The Man In The Abandoned Town

After the celebrations were complete, people started going back to their homes, and others started taking down the stages and stalls. Later in the night, in the village, Kassius and Arnold go into an accommodated guest room.

Arnold: "Where did Bonnie go?"

Kassius: "She usually does this. She always used to say she'd rather train than sleep. I don't know how she has so much energy after all that."

Arnold: "Yeah, it was draining. But it was a really good event. And Ulqora seemed to get along with the people just fine..."

Kassius: "We're gonna have to tell her eventually, you know."

Arnold: "I know... but maybe-"

Kassius: "We can't. The further we go, the more dangerous we are to her. You know that. We can't ever come back here."

The room goes silent. Outside through the window, Ulqora eavesdropping hears this, and starts to tear up, causing her to run away.

Kassius: "Look, I know it's unfortunate but it's best for her."

Arnold: "I get it. I'll plan our route and then head to sleep."

Kassius: "I'm heading out, I have something to do. It won't take long."

Kassius leaves the room and walks down through the village. He reaches the infirmary and goes up to Valeria's room.

Kassius: "Yo. Are you up?"

Valeria: "I am now."

Kassius: "Yeah, my fault. I just wanted to-"

Valeria: "Ask for intel about the black sand bandits. Look, I might have been kicked out, but I'm no snitch."

Kassius: "Relax. I don't care about that information. I actually came to thank you, for what you did for Ulqora."

Valeria: "That... I only did it to ensure that I'd be set free."

Kassius: "Whatever the reason may be, you saved her. So I'm grateful. We plan to leave in the morning, and judging by your condition, the doctors said you won't be able to walk around for a couple of weeks. So we're leaving you here too."

Valeria: "Hmph. Risky move no? How can you guarantee I won't do the same as those imbeciles and take from this village?"

Kassius: "You're right. I can't guarantee it. All I can do is trust. Besides, I think these people are strong enough to handle you."

Valeria: "Don't look down on me!"

Kassius: "Yeah, alright. By the way, the leader lady said you can stay here if you help the village. Maybe you should take up the offer."

As Kassius walks away, Valeria sits up a bit.

Valeria: "The boss... He's far more powerful than you. Consider this an act of generosity. If you want some advice, give up. You'll just end up like the others that tried. You can't win with grit alone."

Kassius stops and turns to her.

Kassius: "If grit was all I had, I wouldn't have gotten this far."

She stares at him in surprise as his unwavering confidence is visible through his smirk. He walks out of the infirmary and starts heading back up to the North of the village.

Kassius (in head): "It's so cold. Maybe being out in a robe isn't the best ide- Hmm? Is that..."

In the distance, Kassius sees Kaizen heading out through the exit of the village, pulling a wooden cart with him.

Kassius: "Where is he headed to at a time like this?"

Kassius tries walk out through the exit of the village but is met by guards.

Guard 1: "Stop! Where are you going?"

Kassius: "Uhh... I just wanted to take a walk outside the village. I won't be gone for long."

Guard 2: "No can do. Mistress has informed us that you are not allowed to leave until the designated time tomorrow."

Kassius: "Cmon. I won't go far."

Guard 1: "You heard him, we can't."

Kassius: "Fine, nevermind."

Kassius walks away.

Kassius (in head): "How can I get out of here?"

He turns to see a man with a horse and covered cart nearby. Kassius sneaks by it and enters the cart. The man rides to the front gate where he's stopped by the guards.

Guard 1: "Yo, Moman. Headed out?"

Moman: "Yes, I have to go fetch the new set of supplies and return these ones."

Guard 1: "Alright stay safe on your journey."

Moman: "I will."

Moman rides off with his cart out of the village. He rides on a distance until the entrance is distant. Kassius peaks out the cover in the back, and notices nothing around. He uncovers slowly and climbs over the wall of the cart. He hangs down and tries to go down on the ground but as he lands, he makes a small thud that Moman picks up. He immediately stops the cart and turns behind to see nothing.

Moman: "Who's there?!"

