The Serpent Brothers

Mistress: "You were looking for this place?"

Kassius: "This is the only village around this place, right?"

Mistress: "That is correct."

Kassius: "Great. You see, we came here so Ulqora could find a home."

Woman 1: "Mistress, I thought our village was unknown to the rest of the world."

Woman 2: "Have we been found?"

The crowd around starts murmuring in panic.

Mistress: "Everybody relax! No need to be worried. Now, tell us how you found our village. Depending on your answer, you may die right now. Archers!"

A group of hunters aim their bows at them.

Mistress: "Five..."

Kassius: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on. What about Ulqora."

Mistress: "Four..."

Bonnie wakes up from her sleep.

Bonnie: "Hmm? What's happening?"

Mistress: "Thr-"

Arnold: "His name was Ale."

Mistress: "What did you say?!"

Arnold: "Ale. The man who told me about this village. That's his name."

Mistress: "Ale? But... how? He's still alive?"

Arnold: "Yes. He's currently in a town called Ritetown. We found Ulqora tied to a rail track near the town. We freed her but she was badly hurt, so we went to look for help. Kas and I got split up but I eventually found the town and a doctor was willing to help treat her. That doctor was Ale. He told me there was a place we could take her, a place that she'll be safe from harm."

Mistress: "Hmm... Ale was interested in medicine when we were younger. It seems like a trustworthy story."

She waves her hand down and the archers lower their bows.

Mistress: "You've made a solid case for yourselves, that's for sure. Though, the same cannot be said for those two."

Kassius: "The one that just woke up over there, is our friend."

Bonnie: "Yo."

Kassius: "And the one over there is uhhh..."

Valeria: "I'm Valeria. A criminal that belongs to a group which is looking for us right now."

Mistress: "What?"

Kassius: "Well..."

Mistress: "Archers!"

Head hunter: "If I may, mistress. When we brought them in, there was no trace of other people in the area."

Mistress: "Are you certain?"

Villager: "Intruders! Intruders!"

The bells start ringing and people screaming all over.

Mistress: "Seems you are getting rusty."

Head hunter: "My apologies mistress. Hunters, follow me!"

The hunters all group together and leave the beach, heading towards the village. The observing villagers stay worried looking towards the village.

Kassius: "Hey, what's going on?"

Mistress: "Silence. We shall deal with this matter on our own."

After a while, a fire starts spreading around. A hunter is seen running back to the beach, bleeding from the face and limping.

Hunter: "Mistress! It's an emergency."

Mistress: "What happened?"

Hunter: "They are too strong. Even the boss is struggling. We are losing numbers."

Mistress: "Any information? Demands?"

Hunter: "They call themselves the serpent brothers of the black sand bandits. They say they are looking for Kassius Moore, Arnold Jenovise and Valeria Kilna and say they will leave once we give them up.

Mistress: "I'm assuming that is you guys."

Arnold: "Ulqora's in that village. She might be in danger. We need to get out of here."

Mistress: "Go back and tell them we shall meet their demands."

Kassius: "You're going to give us in?"

Mistress: "I have no attachment to you. I will do anything to ensure my people stay safe."

Valeria: "It's a trap."

Mistress: "What?"

Valeria: "The Tamun brothers. These three are ruthless. They destroy everything in their path. It doesn't matter what you do. They won't keep their deal. They'll probably take this village. Might even turn it into a new base of operations hahahaha!"

Mistress: "So there's no hope?"

The mistress starts getting nervous and falls to her knees.

Woman 1 and 2: "Mistress!"

Mistress: "I'm sorry Kaizen... I've failed you."

Everybody continues to panic but Kasssius stands up.

Arnold: "Kas, what are you..."

Kassius: "Yo. Lady. Listen to me. We want Ulqora to have a place to stay. If this place is lost, then we may never find another place. So let's make a deal here. If you promise to give Ulqora a home, we'll save your village. After that, you can decide what to do with us. How does that sound? Hehe."

The mistress looks at Kassius as he grins in excitement.

Mistress (in head): "...just like him."

The mistress stands up.

Mistress: "Free them."

Woman 1: "But mistress, if we follow the trade, how are we certain they won't abandon us?"

Woman 2: "You said it yourself, outsiders are not to be trusted."

The crowd start agreeing in unison.

Mistress: "For this occasion, we have no choice. Unless you'd prefer to go fight for us?! Any volunteers?!"

Everybody went silent. No volunteers raised their hands, nor spoke up.

Mistress: "Free them."

They open the cage and untie their hands. Just as they were about to untie Valeria's hands, Kassius stops them.

Kassius: "I have a better idea."

Back in the village, the homes are burning and the streets are destroyed. Multiple hunters and bandits, left hurt on the ground, while others fight. In the west of the village, a tall fat bandit roams the streets, wearing the same attire as all others, except he had a red scarf around the body diagonally. His name is Bamun.

