Third Person P.O.V.
Loki guides Eidolon's group through the hidden paths and shortcuts to Svartalfheim. They went through narrow cracks in the mountains, entered waterfalls, dove into lakes to find secret caves, and even moved parts of the terrain to reveal other hidden passageways.
"There's more, but this one has just the right size…" Loki explains with an I-know-all tone "It's said that some passages are so big that entire armies can pass through, but many are destroyed completely or destroyed from the books after the wars. So nowadays you use Yggdrasil or you use a ship."
"..." No one is interested in engaging in a conversation with the God of Lies.
Eidolon, for his part, uses the All-Seeing Eyes of God all the time to check the path ahead and their surroundings, cautious about any trick that Loki can pull.
Finally, after going through a very dark cave, they emerge in a slightly brighter but still dark world.
"I present to you all… Svartalfheim!" Loki opens his arms with great fanfare "Not that is that impressive." But then he lowers his arms like he is disappointed.
The place is… dull. For a lack of a better world. It's dark too… Everything seems to be one or two shades darker than normal. The sky, even if is seemingly daytime, looks like a storm is coming with its grey horizon. The ground is rocky and the few forests have dark trees. Even the water running down some waterfalls and rivers is darker.
It's a gray world. Worse than this probably only Helheim, the Realf of the Dead.
"Not a good place to a vacation…" Darcy comments with humor "I don't think I can get a tan here."
"..." Her jokes don't get the reaction that she expected.
Everyone is focused like they can be attacked at any moment, after all, they entered enemy territory.
"If you want to make them laugh you can show them the 'Puny God' video." Eidolon helps from the side.
Now everyone, but Loki, laughs. Earlier, during the boring travel, Darcy pulled off her phone to show the saved clip of Hulk smashing Loki in the concrete before saying "Puny God". It's good footage, the whole build-up of Loki ranting about being superior before being mercilessly smashed is gold to the Asgardians.
She even showed them the edits and the dubstep remix.
"By Odin's beard… That was great." Fandral wipes a tear from his eyes, still chuckling.
"I need to share a drink with that green fella." Volstagg says still laughing.
Even Lady Sif doesn't hold back. Eidolon is seriously considering creating a scroll or something that displays the scene all the time for them.
"Well guys, this is where we part ways…" After the good carefree moment, Eidolon says a little more serious
"Are you sure about that, my friend?" Thor asks
"It's the best option… I don't think they have enough manpower to defend against a double attack." The black-clad hero says. "If I make a distraction in their homeland, you guys can sneak on their Ancestral Grounds more easily."
From the history books that Eidolon learned, The Ancestral Grounds is where the Aether fell from the sky and where the Dark Elves tribe was first established. After that, there were a lot of migrations and division in sub-tribes, so now the Ancestral Grouns are not a place to live, but a place of worship.
And that's where the Altar that can be used to extract the Aether from Jane… apparently. It's not confirmed, but is the best chance.
"It can be dangerous…" Thor warns Eidolon.
"And be careful." Lady Sif completes, eyeing him intensely.
"Don't worry. I can be really sneaky when I want." Eidolon smiles "I will try to make a deal with the Dark Elf Queen so that this whole situation doesn't escalate into a war… Then we can brand Malekith as a terrorist/criminal like Loki here." He doesn't waste the opportunity to poke Loki "And put all the blame on him, then we just need to defeat him after he is alone."
"It sounds like a good plan." Volstagg nods
"It will really solve everything." Fandral says too.
It's simple but doesn't have many loopholes.
"Thanks. I feel like all of this would be really complicated without you here." Thor pats Eidolon's shoulder.
"That's what are friends for…" Eidolon answers dismissively while waving his hand "Now before I go…" Eidolon shows his hands from beneath his mantle, he is carrying a baseball-sized crystal…
"Is that a diamond??" Darcy was the first to notice the precious gem
"Yeah, it's kinda useless but thanks to the molecular structure it can hold a lot of power. So I will charge it with life-force so that Jane will suffer even when I am not around." He holds the giant diamond in his hand, making the thing shine in a golden light
"Useless? Give me one too then." Darcy is still with her mouth agape seeing the jewel
"It's just a rock. They tricked you into thinking that is precious." Eidolon deadpans while he charges the diamond with some life-force. He is making it so will passively transfer the energy to the one that holds it.
After that, he brings a metal wristband and puts the diamond in a circular empty space on it. Then he puts it on Jane's wrist like it is a cuff.
"There. Better than a pendant. Is it too tight?" He asks Jane
"No, it's alright. I will give it back after all of this is over." She says a little overwhelmed
"Meh, you can keep it." Eidolon shrugs his shoulders like is no big deal. To him that thing is useless. And he doesn't think Jane would sell it.
"Like I said, give me one too." Darcy continues shamelessly, interrupting Jane by saying something.
"I will give you something better." Eidolon smiles at her. He is kinda liking Darcy. She is fun and frank… Like Shego or Kitty.
"Oh, what?" She asks interested
"A first-rate experience." He touches her shoulder and under the eyes of everyone, Darcy shrinks in size till she is as tall as a doll.
Eidolon commands his mantle to make a pocket between him and his body and puts the surprised Darcy there.
"Your safety is still my responsibility." Eidolon says "It's better that we divide the girls between the two groups. And sorry, it will be more convenient to carry you like this." But he feels that she would not complain about this arrangement.
"Darcy, are you okay? You are so small…" Jane approaches, looking at her assistant curiously
"Are you kidding? This is great!" Darcy's excited voice comes from the mantle "I'm pressing my whole body against his… It's like warm marble~"
"..." After that Jane decided not to worry about her.
"Well… I'm off." Eidolon nods and starts disappearing "Good Luck."
