The President's Daughter

Arnold heads back to the main road as Kassius and Ayana climb to the roof of the building near the alley. Kassius and Ayana go from building to building, in the direction of the museum without being spotted by security down below. Arnold reaches the police barricade and walks in. He continues heading forward and follows a group of people towards the entrance. He climbs up the main entrance stairs which are covered in red carpet. Arnold walks into the museum and is spotted by Yveline.

Yveline: "You! Come here."

Arnold walks up to her.

Yveline: "More guests will be arriving shortly. Head towards the table over there and pick up a serving tray. Chap chap!"

Arnold walks towards the table and he's greeted by multiple dishes of food. He picks up a tray with some of the dishes but before he turns around, people start cheering behind him. He turns around and walks to the exit to see a limozine parked in the distance. On their way forward, are four men dressed in full black with sunglasses and a girl in front of them. This girl is about sixteen years old, height of 5"6, light skin tone, long brown hair, dark blue eyes, wearing a long white dress.

Random man 1: "Whoa! That's the president's daughter."

Random man 2: "I didn't think she'd show."

Random woman: "She's so beautiful."

Arnold walks back to the food table. He turns on his earpiece.

Arnold: "The president's daughter is here."

Back outside, Kassius and Ayana climbed to the roof of the museum.

Kassius: "Guess we have more company. Ayana? Where'd y-"

Kassius turns around and sees her sitting on the ledge of the roof facing the back of the museum. He walks up to her and sits on the ledge near her.

Kassius: "What's up?"

Ayana: "Just looking at the moon. Hey, does your friend Arnold hate me? I didn't do anything wrong to him right?"

Kassius: "I don't think he hates you."

Ayana: "It seems like he does."

Kassius: "Maybe for now. Just give it time, he'll warm up to you. Arnold's a nice guy."

Ayana: "When he raised his voice at that little girl..."

Kassius: "He's just looking out for her. He probably had his reasons and I'm sure he never meant to yell. It's Arnold."

Ayana: "Hmm. You seem to trust him a lot. Are you guys like childhood friends?"

Kassius: "Nah. I've only known Arnold for like a month now."

Ayana: "A month?! And you're out stealing together? You're too naïve."

Kassius: "I wouldn't say that. I'm not clueless. I know when to trust someone. It's like a gut feeling. Even though it's only been a month, I feel like I can trust Arnold with anything. Don't you have anyone like that?"

Ayana: "I... I don't."

Kassius: "I see."

Ayana, with a less enthusiastic face, stares at the sky. Kassius stands up on the ledge.

Ayana: "Hmm?"

Kassius: "I guess I'm the first then. If you can't trust anyone else, you can at least trust me, right?"

Kassius lets off a big smile with the moonlight shining on him. Ayana gets flustered and slips backwards off the ledge onto the roof.

Kassius: "Are you good?"

He notices an emblem mark on her leg near her ankle. She notices that he sees it and pulls her coveralls down her leg properly.

Ayana: "Uh... yes. Yes, I'm fine."

Kassius and Ayana walk up to the vent on the roof and open it. They turn on their earpieces and Kassius enters the vent.

Kassius: "I'm entering the vents."

(Earpiece) Arnold: "Copy."

(Earpiece) Ayana: "Copy."

Kassius heads down and reaches the base of the vent. He gets down into a crawling position and starts crawling through the vents. Back in the museum, a vast amount of guests had shown up. Arnold continues going around serving people some food.

Yveline: "Greetings, my esteemed guests. I'm very glad you could all make it for the exhibition. I know you've waited for quite a while so without further ado, let us begin. Follow me."

As Yveline leads the way, the group follow her up the stairs.

(Earpiece) Kassius: "I'm above you now. I can see you."

Arnold: "Follow my directions."

(Earpiece) Kassius: "Copy."

Arnold follows the group upstairs. They walk forward into the painting room.

Yveline: "This room holds some of the most magnificent paintings in the nation. Please take a look around and in a moment we will show you the other rooms."

Everyone starts moving around. Arnold stands in the corner of the room and looks up.

Arnold: "Head forward."

(Earpiece) Kassius: "Got it."

Kassius crawls through the vents and reaches the end.

(Earpiece) Kassius: "Alright, left or right?"

Arnold: "Head right and stop at the next turn."

Kassius heads right.

(Earpiece) Kassius: "Don't stare up too long. You'll make it too obvious. Try blend in."

Arnold walks around, trying his best to blend in. He continues passing around food. While he is walking around, he stops and notices a painting. It shows a man getting stabbed in the back by a woman with two heads, one with a cold face and one with a crying face. While one of her hands is stabbing, the other is trying to pull the blade away.

Girl: "Nice painting isn't it?"

Arnold looks to his side.

Arnold (in head): "The president's daughter? I'll just go along with this."

Girl: "They say it's the last thing Gervon II created before he got murdered by his wife."

Arnold shows her the plate of food.

Girl: "Thank you."

She picks a doughnut and takes a bite.

Girl: "Mmm!"

A man walks up to her.

Man: "Madam Vicant."

Girl: "Relax. I'm just eating a doughnut and looking at a painting. You can go."

The man walks away.

Girl: "I can't even go to an art gallery without secret services following me everywhere."

Arnold: "You're-

Girl: "The president's daughter. The name is Marialette but you can call me Maria. What about you?"

Arnold: "Ar- Uh..."

Marialette: "Louis perhaps. It's on your card."

Arnold: "Uh... yeah. Yeah, Louis."

Marialette chuckles a bit.

Marialette: "Well, Louis. Tell me about yourself. What do you do?"

Arnold: "I uh... do security."

