Lowered Bottom-line

- two days later -

It is a sunny day in Konoha and Yami, who has gotten familiar with his new powers in the past two days is ready to start executing his grand 'Uchiha demon' plan.

'After this is over, I will need to be low-key for a long time afterwards.'

Yami has never underestimated the people in the ninja world. Whether it is Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo or Uchiha Fugaku, they have been in high political positions for many years and experienced a lot of darkness and scheming over the years.

The last time Yami calculated them, it was not so obvious because in this world abilities without the use of chakra are rare.

This time on the other hand, a new species like demons will appear in this world, targeting the Uchiha and Konoha specifically.

It will be obvious by then, that there must be dark hand behind the scenes pulling the strings.

Who knows if extremely intelligent people like Shikaku Nara find clues of his involvement in some way?

Although the chance to be found is slim due to his age and usual performance, it is not advisable to treat others as fools.

So Yami has decided that after this plan, he will be low-key and honestly train until the Uchiha genocide event starts.

Of course, bullying Naruto is still necessary.

Yes, Yami never thought of preventing the Uchiha genocide. A Sasuke Uchiha who is alone, full of hatred and desire for strength is much easier to manipulate than a Sasuke with loving parents and brother.

What Yami wants is that the Uchiha clan's death is not as worthless as in the original book.

If they manage to consume some of Konoha's forces, it would be the best situation.

The thought of a large scale civil war and maybe even ninja world war afterwards was thrown away by Yami a long time ago.

If that really were to happen the plot would be destroyed to an unrecognizable level.

It's true that there would be large scale point harvest for that, but afterwards the change would be so great, that getting points will be difficult without his own future foresight advantage.

Slowly but steadily changing the plot, without killing the goose, that lays golden eggs, is the best strategy.

Yami is currently training in his courtyard, waiting for the sun to go down. Then he will move to the position of one of the Uchiha, he had injected with demon blood three days ago and monitor the demons actions.

The mental suggestion preventing the demons from cannibalism has run out today, which means that their hunt will also start tonight.

- 6 hours later -

The sun has gone down two hours ago, but Konoha's streets are still bustling with activity.

Nobody would have thought, that from this night on, man-eating demons would be unleashed on them.

Yami is already following one of the demons from the distance, using Observation Haki to monitor its actions.

'This guy should be Uchiha Akira. Originally an elite Chunin with two-tomoe Sharingan, but with the demon blood I injected him, his combat power has reached the special-Jonin level, although his Sharingan failed to evolve. It should be interesting to see, how he will react after eating his first human.'

Uchiha Akira is sneaking in the darkness, looking for prey. His eyes are red and because of the hunger, he is having difficulties maintaining his sanity.

When he first looked in the mirror three days ago, he was honestly shocked and puzzled. He did not understand what was happening to him, but because he got more powerful, he was not disgusted with it.

Until the next day, every time he saw his wife and daughter, he would feel hungry.

His thoughts scared him and because he cannot step under the sun, he called in sick and locked himself into his room.

His wife was worried about him, when he did not come out for so long, but got pacified by him.

Tonight, he could not hold back his hunger anymore, so he went out to look for prey.

Akira cannot imagine what would happen if he meets his family in his current state.

So for the safety of his family, together with his almost unbearable hunger, he ignored his conscience and decided to eat someone.

After about ten minutes, he found suitable prey.

An ordinary-looking female Genin is reading a book at home.

Observing her stealthily through a window, the more Uchiha Akira looks at her, the more uncontrollable his hunger gets.

His mouth starts drooling and his eyes turn even redder. The female ninja seems to have become the tastiest snack in his eyes.

Not holding back any longer, Uchiha Akira rushes into the house and pounces onto the female ninja. Cleanly cutting her throat with his kunai, the female ninja had not even a chance to react before the life left her eyes and she died.

Yami, who was observing everything with his Observation Haki, deactivates it.

Although it is a bit hypocritical, he does not want to directly witness cannibalism. Honestly, what is happening at the moment has already exceeded his own bottom-line, but he convinced himself to do it for points.

Any species that feeds on humans is the enemy of all mankind and if he was not sure, that he has the ability to control the demons he created, Yami would never let such a creature live.

Giving Uchiha Akira who was feasting on the female ninja, the mental suggestion to be low-key while hunting for three days and to afterwards target clan members like the Nara, Akimichi and Aburame clan.

Yami also let him get into contact with the other demons in the Uchiha clan, so that they can work together when hunting clan members.

After ensuring that everything is going according to his own plan, Yami who was already feeling a bit sick in his stomach, left directly.

'God, that is disgusting. My bottom-line is really getting lower and lower, but this also means, that I originally had the potential to be such a cold-blooded person, but because I lived in modern society I did not act on it. Well in this world, it is a good thing for me to be like this. I just have to be careful that I do not lose all emotions, otherwise, life does not even have a meaning. Thank god, the chance of this happening is very low.'