Bamun: "Let's find them soon guys. I'm getting really hungry."

Bonnie: "Oy. Over here."

Bamun: "Hmm? You don't fit the descriptions. Who are you?"

Bonnie: "Does it matter? We're here to fight, not to talk."

Bamun: "Hahaha! You're not wrong."

Over on the East Side of the village, a drunk thin man also wanders around the streets. He wears the same outfit as Bamun, including the same red scarf that goes around the body. His name is Tamun. Around him on the ground are multiple hunters.

Tamun: "I-bleurgh... just wanted to have a drink."

He takes a drink from his bottle and then tosses it on the ground.

Tamun: "Guess it's another boring night. Looks like I'll have to kill you."

Random hunter: "Wait."

Tamun: "Relax it'll be painle- hmm?"

Arnold: "Oh. I found one."

Tamun: "That's one of them-bleurgh... Arnold Jenovise?"

Arnold: "Correct."

Tamun: "You're coming with me."

Arnold: "We'll see."

All the way in the North of the village, most of the fire continues to spread. The bandits have been put down but the hunters are being stomped out one by one. The man doing this is an average height male, wearing the same outfit as his brothers, but wears a purple scarf around the body. His name is Jamun.

Jamun: "So boring. Bring out the real fighters if you're going to waste my time."

Head hunter: "Die!"

The hunter tries running at him with a knife but Jamun turns around and using his fauchard he cuts the head hunter across the chest, causing the hunter to fall to the ground. Jamun holds him by his shirt.

Jamun: "Now where are they?"

Head hunter: "We know of no people you are looking for."

Jamun: "Wrong answer."

Kassius: "Yo!"

Just as he is about to stab him, he stops at the sound of Kassius' voice and turns around. He sees Kassius with Valeria on his shoulder.

Kassius: "Over here! You the one looking for me?"

Jamun: "Yes, I am. And it seems you have an old friend of mine, hanging on your shoulder like a sack of potatoes. How long has it been Valeria, how are you?"

Valeria: "Shut your mouth, Jamun!"

Jamun: "Always so angry. Well, I'll be taking you both in now."

Kassius: "That's not happening."

Jamun: "Let's find out, shall we?"

Back in the west side of the village, Bamun starts rushing towards Bonnie. She rushes towards him. Bamun tries to throw a punch but Bonnie slides underneath him and goes to his backside. She tries to kick him but he turns around in time and blocks her kick. Bonnie continues the assault as she tries hitting him with combinations but he manages to block them. On her last kick, he grabs her leg and throws her towards a home.

Bonnie: "Ah!"

She stands up after hitting the wall and immediately ducks as Bamun does a headbutt that goes through the brick wall. He pulls his head out. She dodges to the side and kicks him but he also dodges her. He then proceeds to ram into her with his head, and then goes through the wall with her, breaking into the home. Through the rubble and debris, Bonnie tries to get up. She looks to the side and sees a family hiding under a table.

Bonnie (in head): "I thought they said everybody was at the shelter?"

Bamun lifts Bonnie by the neck.

Bamun: "You were fun to play with. But you can't beat my skull of steel. And what do we have here?"

He goes towards the table and throws it away.

Bamun: "A family of three."

Bamun grabs the son by the neck with his other hand. The father tries to save his son but Bamun kicks him into the wall. The wife rushes to the husband.

Bamun: "You people will take me to your leader so I can get what I want. I don't want any funny business of the kid will die, you hear me?"

In that moment, Bonnie grips around his arm with her body and twists, dislocating it.

Bamun: "Argh!"

Bonnie and the kid both fall out of his grip. The kid runs to his parents and is embraced in tears, while Bonnie stands up. Bamun relocates his arm.

Bonnie: "The fight isn't over, you piece of shit."

Bamun: "You must have a death wish. The fight ended a long time ago!"

He throws a punch and hits her directly in the face.

Bamun: "What?! Impossible."

His fist is stopped in its track by her face alone.

Bonnie: "Haha! My turn."

She throws a punch and hits him directly in the face, causing him to cough out blood.

Bamun: "What the hell?!"

Bonnie spits out some blood.

Bonnie: "You were right. This fight was over a long time ago. You aren't even that impressive to be honest."

Bamun: "Shut the hell up and die!"

He stands up and grabs her with both his arms.

Bamun: "You can't escape this."

Bonnie: "No need to."

Bonnie grabs onto him too. They both tilt back and at the same time, charge forward at each other with a headbutt. Bonnie overpowers him and his skull cracks, causing him to go lose his grip on her. She stumbles backwards dizzy. As she holds her head and looks up, Bamun charges at her with his head.

Bamun: "Die..."

Bamun as he reaches her, falls to the ground, and is unconscious right at her feet.

Bonnie: "Not too bad. Oy, follow me. I'll take you people somewhere safer."

Bonnie drags Bamun across the ground as she takes the family away from the area.

Bonnie: "Man, I'm hungry."