Deciding To Attack Clan Forces

It is nighttime in Konoha, but because of the disappearances in the last few days, the usually bustling streets are now deserted.

All the Uchiha demons, who have gotten together under the leadership of Uchiha Akira, are sitting in a deserted house at the edge of the Uchiha station.

Looking at the others, Akira started talking:

"Okay guys, you can feel it too right? We have all experienced the same thing. I think we should work together in the future so that it's safer."

Uchiha Daichi, originally an ordinary Jonin with two-tomoe Sharingan, disagrees with this:

"What a joke. I have awakened three-tomoe Sharingan and after eating humans these my strength has grown even further, I can now probably hold my own against an elite Jonin. You are too weak, it doesn't make sense for me to team up with you."

Uchiha Akira had already expected such a situation, but he is still confident to convince them. Taking a deep breath, he starts talking:

"Okay, just listen to me everyone for two minutes. After that, you can decide if you want to participate, okay?"

The others decided to listen to what Akira had to say and reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Good. So, you have probably noticed that Anbu and Root members are patrolling on Konoha's streets in high frequency at the moment.

I have reliable information here. See this?

Akira threw a folder with information about the deployment of Root and Anbu members he had gotten with Yami's help. Of course, he himself thought he had gotten it because of favor.

All Uchihas glanced at the folder and their pupils shrank.

"Shocking right? Almost all manpower of both Anbu and Root was deployed to hunt us down. We simply cannot contend against such a big force, if we don't get together.

Sooner or later one of us will be caught and interrogated, then everyone here will be in deep shit. Understand?"

Everyone was speechless and they can already imagine how they get tortured by Ibuki the chief interrogator of Anbu. Looking at the scared group, Akira knew his speech was working well.

"So we have two choices. The first choice is to stop eating humans, but nobody of you wants that right? The hunger gets unbearable after only a few days and eating humans gives a considerable strength boost too.

So this choice is not really a choice.

Let's get to the second option. Eating humans makes our body and healing power stronger and I've noticed that eating ninjas works even better. It not only has a better strengthening effect on body and healing but my chakra amount rose depending on the strength of the ninja and even my pupil had a slight increase."

All Uchiha's got shocked and excited when they heard this, they had not tried eating a ninja yet. Just the strengthening brought by eating ordinary people already made them intoxicated, unable to extricate themselves from cannibalism anymore. Uchiha is a clan that worships power, how could they refuse such a thing?

Looking at the group, that was seduced by his speech, Akira smiled in satisfaction, now comes the most important part of his plan:

"So, here is my plan. Sooner or later we will be found out anyway. Us not being able to go under the sun will make people suspicious and we are not even capable of doing our duty at the guard station because of this.

So now, we have to use the time before we get found out well. Every misfortune in this world is because of the lack of ability of the parties involved.

You guys know what I am trying to say right? Strength! We need enough strength to protect ourselves and our families!

If we get caught and charged with cannibalism, the lives of our family members will be over too. You guys should understand that. So how do we grow so much in such a short period of time?

We need to attack strong ninjas from other clans and devour them. That is the only way. If and I mean only if at least three of us ten reach the level of elite-Jonin and all others reach the level of Jonin, then together with our immortality, we will be a very strong battle force.

Now there is one thing, that we will have to absolutely guard against. It's not illusion, with our Sharingan our illusion resistance is already very good.

It's sealing! Only sealing can truly threaten us, other than the sun.

So, after we have eaten enough members of other clans and reached the standard of strength I talked about before, we will ambush and kill all ninjas, who are good at sealing in Konoha.

Then, although we will not be invincible, but before they find out our weakness, we will be able to kill a large number of Konoha's forces with our extremely high stamina.

Oh yeah, the Nara clan's shadow jutsus can also effectively restrain us, although it is not that tragic, when you can kill one of their clan members, just do it.

How we act after that will depend on the situation.

Yeah, that is basically my plan, so how do you decide. Participate or leave?"

All Uchiha members who were listening intently to Akiras plan looked at him with a shocked and admiring look.

Even Daichi Uchiha who was disdainful at first had to admit that Akira is right, so he agreed:

"I never knew you have such a good head on your shoulders Akira. I will definitely participate, I can't think of a better plan."

Akira smiled and nodded at Daichi. Everyone else also agreed to participate, they understand that acting alone not only endangers themselves but also their family.

"When will we start Akira and which clan is our first target?"

Akira smiles mysteriously when he hears the question.

"We have to use every little bit of time we have, so we will start tonight. As for who our target is. It's the Shimura clan, that guy Danzo likes to make things difficult for us Uchiha at every turn, let's give him back some of his love. Hahaha"

Everyone got excited when they heard Akira, basically, every Uchiha has suffered in some way in the hands of Danzo, getting revenge while becoming stronger. It seems like the perfect plan.