is. Large crowd. Wait, what's going on?"

Arnold looks at the stage in front and sees Crimsonians lined up in chains.

Arnold (in head): "Are those red people? Just like her. Why are they chained up?"

A man with a pot belly and blonde goatie walks up on stage.

Auctioneer: "To both Ritetown residents and our esteemed guests. Welcome to the annual Ritetown slave auction!"

The crowd goes wild as Arnold looks at the stage in shock.

Auctioneer: "We have a wide selection today so don't be hesitant. Bring em up."

The first crimsonian in line walks up.

Auctioneer: "To start this off, he is in great condition. Known to be a hard worker and just take a look at that physique. We can start the bidding at $1000. Do I hear $2000?"

Little girl in crowd: "Daddy, I want one."

Man in crowd: "Alright honey, daddy will get you one today. $2000 here!"

Auctioneer: "$2000. Do I hear 3? Any 3?"

Woman in crowd: "$5000!"

Auctioneer: "$5000. What a staggering jump. Anything higher? Going once... going twice... sold! To the Macbers family in the front."

A person writes the word 'Macber property' on the arm of the Crimsonian, then takes him off stage.

Auctioneer: "Bring forward the next one."

The next crimsonian walks forward scared.

Auctioneer: "Alright, this one may look nervous and out of shape, but he's pretty strong and can work for a while. We will start at $500. Anyone for $500?"

The crowd stays silent.

Auctioneer: "Are we not interested? What should we do with this one?"

Crowd: "Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!"

Auctioneer: "Well, the people have spoken."

Two men hold the crimsonian down onto his knees. The auctioneer pulls out a gun and holds it at the Crimsonian's neck. The Crimsonian closes his eyes and a tear sheds from him. The auctioneer shoots the crimsonian in the neck, killing him swiftly.

Auctioneer: "I apologise for the inconvenience. Seems we need to up our product ay? Anyways, onto the next one."

Arnold looks around in horror as he sees more than just the slave auction, but other activities that involve Crimsonian hate. One stall of all caught Arnold's attention. It was crowded by children watching a sock puppet play. There were three socks, one of a normal human, one of a Crimsonian with a crown and one with a human with a crown.

Sock puppeteer: "Long ago, we lived in the land in peace until the Crimsonians came around. They captured us and used humans as slaves. They treated us poorly for generations, until our brave King and stood up to them. He and his army managed to beat the evil crimsonians and send them into hiding but we managed to stop a lot of them from escaping and now today we are the ones in control!"

Kid 1: "Are they all bad?"

Kid 2: "Yeah, are they really all evil? Maybe we can be friends with them."

Sock puppeteer: "We tried to help them, but the doctors found something in their brains, which makes them evil and hate us. It is just who they are. But as long as we are in control, we can all live in peace. Cheers for our king who saved us from their evil! Hip hip..."

Crowd: "Hooray!"

Arnold is left speechless and he almost moves forward but stops himself.

Arnold (in head): "I... gotta get back to the little girl and get her out of here."

Arnold rushes away angrily as the celebrations continue. After a short while of walking, he arrives at the pharmacy

Arnold: "Where is she?!"

Arnold runs up the stairs and knocks very aggressively.

Arnold: "Hello! Who came by? Who took her? Hello?! Answer me!"

Arnold wastes no time and kicks down the door. He runs around the bottom floor and sees nothing. He climbs up the stairs and notices a back room. He rushes to it and opens the door. He enters a room full of medical equipment. He sees a man sitting near a curtain.

Man: "Back already."

Arnold walks up to the pharmacist. He is a human man, slightly wrinkled face, with white hair and a gray full beard, blue eyes and shorter than Arnold. Arnold grabs him by his shirt.

Arnold: "Who took her?!"

Man: "I did. Along with your belongings, right there."

He pulls the curtain behind him and shows Ulqora on the bed, covered in bandages. Arnold loosens his grip and a sigh of relief comes out of him.

Man: "Now, do you want to take a seat?"