Marialette: "Cmon. Don't be shy. Hobbies? Maybe a sport."

Arnold: "I'm good at Rock Paper Scissors."

Marialette: "Hahahaha! You're really funny Louis."

Arnold and Marialette continue talking as the tour goes on. They go into the artifact room on the left and look at different artifacts. After a while, the group heads into the statue room on the right. The lights turn on and they shine through the vents.

Kassius (in head): "Finally. Where is he... there!"

Kassius: "Arnold. I see you. Tell me where to go."

Arnold hears Kassius and tries walking away.

Marialette: "Wait. Where are you going?"

Arnold: "Uh... bathroom break. I'll be right back."

Arnold looks up at the vents before leaving the room. He walks to the bathroom and enters a stall.

Arnold: "Kas."

(Earpiece) Kassius: "Looks like someone found a date to the ball."

Arnold: "Not right now Kas. Alright, head straight. You'll reach a dead end forward that leads up. Go up, then it'll lead left. Follow until your first right. You should be in the room then."

(Earpiece) Kassius: "Got it."

Man: "Hello? Is someone in there?"

Arnold walks out of the bathroom.

Man: "Geez. I'm about to explode here!"

The man pushes past him and Arnold leaves. He walks back upstairs into the statue room and notices Marialette talking to three men. He walks up to them and Marialette sees him. She walks up to him and grabs his arm.

Marialette: "How was the bathroom honey?"

Arnold (in head): "Honey?"

Arnold: "It was good. Who are these guys?"

Man: "Just guests. We were talking to Miss Marialette over here but I guess she really is taken. Pardon us."

They start walking away but whispers of 'he's just a security guard' and 'poor choice by her' ringed through the room and into Arnold's ear. Without it taking too long, the rumors spread and more conversations about it were happening.

Marialette: "I'm sorry. I jus-"

Arnold: "It's alright."

Marialette: "It just gets annoying, getting hit on all the time. No guy really asks me about my interests or likes or even listens to me."

Arnold: "I'm sorry to hear that."

Marialette: "No it's alright. It's not your fault at all."

Arnold: "Who's this statue of?"

Marialette: "This one? It's my grandfather. He was also the president at one point. Reformed the nation to it's current state. My father now runs it all. He wants me to follow in his steps but I don't know if I want to carry on being a leader. I don't think I have what it takes."

Arnold: "What do you like then?"

Marialette: "Well, I like art."

Arnold: "Then become an artist."

Marialette: "I want to. But I also don't want to disappoint my father. Ever since my mother left, he hasn't been as happy as he used to. I just want to make him happy. I'm his only child so I feel like I'm the only one who can. What about you? Do you have any family?"

Arnold: "I have two older brothers and..."

Marialette: "Mhm?"

Arnold: "And... they are really determined people. They have always tried their best to listen to my parents but honestly. I think the best way to make them happy, is to show them that you are happy. Isn't that all they want? To see they're child happy?"

Marialette: "Hmm. I guess that's true. You're pretty wise for a person my age yknow?"

She starts smiling.

(Earpiece) Ulqora: "Help!"

Arnold hears it and his eyes widen in shock.

Marialette: "What's wrong?"

Arnold: "Uh... something at my house. I think my mom twisted her ankle. I have to leave. Sorry."

Marialette: "It's alright. You know, nobody ever listens to what I say or takes interest in me because of who I am. Thanks for tonight."

She leans in and kisses Arnold on the cheek.

Arnold: "No problem. Have a good night Maria."

Arnold walks out of the room and exits the museum. He rushes down the path to reach the main road.

Arnold: "Guys, change of plans, I'm out of the building. Continue the mission. I'll go help Ulqora."

(Earpiece) Kassius: "What happened?"

Arnold: "Don't worry. I'll deal with it. Meet me near the same place."

Kassius reaches a point on the vent that opens to the room. He uses a screwdriver and loosens the bolts. He removes the damper and puts it to the side.

Kassius: "Alright, how did she say I do this again?"

Kassius hooks a carabiner to the far back of the vent on a different damper. He then hooks a rope to that carabiner and one on his waist. He then pulls out the EMP from his pocket.

Kassius: "Alright, twist the top, set to start and... drop."

Kassius drops the EMP and it goes off before it hits the ground. All electrical devices in the area start malfunctioning. The lights start messing around and it alarms the group but Yveline tries to keep a control of the group. In a back surveillance room, the guards get confused and start trying to fix it. The earpieces stop working. Kassius drops out of the vent and slowly descends into the room. He turns on a torch and starts looking around.

Kassius: "Where is it... where is it..."

Kassius lands on the ground and spots a podium with a box covered by a cloth. He walks up to it and uncovers it.

Kassius: "Whoa! That's definitely it."

Kassius puts on gloves. He removes the glass box and picks the diamond.

Ayana: "Kassius! Are you there?!"

Kassius: "Ayana?"

Ayana: "Up here."

Kassius looks up and sees her in the vent.

Kassius: "What are you doing here?"

Ayana: "Arnold told me before at the car that if there was a problem, I come help you."

Kassius: "He never told me this."

Ayana: "We don't have enough time. The surveillance will be up soon."

Kassius: "Alright."

Kassius walks under the vent and tosses the diamond up to Ayana. She catches it.

Kassius: "Alright I'm coming up."

Ayana moves back in the vent as Kassius climbs back up. As he pulls himself up, Ayana pulls a knife out.

Ayana: "I'm sorry, Kassius. You can't trust anybody... not in this world."

Ayana cuts the rope and Kassius falls to the ground. All electrical devices start functioning normally again. The surveillance starts back up and Kassius is spotted.