Creating Uchiha Demons

Liking the new plan, Yami immediately buys 15 bottles of the demon blood and stores them in the system space.

For now, he does not have the ability to stealthily take out fifteen Uchiha Jonin and inject them with the blood. So Yami decides to be low-key for the next month and train to achieve a preliminary control of his own abilities.

Of course, he will still pick up some points by making Naruto's life to hell.

- one month later -

The sky is cloudy, with faint sunrays shining onto Yamis courtyard.

Yami can be seen standing there with a sword in his hand, slashing at a tree trunk with his sword qi. The tree trunk is separated cleanly into multiple parts with the same thickness.

'I am already able to use sword qi slash with full power for about twelve times and the accuracy is very good. My basic sword skills have become much smoother and the basic taijutsu I got from ninja school is basically mastered.

Observation Haki radius has increased by five meters to about 35 meters.

All in all, this month I have made good progress.'

Yami felt he was ready for the next big action, but first, he intends to use the points he earned this month to buy a new ability.

'Points: 800'

'I really have to thank Naruto for this'

By simple actions like using mental suggestions on children so they throw stones at Naruto or manipulating Ramen-guy to dislike Naruto, Yami has bit by bit accumulated a lot of points.

Looking through the system mall, Yami found his target.

'Stealth sneak:

Allows the user to erase his own presence by sixty percent. Consumes mental power when active.

Price: 650 points'

'This ability is perfect, let's buy it. Then try how much mental power it consumes and look for the first Uchiha Jonin.'

As soon as Yami bought it, memories on how to activate the ability emerged in his mind. Activating it Yami felt that his existence itself got reduced. Observing his mental power consumption, Yami came to the conclusion that he can use this ability for thirty minutes straight before his mental power is fully consumed. He nodded in satisfaction.

'The time is enough. Let's go out tonight and look for an Uchiha guard member, preferably at Jonin level.'

Having decided his next course of action, Yami devoted himself to training again until night.

- 6 hours later -

Yami is shuttling on the roofs of Konoha, looking for his first victim. Two kilometers further he found it.

'Unlucky guy. Anyways. Let's test how the demon blood reacts to a Jonin ninja with Sharingan.'

Activating the stealth ability, Yami slowly gets closer to the hapless Uchiha member. When he is about twenty meters away, he kicks the ground and rushes toward his prey like an arrow.

Before the Uchiha Jonin could even react, he feels a huge force transmitted to the back of his head and faints.

'This would probably be a really difficult battle if I did not have the stealth skill.'

Carrying the Uchiha to a dark corner, Yami takes out a bottle of demon blood from the system space and fills it into a syringe. Pressing the syringe into the neck of his victim, Yami injects the blood into the body of the Jonin.

The Uchiha's body starts twitching and his skin turns pale. His teeth get sharp and long, the same thing happens to his nails. Sharingan activates and the originally two-tomoe Sharingan evolves into three-tomoe.

'Interesting. So the demon blood actually made Sharingan evolve, although the effect seems to be limited. This guy had probably already achieved the peak of two-tomoe pupil power. Mangekyo Sharingan is impossible with low-level demon blood, maybe it works with demon blood with the quality of Muzan Kitsubuji.

Okay, this guy is waking up. First give him a mental command, so that he restrains his bloodthirstiness for now and hides from the sun. The plan works best if all Uchiha demons get into action at the same time. Good, that's done. Now I should leave.'

Thinking of this, Yami jumps onto a roof and disappears, right when the now Uchiha demon number one wakes up:

'What the hell happened? Did someone attack me? Wait, what's wrong with my body, why is my skin so cold? I feel so strong and my Sharingan... It is actually three-tomoe! With this strength, I am already able to become a clan elder.'

The Uchiha demon was dazed when he noticed the changes in his body. For now, he does not the disadvantages of demon blood and is sincerely happy about his new power.

The same scene could be observed in fourteen other places in Konoha that night.

When Yami got home it was already late at night.

'Well, I still underestimated the scarceness of Jonins. It is after all the top combat power of ninja villages. Doesn't matter much. Five Jonin-level Uchiha demons with three-tomoe Sharingan and ten elite Chunin-level with two-tomoe.

This is already a battle force that must not be underestimated. Together with their strong healing power, they could effectively besiege a Kage-level opponent, even though killing the opponent would be impossible.

Now let's wait for three days. So that they can get familiar with their power in the meanwhile.'

Yami's plan is to let them eat people without alerting anyone first and raise their power. When they reach a certain standard, they will start to attack and eat members of other Konoha clans, preferably Sarutobi and Shimura clan.

While the Uchiha demons get stronger, the Third Hokage and Danzo, whose clan members were attacked will start a manhunt operation to find the culprit. Then Yami will give the Uchiha demons mental suggestions so they intentionally leave some clues and get found in the end.

The details and follow-up of the plan will depend on the level of strength they can reach.