"Good Luck." They answer back
England, Greenwich
It's evening in England, and the pieces of equipment prepared by the Avengers, SCP, and S.H.I.E.L.D. alerted the people around with beeps.
"Spikes of gravimetric anomalies…" Reed declares, stretching his neck to see the readings on another monitor.
"It's starting." Stark says gravely, taking a deep breath. He is a little nervous, not that he will say it to anyone.
"Zwwwooon* *Whooosh*
Suddenly the tower-like objects that the SCP ship planted around the around started shining and emitting a sound before shooting a white beam of light to the sky. The beams meet and disperse in a transparent curtain that covers the area like a cylinder that reaches space. The towers also shoot beams of light a little parallel to the ground, interlinking with each other and creating barriers to protect the equipment.
The net of beams creates an almost perfect structure together with the huge ship in the air, sealing the area. No one enters and no one leaves. It's not entirely perfect, but that is on purpose, the barrier doesn't close in a semi-sphere, if one flies high enough and leaves Earth's atmosphere, they would see that the barrier is akin to a cup, with a hole in the top.
It was thought that way to not block the Convergence.
And to the people inside had a way of dispersing some energy in case things took a wrong turn. Let's say… If someone tries to explode a nuke or something similar… With this exit, the worst of damages can be avoided.
"It's happening, be prepared." Lady Jade says while rolling her shoulders.
"Just us?" Huntress looks around the group of the SCP, and it's just her, Lady Jade, Shadow, Groot, and Mikhail. Oh, and Rover, she noticed the dog sitting on the ground, very well-behaved.
"Eidolon said that is enough." Lady Jade shrugs "We have a lot of backups with the Failsafe androids and the rest should be on alert in other parts of the world."
"In case people use this opportunity to commit crimes?" Huntress checks her bolts
"Probably, or he knows that is not that dangerous…"
As they are talking, Cassandra raises an arm, that was covered on the Beowulf Devil Arm that Hector left behind for her, and points at the general area where the Convergence will be forced to focalize.
"Incoming" She says in a quiet and calm voice.
And just like she said, the air rippled and some big rocks started appearing from thin air and falling in their overall direction, the angle was weird, it's not like it was falling, but as if someone threw it.
Probably because it was on a different inclination compared to Midgard.
Hector's Groot, who finally grew up enough to be considered a teenager stretches his arms and vines and branches grabs the rocks, before swings down in a controlled manner.
"I am Groot." He says in a deep voice.
"Yeah, yeah… Piece of cake but it is only the beginning." Huntress says back.
This Groot was living together with Mikhail to get some discipline. His alien line of thought and great power can become a problem if not raised carefully. He is also made of the Adam Wood from the One Piece world, so he is more resistant than average steel.
He is already a competent fighter that just needs some supervision. Hector remembered how the Groot that partnered with Rocket, the Racoon, was a little… slow, for the lack of a better word.
After the rocks, suddenly some pieces of wood started flying everywhere, like some tree was uprooted and thrown in a crusher before appearing here.
*Fwwooosh* Shego sents a curtain of fire to turn the splinters into cinders.
"It's starting for real, people!" She shouts to everyone "Stop any and everything that comes out from that area!"
Everyone braces themselves because it's time to play defense. All the systems are up and we are kept that way by the scientist while the rest of the heroes will pay attention to the Convergence.
For a long time, only small things come out, most of them already half destroyed like they squeeze through an incomplete passage. Maybe that was an accurate description, the Converge didn't reach its full power, much like how an Eclipse didn't fully happen if the moon didn't cover the Sun completely.
But is a little problematic because while those phenomena should be happening all around the Globe, it's now only happening here, in this restricted area. So it's concentrated trouble for them.
Every 30 seconds or so something is ejected from the invisible wormholes in the area. After some time, it seems the Convergence is stabilizing and something big finally comes out.
It started with a burst of water that spilled everywhere and then a huge alligator-like creature, bigger than a car emerged too, trashing around crazily.
"Don't let the water touch your eyes or mouth! And if you can't help it, not even your skin!" Huntress instructs.
From between the equipment and machinery, Bruce Banner who was typing something suddenly pauses and trembles "No… No." He says to himself. He pauses his fingers and takes some deep breaths "No big monster, no!" He continues to murmur to himself after going back to do his work.
Instead of him, who jumped in was Jennifer Walters, his cousin decided to accompany the Fantastic Four and stretch her arms a little as She-Hulk.
And that's what she does, she jumps in the air with great strength, she almost looks like she is hovering above the giant alligator before pulling her arm back and dropping down on its scaled head. The punch cracked the concrete.
But maybe she held back a little too much because the alligator shook its head groggily and got extremely crazy, but it was not knocked down.
"You can't hold back when is CLOBBLERIN' TIME!!" The thing intercepts the alligator with a punch when the alligator starts running blindly in the direction of a building.
After that, they work together to knock down the alligator for good.
"Be careful, guys… We don't know if it is an endangered species." Susan Storm, the Invisible Woman, chimes in after watching them beat the huge reptile.
"We would be an endangered species if we give this thing a chance." She-Hulk rolls her eyes.
"Move aside." While they are discussing, they hear a voice and in the next instant, the huge alligator is illuminated like a spotlight was put on it. But is not a spotlight, it is a tracking beam coming from the SCP ship above.
The huge alligator starts floating before being taken away quickly and efficiently.
"What are you gonna do with it?" Susan turns to ask the SCP group.
"Who knows? Eidolon will decide later." Huntress answers with a nonchalant voice
"Maybe return it to its natural habitat, maybe study, dissect or even eat it…" Shego can't help but provoke Susan a little
"Eat?!" Susan exclaims horrified. She is not any super animal rights protests, but that is a possible rare species. At least for them, they are rare.