Kassius, intensely breathing, is hiding behind the wall of the cart. Moman gets off, and goes around the cart. He checks under and sees nothing. He goes around the left to the back, but again sees nothing. He laps back around on the right but Kassius goes under the cart and Moman again sees nothing. Moman goes up to his horse and rubs him.

Moman: "False alarm boy. I'm probably just tired. Cmon. Let's go."

He gets back up and rides off with the cart as Kassius lies on the floor. After a while, Kassius gets back up once Moman is a good distance away. He dusts himself off and looks around to see the old town in the near distance, along with a person entering it.

Kassius: "People stay there? I thought there was only one village here. Maybe... no. I gotta find Kaizen... but maybe afterwards. Mmm... I'm not in a rush. So I guess I'll give it to him later."

Kassius runs off and heads towards the town. As he gets very close, Kassius starts slowing down and walks to the point he saw the person walk into.

Kassius: "It's... empty."

Kassius walks around, seeing nothing but abandoned houses, facilities and roads.

Kassius: "Hello?!"

His voice echoes, but nobody responds. He continues walking down, towards the factories.

Kassius: "I swear I thought I saw somebody walked in here. Was I hallucinating?"

Kassius eventually reaches the factories.

Kassius: "Nobody's around. That's unfortunate. Hmm? What's..."

He notices light coming from behind the factories. He goes around and sees a huge mine, with a path of light leading down into the tunnel.

Kassius (in head): "How can there still be electricity?"

Kassius goes down the tunnel and follows the path until he goes underground to a straight path. The path underground is very spacious, enough for a train to pass through. He walks down for some time.

Kassius: "How far down does this tunnel go?"


In the distance, Kassius hears laughter. He walks up further to see at the end of the tunnel, Kaizen and another man. This man is 5"10, messy gray hair, light skin complexion, and Hazel eyes. He is wearing no shirt and shoes, only daunting a patchy baggy pair of trousers.

Kaizen: "You know, I never did try it. I can bring you some if you want."

Man: "No, it's fine. This booze is more than enough. Any more and I might build a habit hahaha!"

Kaizen: "Haha! Yeah, you're probably right."

Kassius (in head): "Maybe I shouldn't intrude."

Kassius tries to slowly walk away but he accidentally knocks a glass bottle that's on the ground, making a small rattle noise.

Kaizen: "So when I was..."

As Kaizen continues his story, the man turns and looks in the distance of the tunnel. He locks eyes with Kassius and immediately charges at him. Within seconds the gap between them had closed tremendously.

Kassius (in head): "Shit! He's fast."

The man immediately reaches him and tries to punch him. Kassius tries to block with his arms but the man punches at him. As his punch connects, Kassius squints in pain and goes flying back to the ground, tumbling in his trajectory. He stops and slowly gets back up.

Kassius (in head): "That punch... it felt like a train hit me."

The man imposes his presence on Kassius and Kassius starts struggling to stand.

Man: "I do not recognise... bleurgh, your feel. Who are you?"

Kassius: "My... feel?"

Kaizen catches up and sees them standing off.

Kaizen: "Stop!"

The man stops imposing his presence on Kassius, and Kassius catches himself before he falls to the ground, breathing intensely.

Kaizen: "Kassius? What are you doing here?"

Kassius: "I was looking... for you, but I got distracted and it turns out it was you. Isn't that funny hehe?"

Man: "You know... bleurgh, him?"

Kaizen: "Yeah, him and his friends saved the village."

Man: "Saved the village? What do you mean saved the village? Did something happen?"

Kaizen: "Well, some group found the village and attacked. But him and his friends helped us and we stopped them."

Man: "Sh- bleurgh. Shit! If I wasn't drinking, this wouldn't have happened..."

Kaizen: "Don't stress over it. Besides, you look over us all the time. The least we could do is give you a break."

Man: "... Maybe you're right. As long as the village is safe, I'm happy. Thank you, and your friends for saving the village. And I'm sorry about attacking you. I don't usually get visitors apart from Kai over here."

Kassius: "It's fine, really."

Man: "Well, come join us. I want to know more about you. It's not an everyday chance I get to do this."

They all sit down at the end of the tunnel and start talking. Kassius tells them both about where he's from, the journey from the train to the village and his criminal life.