Arnold: "I don't have time. Thank you for helping her and here are your groceries. But it's-"

Man: "Not safe for her here."

Arnold: "Ho-"

Man: "Why do you think I sent you out there in the first place? Now I definitely know you aren't from around here. What kind of person would get help in Ritetown for a Crimsonian?"

Arnold: "Crimsonian?"

Man: "Yes, a Crimsonian. Now I'll ask you to take a seat and let go off me so I can explain."

Arnold lets go of him and Arnold sits on the chair on the other side of the bed.

Man: "Now, she, among many other people with red skin are called Crimsonians. They are a different, human-like species but they are more, gifted to say the least. That's why they are feared and hated. They used to live on the land in peace. So what do you think happened to them?"

Arnold: "...they got targetted."

Man: "Correct. And not only did majority of them get persecuted and killed, they took it a step further and kept some alive, using them as slaves to this day."

Arnold: "I'm guessing that isn't what he was telling the kids."

Man: "Far from it. It's how you convince future generations to hate and abuse a group that had done nothing to you in the first place. They continue the cycle of hate that should have never existed in the first place. Sometimes humanity disgusts me. I am intrigued though. May I ask who you are and how you found her? She was pretty harmed."

Arnold: "My name is Arnold. You're right. I'm not from here. I'm from Vagis. I'm... I was sightseeing with a friend, but then we saw her, tied to a train track so my friend and I got off our train to help her. We got separated in the forest but we agreed to meet up at the train here."

Man: "Vagis huh? Well, your friend may be in bigger trouble than you think."

Arnold: "What do you mean?"

Man: "There is something going on in that forest. From the best of my knowledge that I've gathered, it is the place where Crimsonians are held."

Arnold: "So there is nowhere I can take her. Damn, what do I do?"

Man: "Hmm. Look, I'll give you an option. I'd personally take her in but I don't live alone so she'll be found quickly. But, there is a place I think you can take her."

Arnold: "Really?"

Man: "There is a small village on the East coast of Thari. They do not follow the same traditions as most of the world, so they'll take her in."

Arnold: "That's amazing. Can you show me an exact point on the map?"

Man: "I can, but I will ask. Are you sure you want to do this? You know, harboring a Crimsonian as a regular citizen is against the law in cities. If you are caught doing so, you can get in a lot of trouble with the law."

Arnold: "That's alright. I'll figure something out. Hmm? Hey, what's that flyer over there?"

Man: "Oh, that. It's an exhibition happening at the Imperial Museum in the capital. They are displaying pieces of art but the one that's grabbing the most attention is the Queen's diamond. It's a rare red diamond, so naturally it's getting a lot of spotlight, from media, to celebrities. A lot of people are gathering in the capital. But since such a rare item is on display, the ACO have offered to give a little security."

Arnold: "How long until the exhibition?"

Man: "The flyer says a week. I hear they're relocating the diamond immediately after the exhibition. Smart choice considering the uprise in theft recently."

Arnold: "Do you mind if I take the flyer?"

Man: "Not at all. I'm not planning to go anyways. Do you want to?"

Arnold: "I might. If I have t-"

Ulqora: "Jo... Joseph. Help..."

Arnold: "Is she-"

The man pulls the curtain and both Arnold and he can see her.

Man: "Magnificent. Their healing is truly extraordinary. Faster than us humans."

Ulqora: "Humans!"

She covers herself with the blanket she was lying in.

Ulqora: "I'm sorry for running. Please don't hurt me."

Arnold: "I..."

Man: "Little girl. Are you alright?"

Ulqora: "...I... I am."

Man: "Well, there's no need to hide. Wouldn't it be rude to not thank the young man here that just saved your life."

She slowly uncovers her head from the blanket and peeks at Arnold.

Arnold: "Hi. I won't hurt you, I promise. I'm not like the other people."

She cowers in fear, still hidden under the blanket.

Arnold: "I'm Arnold. You don't have to tell me you-"

Ulqora: "Ul... Ulqora. I'm Ulqora."