"If the meat is tasty~" Shego smirks "Rover here like some exotic meat, right boy?" She turns to a big black dog and rubs its head.
The monstrous dog, which is in his compact size, wags his tail and barks, apparently agreeing.
"We should treat it with care." Susan starts
"Then you should talk it with Eidolon, not with me…" Shego interrupts her but then the green woman stops herself too after taking a good look at Susan "You know what? Don't approach him…"
"??" Susan tilts her head in confusion at her words, but then shakes her head to focus and go back to the more pressing issue.
But before they continue to argue another something gets out the invisible wormholes, this time a flock of birds. Completely different from anything that they ever saw.
Seeing Shego raising a burning hand while eyeing the flock of birds, Susan acts fast and raises her own hands before Lady Jade can do anything.
A wave of transparent forcefields is emitted from Invisible Woman's hands and encircles the flock of birds with some work. She struggles a little because of their speeds but eventually, she has all of them in a ball, that she shrinks to contain them better.
"Now what?" Shego looks at her with bored eyes "Are you gonna hold them there forever?"
"I…" Susan doesn't have an answer.
Huntress on the side sighs "Invisible Woman, just let us take them… We are the ones equipped with the necessary tools for the job. You can talk with Eidolon later." She says diplomatically, receiving a glare from Shego.
"..." Eventually Susan nods and another tracking beam takes the bird to the ship.
It seems that they finally reach a consensus, but suddenly other living beings emerge from the wormholes but this time they are humanoids…
"Tracking Beam on them!" Lady Jade commands
"No!" Susan tries to stop her
Eidolon is unfortunately unaware of anything that is happening back on Earth. He used his super paranoid brain to predict any outcome and leave countermeasures and instructions on how to act.
He hopes his people take it seriously, because unfortunately in his end, he was forced to play by Odin's tone. So unless Thor pulls a good act and goes beyond what he did in the movie, Malekith will end up with the Aether and there will be a huge battle.
"Everything okay there, Ms. Lewis?" Eidolon lowers his head while flying to ask the diminutive Darcy what is in his breast pocket.
"Everything cool!" She gives him a thumbs up "Where are you going?" She asks casually like they are traveling in a car on a road.
"First we go to the hidden palace of the Dark Elves, and bring them to our side."
"Hidden palace?" She looks around, only seeing a flat and rocky terrain in all directions
"It's hidden for a reason… It is underground." Eidolon explains
"Ooh~ And how are you gonna convince them?"
"Malekith's opinion is not 100% shared by his peers, but he has the strength the opposite party doesn't have…" He says calmly "Then we just need to give them the strength to oppose him. If everything goes well, Malekith will end up alone and a lot of lives will be saved."
"You sound confident and optimistic that the people who tried to kill us can switch sides." Darcy comments with a little sarcasm "But you are the boss here, big man."
"Don't worry, I can guarantee your safety. And don't generalize, every group has good and bad eggs…" He smiles "And I can be pretty persuasive too."
After flying for a little more, Eidolon suddenly stops and looks down on a mountain range.
"Is here?" Darcy asks the obvious question.
"Yes…" The hero answers absentmindedly "Just checking the best route and… Got it." And without warning he turns upside down and shoots to the ground at high speeds.
Darcy shouts like she is on a roller coaster when they phase through the mountains and the ground till they reach a very open space, an underground cave that appears to span for miles and miles.
Imbued in this cave are buildings that look like they are caved from the stone wall. Big pillars appear to support the whole thing, but Eidolon guesses magic has its part too.
"This looks cool, I admit." Darcy comments.
"I agree." Eidolon concedes before going stealth.
He becomes invisible and intangible. He also doesn't emit any sound or give away any smell, he even uses some space powers to erase his presence. It's almost like he doesn't exist.
Eidolon passes equally without worries over civilian Dark Elves and guards, reaching the palace, the hero sneakily kidnaps a guard and brings him to an isolated place.
"Where is the Queen Alflyse?" He asks, his voice carrying a certain power.
"In… her room." The Dark Elf doesn't even register the question before promptly answering. Then Eidolon knocks him out.
He checks the palace again with his powers and notices a certain spacious room with a single person inside but with many others around.
"Why don't you simply defeat everyone?" Darcy asks after seeing him being careful
"Too many unknown variables." He answers calmly "And maybe those people will be our allies, so let's confirm things with the Queen first before acting harshly." With that, he moves straight to the Queen's chambers
The guards don't notice his presence, in truth, not even the queen notices him despite him standing just a meter away from him.
Eidolon snaps his fingers to isolate the sound in this room from the outside world and at the same time attracts the attention of the queen. He thinks is a better method than going behind her and covering her mouth, like was seen in many movies and anime.
"Who?!" The queen turns to face the source of the sound, raising her guard and seeing the strange man clad in black in her room.
Eidolon also sizes her up, and she is exactly like he expected, a hot blue woman. A little taller than the average midgardian woman, and with the obvious elvish features but beyond that… Very normal.
He is already used to weird.
"Queen Alflyse, I suppose." He greets her with a polite nod.
"Who are you?" The queen eyes him suspiciously
"I am Eidolon, Hero of Midgard." He answers with a heroic posture "But more important than that… I'm an enemy of Malekith.
Now those words have the desired effect in attracting the attention of the queen.
"He attacked Asgard, you know? And we are gonna stop him…" The hero continues "But seeing that not all Dark Elves agree with his… ideas. I come here to extend an olive branch and give you the opportunity to show where you stay." he then looks at her with a hard look. The key is to put it in a way that looks like he is doing her a favor. Not that is a lie, but he needs to remind her of the fact "And save you people from the wrath of the Allfather."