Man: "So you saved a girl and brought her here?"

Kassius: "Yeah, it was the best choice for her. Besides, we couldn't keep her with us on our journey for the long term. She would be in too much danger."

Kaizen: "Let's go back to you being thieves. What do you steal exactly?"

Kassius: "Well, it honestly just comes in the moment for me. But usually jewels are nice. They go for high prices. Speaking of, I'm in a hurry to get back a jewel stolen from me recently."

Kaizen: "You lost a jewel? Was it worth a lot?"

Kassius: "Probably. But I'm not too concerned about the money. It's more of a battle of thieves, and I can't back down after all that's happened. Ahh. Now I remember. I came here to tell you that we are leaving in the morning, so I was coming to say goodbye."

Kaizen: "Oh? Already?"

Kassius: "Yeah, we can't waste anymore time. For all we know, the jewel might be on the move to a further location. I have to get it back."

Man: "Maybe it's your time Kai..."

Kaizen: "Don't bring this up again."

Kassius: "Brint up what?"

Man: "Well, Kai here always dreamed of exploring the world. But he's been too afraid to leave. Always making excuses. I try to push him but he just won't."

Kaizen: "He's making it sound so easy. What he wants me to do is abandon the village. Leave everyone behind while I selfishly go do what I want."

Kassius: "Well, why not?"

Kaizen: "Because the village's prosperity is more important than my dream."

Man: "Kaizen, do you remember the story of this place I told you a while ago?"

Kaizen: "... Yes. I do."

Man: "Back then, our people couldn't even hope of dreaming. Forced to work as slaves and clear our own land for the gain of royalty. But that fateful day occurred and now we are free. It would be a spit in the face to the people that came before you, if you were to live as though you were in their shoes. Lives were lost to make sure you live free. Don't take it for granted."

Kaizen: "I don't want to... it's just-"

Kassius: "Can't the village survive without you?"

Kaizen: "Of course they can. It's just... ugh. I don't know. I don't know anymore. Maybe it's pointless. Cmon, Kassius. It's getting late. You should head back and rest."

Kaizen: "Well, what more can I say right? He's a stubborn one."

Kassius and Kaizen both get up and start walking away out of the tunnel.

Kaizen: "Make sure to get some sleep too."

Man: "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about me. Goodbye Kassius."

Kassius: "Goodbye... uhhh, what's your name?"

Man: "Me? Well, I don't have one anymore. Just call me so and so."

Kassius and Kaizen exit the tunnel and start walking towards the exit of the town.

Kassius: "I didn't want to ask earlier, but who was that guy anyway?"

Kaizen: "He's... just an oldhead. He lives outside the village. Pay him no mind. But you can't tell anyone what you saw here today, alright?"

Kassius: "I won't. And about leaving the village-"

Kaizen: "Yeah. Just forget about it."

Kassius: "No. You can't just forget it."

Kaizen: "Of course I can. I forgot about it already. What were we even talking about?"

Kassius: "Seriously. Listen, dreams are just like jewels or artifacts. Very important possessions that can be stolen if you don't care for them. Did somebody steal yours?"

Kaizen: "Aren't you looking a bit too deep into this?"

Kassius: "Maybe I am. But I'm a thief so if someone stole something from me... I'd steal it back."

Kaizen: "Look. Even if I wanted to go, I couldn't. Above all else, me leaving would hurt my mother the most. And after all she's gone through, I can't. I'd rather be unhappy as long as my mother isn't."

Kassius: "How sure are you that she's happy when her son isn't? Or maybe... she doesn't know?"

Kaizen "..."

Kassius and Kaizen arrive at the village entrance. The guards walk up to them.

Guard 1: "Hey! How did you get out here?! Alert Mistress at once."

Kaizen: "Relax, he's with me. Just let it slide this time and don't alert mother."

Guard 1: "...As you wish. Halt on the alert."

They walk into the village and down the road.

Kassius: "Look, I won't intrude on it anymore. I cannot force you to do what you want, so I'll just tell you the truth. If you come with us, you won't be able to come back here. We are leaving in the morning. If you want to join us, show up. If not, don't. The choice is yours."