Arnold: "You have a nice name. Do you know what happened to you, Ulqora?"

Man: "She just awoke. Let's try not to ask difficult questions. She won't be ab-"

Ulqora: "Well, I refused to go with them. And they tried to kill me. So I ran. They caught me and burned me. I can't remember anything else... Joseph! Where's Joseph? Oh no. I ran for my life. I forgot all about him. He probably thinks I died. I need to go tell him I'm alright."

Man: "Oh, nevermind. Quite talkative instead."

Arnold: "I'm sorry. I don't know who Joseph is. He didn't run with you?"

Ulqora: "No. I ran away with my friends. They took me without him knowing. They also took a lot of other kids. They tried to take us away so we ran."

Arnold: "Where is Joseph right now?"

Ulqora: "With them. In the forest."

Arnold: "I... don't think I can take you there."

Ulqora: "Why? Why can't you?"

Man: "Little girl, could you tell me what happens in the forest?"

Ulqora: "They... they force us to work, and they train us. We get fed once a day and they hurt us if we are bad. Some of us get taken away, and the others are... they never tell us why they do this to us. Why do humans treat us like this? Did we do something wrong?"

Arnold looks at her with a disheartened face. Arnold looks towards the man, who stares at Ulqora unfazed, holding a smile.

Man: "You did nothing wrong. You are a brave little girl. This boy here, he wants to take you to a safer place. Will you go with him?"

Ulqora: "I want Joseph. He'll protect me. You guys might..."

Arnold: "I won't hurt you. If you say he can, I'll take you to Joseph."

Ulqora: "Really?!"

Arnold: "Yes."

Man (in head): "Such a young girl, even to trust a human after all she's been through..."

Arnold: "Is she ready to go?"

Man: "She seems to be fine, however take these packs of painkillers, two tablets per twelve hours, in case of migraines."

Arnold: "Can I ask something?"

Man: "Go ahead."

Arnold: "You aren't from here too, right? What made you offer to help us?"

Man: "Let's just say I can sympathise deeply for her situation."

He hands Arnold packs of painkillers, which Arnold places in his bag. After a while, they head downstairs to the entrance. Arnold and Ulqora walk out the door.

Arnold: "Thanks for the help, uh..."

Man: "It's Ale. And it was no problem. Take this as well."

He hands Ulqora a cloak, which she puts on. It covers her whole body.

Ale: "Old fashioned, but still effective. Remember to replace the bandages daily. Also stay clear of the police's radar. Other than that, take care. Try stay clear of trouble."

Arnold: "I'll try my best."

Arnold and Ulqora walk down the stairs and walk away. The man closes the door shut and the silence takes over again.

Ulqora: "Thank you. For helping me."

Arnold: "No need to thank me. I'm just glad you are alright."

As Arnold and Ulqora head back to the forest, they notice someone running towards them.

Arnold (in head): "Is that..."

Arnold: "Kas!"

Kas: "Arnold!"

Kassius runs towards them and slips in front of them. Arnold chuckes a bit and Ulqora giggles as well. Kassius stands up, exhausted and dirty.

Kassius: "You won't... believe... forest... Red people... turtle monkey..."

Arnold: "Catch your breath."

Kassius starts inhaling and exhaling and he starts to cool down.

Kassius: "OK, this place is crazy. I just escaped that damn forest. You know they make red people slaves... oh. She's awake. You must be Ulqora."

Ulqora hides behind Arnold.

Arnold: "It's OK. That's my friend, Kassius. Yes, she told me. And all about the forest. But how do you know her name?"

Kassius: "Heard it from a guy called Joseph."

Ulqora: "You know where Joseph is?"

Arnold: "That's great. She wants to get to Joseph and you know where he is."

Kassius: "Arnold... I don't think that's a good idea."

Arnold: "Did something happen?"

Ulqora: "Is Joseph ok?"

Kassius: "They... they killed him."

Arnold looks at him in shock and Ulqora is left speechless as the sun shines down on them at noon.