"How can I trust your words?"
He shakes his head "I have nothing to prove to you… But if you are well informed, you should know that Thor was recently banished to Midgard, that is where our friendship blossomed. I'm here to help a friend and as a hero, I'm on the side of justice… I don't want the innocent Dark Elves to carry the sins of Malekith."
"..." Alflyse keeps her face impassive, but Eidolon's charisma is starting to get on her. She believes his words… That's strange.
"I understand your cautiousness… So what about I give you a show of sincerity?" He extends her hand
"How?" She will not deny any advantage that he offers
"I'm pretty strong…" He gives her a deep look "Point where and who I should attack and I will gift you back the control of your capital."
"..." Yes, this she will not refuse… "Do it then." She agrees
"Then, excuse me." He suddenly approaches and grabs her waist to carry her.
"..." Their faces are very close, and Queen Alfyse cannot pay attention to his handsome features and strong body.
"..." 'He is good.' Darcy thinks while observing everything from her privileged position.
Meanwhile, on Earth, things are starting to heat up. The alignment of the worlds and opening of portals is going at full-tottle, releasing the most variety range of objects and beings on Earth.
At some moments, the wormholes tried to suck some objects and people too, but everyone was ready and kept the "point zero" clear.
"Ghosts!!" Someone sounds, seeing a flock of wraiths flying around like a cloud of shadows.
Cassandra, as Shadow, jumps in the air straight to the cloud of wraiths, the Devil Arm Beowulf shining in a holy white light. With a swipe of her leg, she shoots some white Rankyaku to separate the cloud into smaller parts. They are 10 meters long and cut through the wraiths like a hot knife in the butter.
After that she dashes in the air, delivering punches with devastating shockwaves filled with holy power, dispersing the wraiths.
She lands easily on the ground, looking up to see eight circles in the air, almost aligning themselves. Those giant floating circles, that look like paintings, show the other realms.
This is the visual representation of the Convergence.
Normally it would be bigger, more dispersed, and even more chaotic. With changing scenery, but thanks to the efforts of the heroes, they are able to control it right now.
The giant circles are almost falling in place, exactly where the cylinder-shaped forcefield barrier was erected. That means that they haven't reached the peak yet.
"Should we call others for reinforcements?" Huntress asks Lady Jade on her comm.
"Nah, we are not even using 20% of the Failsafes yet. "Shego answers "And I bet Eidolon will return when those things align."
"Anyway, we should warn them to get ready just in case."
Back at the Palace of the Dark Elves, Queen Alflyse watches with equal degrees of amusement and surprises the many figures in her Royal Hall. Sitting on her throne, she glares at the traitors kneeling on the ground, communicates with her eyes with her loyal people, and steals a glance at the Hero from Midgard standing at the side.
He keeps his eyes closed, completely unbothered by what is happening even though he did everything to reach this conclusion.
Eidolon made easy work of the entirety of Malekith's lackeys around the capital and released and healed her people.
To the Queen of Dark Elves, it's equal times endearing and scary. Yes, he helped her, but he also proved that he could repeat the act just as easily.
"As much as would be interesting to watch the politics of the Dark Elves Court, I guess there are more pressing issues to attend, Queen Alflyse." Eventually, Eidolon opens his eyes and looks at her "Why don't we start acting in something that will help you too?"
"Oh, and what it would be?" Queen Alflyse asks, a light smile on her lips as she leans on her throne.
"Let's go save the Light Elves." He says
"..." The queen retainers watch the talk strangely. The Light Elves are long-time enemies of the Dark Elves, even though they haven't battled recently, the bad blood still persists.
But they can't say anything against him. All of them saw Eidolon's prowess. Power reigns absolute.
"Do you want me to go help those snobby holy-than-thou softies?" Queen Alflyse asks in a mocking tone
"I want you to take responsibility for the act of one of your people…" Eidolon answers calmly, keeping eye contact.
"Malekith is not one of my people!!" The Queen gets angry, slapping the armrest of the throne
But Eidolon would never be affected by her angry outburst "Then prove it. Disconnect yourself from his actions completely, by doing the opposite and unmading them. Even if you don't like them, by saving the Light Elves, you will have solid proof that Malekith really acted alone and will be able to easily pin all the blame on him."
"..." Again, she can't argue against his words.
What he is saying is not something she would easily agree with, she is a prideful woman, but she can't deny that there's a lot of sense and wisdom in his counsel.
"And let's be honest, I can save them easily by myself." Eidolon gives her a look "You just need to accompany me and take a little of the credit."
"..." Once again he is right. Alflyse can't even keep an angry face anymore.
"You will also be able to retrieve your precious people that are stationed in Alfheim."
"..." He goes on and on about the advantages of acting the way he wants. Even if Queen Alflyse can see that he is manipulating her, she can't deny that is for her, and her people's, own good. She will need to be incredibly petty and conceited to not heed his words "Hero, huh? You really play the part of a mediator…" She can see his intentions.
He is helping her without asking for anything in return… That is probably the best proof that someone is good. When they do good without gaining anything.
Even now, Alflyse is still racking her brains in thinking about what Eidolon has to gain in all this.
"Just doing what is right." He declares with a hand above his heart "And I want to help Thor solve this whole situation in the best way possible.
"Helping the future king of Asgard, huh?" She can accept that. It will be great for his reputation if he accomplishes a peaceful dissolution of this conflict, keeping the peace between the Realms. "Fine, let's do as you suggest."
"The Queen is wise." Eidolon says tactfully, making her smirk in contempt in his exaggerated act of helper. He is not fooling her, but she can't deny that he is tactful in giving her face.
On another part of Svartalfheim, Thor and the others finally reached the Ancestral Grounds of the Dark Elves after going through countless pathways underground.
"It looks… empty." Lady Sif comments warily while looking around.
"This is a graveyard. What did you expect?" Fandral replies
"Some guards at least. This is an important place." Lady Sif is still not convinced.
"Even if there's a trap, we can't go back now." Thor says, resolute. His guts are also telling him that something is wrong, so he will keep an eye open.
That's one of those moments where he wished Eidolon si here, he would probably have some power or expertise in the subject. But he can't rely on him now, his friend is helping him in another way.
"There's the Altar." Thor points with his hammer.
The group walks closer, Volstagg urging Loki to stay in line, much to his annoyance.
"So what now? Do I just lay here?" Jane asks confused
Everyone also doesn't know much.
"Try calling the power of the Aether while lying down, the Altar should do the rest in extracting it." Loki is the one that answers, making everyone look at him "Or it would kill you, I don't know. Don't blame me if things go wrong."
The group continues to stare at him while he smiles innocently
"Let's try then." Jane goes to lie down on the Altar
"Jane." Thor calls her
"What? It's as good as any other idea…" She shrugs "Now, to try calling it… How do I do it? Calling… Calling…" She closes her eyes and tries to recall the feeling when the Aether took control and acted up.
She felt like she was floating in some scalding hot water. The water is red like blood, soaking every pore of her body…
She does not notice it but she starts to float. Some blackish-red smoke starts leaving her body and floating around widely, stretching like vines or tentacles.
The Altar also lights up in a dark red light, the glyphs and runes shine brightly before they start floating in the air around Jane, like they are containing the Aether.
The wind generated is strong enough to whip the hair and cape of the watches as much as a hurricane. Thor can't take her eyes off his love, worried sick about anything happening to her. Mjolnir in hands ready to jump in at any moment if he notices any irregularity with her.
For now, everything is okay and Jane looks fine and tranquil as more of the Aether starts pouring out of her, even though she looks like she is sleeping.
The ground trembles, alerting everyone. Some parts of the altar, that are lying down rise and form pillars in all directions around Jane. The stone bed also starts rising and it's revealed that the altar is only a small part of a bigger structure. They are only seeing the tip of it.
It's a Pyramid. Dark and evil-looking, filled with spikes and symbols that look like splattered blood.
And that is not the only thing that surprised them, as the pyramid is revealed they noticed how some floors are see-through, only supported by black pillars… And to their dismay, on one of those floors, beneath Jane is Malekith, sitting on a throne.
Thor's eyes widen and he acts fast. He spins the Mjolnir in his hand, lightning cracking around him and he throws the hammer at Malekith.
But is too late, Malekith shows a malevolent smile and raises his two hands in the air. If one paid attention, one would see that his palms are cut, blood dripping from them, and bathing the armrest of his throne.
"Did you fools think that you activated our Sacred Altar on your own?!" He shouts mockingly, the runes around shining in the same color as his blood and flies to the Aether, sinking in the cloud of dark-red mass like rocks in the ocean.
The Aether then trembles and shoots down, bathing the whole floor where Malekith stays. It's unknown if it was on purpose, but the Aether ends up protecting Malekith from Thor's attack.
"Mwahahaha!" They can only hear his evil laugh between the swirls of the Aether.
*BOOOM* After spinning and compressing around him, the Aether suddenly explodes in an omnidirectional blast that engulfs everything.
Many things happened in that instant. Lady Sif, Volstagg and Fandral braced themselves for the impact but even so, they were thrown away… Loki puts his magic handcuffs in front of his body so that it can be destroyed first and he can escape.
Thor flies at Jane and shields her with his body.
The whole place is tainted by the Aether energy. Malekith stood there bathing in his new power, eyes shining red.
"I would love to personally torture every one of you, but the Convergence is nigh." He says while looking at the sky "So death will come to you at the same time as everyone else." With that, he uses the Aether to be carried somewhere else.
Sounds of battle and some shouts can be heard around the city of the Light Elves.
This time Eidolon needs to make a show to try to mend the relationship between the two races of elves.
He bursts open the door of the room where Aelsa Featherwine of the Fay is being kept and says "Queen of the Fay, I've come to save you!"
"Good entrance. Very heroic." Darcy comments from her privileged position.
"Thanks, but I think my target audience can't appreciate it." He says with a strange look, eyeing the queen.
Aelsa looks unresponsive, she sits on her bed with her hands on her lap, looking ahead without blinking.
"Mind control…" Eidolon says in distaste "Lorelei, I presume." He approaches the royal light elf and kneels in front of her. Grabbing her hands, he inspects her with his powers and eyes.
He can try to use telepathy to fight the magic-oriented mind control, but maybe Anti-magic is more efficient.
"Sorry about it…" He says and suddenly a black, and seemingly burned, book appears in his hand. From the pages of the open book a black sword emerges and…
Eidolon lightly tapes her head with it, being careful to imbue her with the anti-magic property.
"Ouch!" Luckily, it seems Lorelei is not as skilled as her sister Amora, or she may she conjured the spell sloppily. Or maybe the queen has some magic resistance…
Anyway, after being hit, Aelsa appears to awaken from her trance and puts her hands on the top of her head to soothe the pain.
"Wh-who are you?" She was starting to ask "Why?" but it would be a dumb question.
Whatever this strange man did, it released her from the foul spell.
"I am Eidolon, Hero of Midgard." Eidolon says, his voice full of righteousness even though he just bonked the head of the royalty of the elves "I came here to save and give you justice."
"Justice?" Aelsa asks, her voice soft.
Eidolon noticed that her build was very different from her "dark counterpart". Even though she and Alflyse are slim women, the queen of the Dark Elves still looks like a warrior but the Queen of the Light Elves on the other hand looks like she never saw battle.
All pure and innocent in her full white attire and features, like a cleric of a medieval fantasy setting.
"Yes, the chance to deal with the perpetrator of your suffering once and for all." Eidolons extends a hand "Come with us and free your people from his control, they still think that you are a hostage."
"..." The queen looks at his extended hand for a minute before determination appears in her eyes, finally putting her slender hand on his.
'He is really good on this…' Darcy thinks 'He can do it when he wants.' She is talking about "convincing" women, which in her eyes is no different from seducing. If he can convince a woman to go to war he can get under her skirts. Her respect for him increased a little.
Back on Earth, things got even more hectic, the air was filled with things from the other Realms appearing.
It's not a surprise really, all those things would be dispersed around the globe and even in the atmosphere, but now the only escape route is here.
It reached a point where almost everyone is doing some work to clean things, Eidolon's ship is a godsend in taking the destroyed objects, debris, and people. If not for that, they would have a mountain-size pile of mystical things in the middle of London.
Luckily, even though it's taxing, it's not hard. There heroes of Earth can deal with everything easily. No object is unstoppable and not being is strong enough to make them really sweat.
If any gamer was watching it, they would call them "Trash Spawn Campers". That was one of the reasons they were so successful and no one got hurt till now, all thanks to Eidolon's foresight.
"For how long are we gonna keep doing that??" Hawkeye shouts while shooting some arrows.
He is not tired, but calculated by the fact the Convergence didn't even reach the peak point and the time that it will slowly close afterward, he guesses things can get tricky in the long run.
"Out of arrows already? Ask for them to bring you more." Black Widow answers him. She is taking a small break now.
They already started taking turns and everything.
"Already did."
"Then relax a little. Eidolon's dog is taking care of most of the flying things now." Natasha comments while carefully eyeing Eidolon's pet.
She can't deny that she received a big surprise when the dog opened its mouth and started shooting blasts of energy. Big blasts of energy.
"Hehe, his worst enemy is Invisible Woman." Clint jokes.
They can still see the member of the Fantastic Four at the side of the dog, stopping him every time from blasting some living being to smithereens. Only allowing him to destroy rocks and other inanimate objects.
"She is lucky that thing is smart, I would not get close of that mouth not even if S.H.I.E.L.D. offered me a retirement plan." Natasha shakes her head.
"C'mon, it's kinda cute when you look twice." Clint jokes
"Then take one home to them." The Black Widow deadpans knowing that he has kids "I can ask Eidolon for a puppy if it has it in the future."
"Eh…" Now Clint doesn't want to answer that, and luckily… or unluckily, something happens that attracts the attention of everyone on the battlefield.
The wormholes, that are almost invisible previously, shift noticeably. They can instinctively feel that something big is coming. Space ripples and the place gets darker.
First someone appears, alone, a blue man with pointy ears and long white hair, another notable feature is the fact half of his face is burned black. After him, a big vertical and black spaceship appears, and then smaller ones, an army on foot also appears on the ground.
"..." Everyone looks at this scene carefully.
This doesn't look good, but they can't judge it that fast. The opposite group still hasn't attacked.
"An audience? Great… You all will have front row seat of how the Nine Realms will be reborn from the ashes of-" *Boom*
Malekith is suddenly interrupted by a blast of energy that hits him, even though he was protected from the Aether, he still needs to take a pause.
Everyone looks at the black dog and his fuming mouth…
"What? He was doing a villain speech… His intentions are clear." Shego defends Rover from the accusing stares "Good Boy~"
Malekith's face scrunches angrily, he didn't like being looked down on before and he likes even less now that he feels like an All-powerful god.
"Ants!" He shouts and suddenly a small war breaks out.
It's chaotic and things get serious enough that Bruce Banner needs to let the Hulk out.
The Hulk runs straight to the main problem, Malekith, and jumps him with all the strength he has. But the Dark Elf is empowered with the Aether, tendrils of darkness reach for the gamma hero, grab him in the air where he can't exert much strength, and throw him away.
"That guy threw the Hulk like a child!" Tony Stark shouts from his armor while fighting some spaceships in the air.
"He is tough."
"But that would not stop the green guy for long…"
As expected, they can see the Hulk flying right back at Malekith. He attacks and attacks, but unfortunately, the Aether shields Malekith, it's like punching an ocean.
"Foul beast…" Only Malekith noticed that the attacks were chirping in a little of the Aether, making him worry slightly.
But the Aether is almost endless, the Hulk is only an inconvenience to him. He decides to get rid of this threat and creates spike constructs with the Aether and pierces the Hulk's body.
"Raaaarggh!" Despite shedding green blood the Hulk doesn't stop, grabbing the tendrils of darkness and advancing at Malekith to continue attacking him.
Suddenly, while Malekith is distracted, Lady Jade appears from behind the Hulk. Her two hands condensing a fiery green ball that she shoots at Malekith.
*BOOOOOM* The explosion is incredibly destructive, but the Aether still protects Malekith perfectly.
"Hey!" Shego calls out sarcastically "Get out of this cocoon so that I can clean your dirt mouth- Woah!" She needs to jump back and do some acrobatics to escape some attacks from the Aether.
She even creates some propulsion from her feet to dodge a nasty saw-like attack in the air.
"Dude, you don't want to hurt me… It will end badly for you." Shego advices nicely while throwing back balls of fire to keep him busy.
At this point, it's clear they lack the firepower to deal with this particular enemy.
"Should we go with that?" Huntress asks Shego in her comm.
"Too soon…"
They are talking about a certain move from the spaceship above them. In simple terms, it would be locking in a certain threat, pulling a BFR (Battlefield Removal), and then blasting it with nukes on the void of space.
It's not that accurate and hard to pull, they would end up implicating almost everyone around them.
"He is still locked here. If he breaks the containment we do that." Shego decides. They can't always only wait for Eidolon.
Who knows if he is busy stopping some universe-level threat some lightyears away from them?
The battle continues, thanks to the efforts of Lady Jade, the Hulk, and Rover. Malekith was pinned down in one place and can't do much.
So the rest of the heroes have the advantage on the rest of the battlefield.
The many Failsafes are also a godsend. They do the job of multiple heroes and contain many of the enemies. They also have the information that the Dark Elves are weak to Iron and can easily defeat them.
Suddenly, space shifts again, attracting the attention of some. They warily look at the more or less visible wormhole… But their expression shifted to one of pleasant surprise when a lightning bolt was emitted from it.
"Malekith!" Thor emerges carrying Jane in his arms, which he quickly puts down. Lady Sif and the rest of the groups appear behind Thor, landing on the ground without a problem.
But Loki is nowhere to be seen.
"Civilian Detected. Please allow me to remove you from the Danger Zone." Suddenly a Failsafe android lands near them and reaches for Jane
"Get away from her, tin man." Thor was ready to blast the strange, and admittedly scary-looking android but someone warned him.
"Relax! It will protect her! It's one of Eidolon's toys" Lady Jade shouts
"Oh…" Now Thor relaxes a little, and watches the android hugging Jane and flying away.
"Where is Eidolon?" Lady Jade asks confused, looking around.
"He is… dealing with some issues." It's a long explanation, so Thor only says this,
"We are dealing with some issues here!" Tony shouts sarcastically.
"It doesn't involve women, right?" Lady Jade, sharp as ever, asks.
Even Thor was taken aback but he doesn't need to answer because Malekith interrupts the casual talk.
"Death would have come to you anyway, Son of Odin. Why the hurry?" He asks sadistic
"Not today, Malekith." Thor answers, gripping his hammer tightly "Your ambition ends here and now!"
"We will see about it!"
Then the two engage in a fierce fight, so brutal that the rest can't even interfere.
The Hulk, Rover, and Lady Jade are strong, but when the two take to the air and show the full power of their destructive abilities, they can't keep up completely.
"Well, let's leave the trouble to Mister god there." Shego crosses her arms.
"But... But Hulk wanna smash… Hulk sad." The Hulk pouts
"Me too, big guy. My man is away for days."
In the air, as the portals to the other Realms align, Malekith and Thor fight fiercely.
The Dark Elf made wings of darkness to fly and evade the God of Thunder attacks.
The whole sky was dark and filled with thunder like the biggest storm ever seen in Midgard was happening.
"You can't defeat me, Son of Odin!" Malkeith shouts, his regenerative abilities are wondrous.
"Not alone." Thor admits, a great leap in character development.
He and Eidolon talked about it.
'I don't think I have what is needed to be a King… Here I am prioritizing my own feelings over my people.' He said while they were traveling to Svartalfheim.
'The fact that you have doubts is proof that you are more ready than when you boldly proclaimed that you are…' Eidolon answered 'You have the heart in the right place. You only need to surrender yourself to good people to help you. Look at us, we are the proof.'
Thor swings his hammer, not discouraged by the ineffectiveness of his attacks. The Aether is strong but they are evenly matched.
They only need something to tip off the scale in their favor… Or someone…
A sound cuts the whole battlefield like this noise silences all others.
It's the sound of the sky being cut open by something… It's unlikely the rest of the wormholes of the Convergence, it's like someone is forcing their way here.
A 1-kilometer-long scar appears in the sky, and multi-colored light gushes from it.
The first who notices who is coming is Rover, that sits on the ground and starts howling to the sky happily.
"He is so extra…" Shego shakes her head in amusement
The scar starts being stretched open by the multicolored light, like a mouth and small black points appear.
"Sorry for the delay, I was figuring out how this works… But finally…" A voice reaches everyone "...I am here."
Eidolon appears holding the Sword of Actuation… If someone was really paying attention to the sword in his hand, they would notice that there are two key differences since the last time it appeared in the Battle of New York.
The first one is that the vines and thorns in the handle are now purple, a result of Eidolon upgrading it with his Power-Up cards.
The second one is that the small eyes on the eldritch blade are shining in a multi-colored light… In a rainbow light. The Bifrost.
When he traveled through it for the first time, the Sword absorbed some of its power. It's limited, but he can use it one or two times.
"Oh, Malekith… You seem to be causing a lot of ruckus here in my world. This time you are not getting off with only a scar on your chest." Eidolon said while looking down on the villain.
"So you are from this pathetic place…" Malekith looks at him with anger. That defeat is not a pleasant memory.
"Yes, now that you learned some tricks, you are worthy of knowing my name. I am Eidolon, remember it when you go to Helheim."
"I will destroy you together with this muddy ball you call home!" Malekith snarls.
"No, you not! You are paying for your sins, Malekith!" Now it's a female voice that appears from the gaping cut in the sky. One after another spaceships start appearing behind Eidolon.
Ships carrying Dark Elves, Light Elves, and even other races.
"You!" Malekith looks surprised in seeing not only Alflyse but Aelsa too. The Light Elves from his army, who are forced into this battle are overjoyed and easily stop fighting and move away.
The Dark Elves will need more convincing…"My people, stop following the delusions of this madman! His thoughts are wretched and his cause is hopeless!" Queen Alflyse shouts regally from her position on top of a ship.
A good chunk of the dark elves changed sides, but some still follow Malekith, either out loyalty of or because of the fact that he has the Aether and appears to be an advantage.
"It seems that your worlds are not enough, Queen Alflyse." Eidolon comments to the angered face queen "It seems they need some discipline."
Eidolon steps forward. He didn't float, he really stepped into the air and that step reverberated all across this place. An invisible pressure floods his enemies.
He removes his mantle, the characteristic signal that he is about to get serious.
In a swift motion, he not only removed his mantle but teleported Darcy away, with his mantle protecting her. He also puts away his sword, it's not needed anymore.
Because he is going to use another weapon… Cassandra is the first to feel it, the tug from Beowulf's greaves and gauntlets trying to escape her. They flew away from her limbs and moved to Eidolon obediently.
They fit perfectly in his body, the black and white also combine with his style.
With a casual leg swipe, the rest of his body barely moves but an enormous white rankyaku flies from his leg.
It is at least a mile long, completely eclipsing Cassandra's previous attacks. It can't even compare, the whole sky is covered in that white light, like is suddenly day.
The attack takes away a good amount of the Aether around Maekith, scaring the villain.
"So it works… You're done." The hero says and suddenly appears in front of Malekith, giving him a punch into the gut, a punch that looks more like a laser beam by the way the energy disperses into the horizon.
"I'm gonna kill you!!" Malekith shows in anger, flying high to compose himself.
After that opening, the battle resumes, but is obviously how is winning. There's not only a boost of numbers from the heroes' side, there's a boost of morale too.
Many of Malekith defected and the rest were easily defeated
Eidolon and Thor combine effort to fight the villain in the air.
Hundreds of black tendrils fly at Eidolon, and afterimages of the hero appear all over the place, each attacking a tendril. He wants to reduce the amount of Aether before dealing the finishing blow. That is his plan. Plain and simple.
"You're finally stronger than Belasco now." Eidolon smirks while sending blasts of light at his opponent.
While Eidolon is flying around dealing with the Aether, Thor is attacking Malekith, overwhelming the dark elf enough to make him clumsily control the Aether.
If not for the small sentience of the Aether, that protects him and itself, maybe Malekith would have already been defeated. But Eidolon is in no hurry, he is faster and is carving his way to Malekith slowly but surely.
"You bunch of insects! Trying to stop the inevitable! The night arrives for everyone!!" Malekith shouts in rage, Aether being powered from his body like a geyser, almost reverts all of Eidolon's work.
With a giant hand construct of Aether, Malekith grabs the flying Mjolnir and tries to take it away. He does not grab it per se, he mostly punches it with the big mass of darkness and detaches itself from the rest of the Aether to keep the hammer flying to the infinity.
He is even sacrificing a huge part of the Aether to do that.
*Boom* But a white light burst from the hand, dispersing the darkness. Eidolon appeared in the way, not willing to let Malekith repeat what he did against Thor.
But what is the most surprising is how Eidolon stopped the Mjolnir. Almost instinctively… He grabbed it. And held it.
He, Thor, and the others who know about the hammer look at the scene in confusion, but then Thor laughs.
"Now that is a surprise." Eidolon comments before charging the Mjolnir and striking Malekith with thunder, his eyes shining in a white-blueish light.
"I imagined that you're worth, my friend" Thor shouts
"Good to know! Now take it back!" He throws the Mjolnir back to Thor, but in the way it hits Malekith "Too small for me…" He jokes then pulls out his Leviathan Axe, and throws it to Malekith.
The axe hits the villain and flies to Thor who grabs it too.
Holding hammer and axe in hand Thor smiles at the joke "It's not about the size, it's how you use it." He then throws both axe and hammer at Malekith, going back to Eidolon.
They go like this, like they are in a ping pong match, hitting Malekith back and forth with their weapons. Streaks of blue lightning and ice cover the sky as they destroy the darkness of the Aether.
The battle drops down to the ground as they hit Malekith with all they have, not giving him a chance to fight back.
"Thor! Remember this?" Eidolon shouts, raising the Leviathan Axe.
Thor also has the Mjolnir in hand, and Malekith has very little of the Aether around him. It's the perfect moment!
The two throw their weapons at the same and with all they have, this is different from their previous casual throws… The Mjolnir is carried with Lightning and the Leviathan Axe solidifies the air as it flies.
"BOOOM* *Zaaaap* *Diiing*
A deafening sound and a blind light hits everyone and covers the whole place. The two weapons fighting against each other, but most of all, against Malekith.
*Crack* *Crack*
When people can finally see what happened, they witness a strange but marvelous sight.
A tree of ice… No, the lighting was covered in ice. Frozen Thunder! Malekith is sealed right in the middle of the "tree's trunk", electricity hitting him even though he is frozen, the Aether frozen with him.
He is defeated… But that is not enough for Eidolon!
With his supervision, he can see the Aether "eating" both lighting and ice, Malekith will break free sooner than later.
This he will not allow… This villain escaped him once… Not anymore…
Eidolon pulls his arm covered by Beowulf back, his fist shining like a star, his body tense like a bowstring…
*Whoosh* He zooms in, a white streak of light that cuts the place and goes through the Frozen Thunder. An unstoppable force… *Boom* *Crack*
A devastating punch that breaks the ice with everything inside… thunder, Aether… Malekith.
Everything is dispersed in microscopic particles, white and black surrounding the air… Not a shadow of a body remains.
Malekith turned to dust.
"No Valhalla for you…" Eidolon straightened himself without even turning to look back.
A.N.: Hello there.
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Hope you all enjoyed it, make a comment because interaction motivates me to keep writing. Thanks for reading.
Till next time and stay good y'all.
Bye Bye~