Dealing With The Aftermath (Part One)

- five hours later -

Anbu and Root ninjas were shuttling through Konoha freeing survivors from the ruins, at the same time trying to look for clues of the culprit.

"Lord Hokage, according to the investigation the explosions, that happened in Konoha, are the result of someone detonating a large number of explosive tags, that have been buried everywhere under Konoha. The only clue we got from the culprit is that he must have activated the first explosive tag from the Hokage mountain."

Sarutobi Hiruzens expression turned gloomy. Danzo and the other elders also had very bad expressions on their faces.

"That's all? Is Anbu so useless now? Five full hours of investigations and you got close to nothing.

Why is the abdominal perpetrator of this incident not already in chains, quietly waiting for torture?

Why were so many explosive tags buried right under our noses and nobody is competent enough to notice it?

Are you not afraid that the spies of other villages spread how incompetent Konohas Anbu is, that even if they attack Konoha there is nothing to fear?

You disgust me, get out of my sight now and get back to work.

Tomorrow every single one of you will receive a punishment. You seem to have lost the sharpness of the past after the years of peace.

I will educate you myself tomorrow. Remember the ninja world has never been and probably never will be truly in peace!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen completely lost his temper when he saw the incompetence of his own troops, after all the horrible events that have taken place in Konoha tonight, he is incapable of even maintaining a tiny bit of his usual amiable old man act.

His heart feels tired, it has not been a long time since the Nine-tails destroyed Konoha and now it got destroyed again.

The difference is that at that time there was Minato Namikaze to save the day. After Minato's death, Sarutobi got back his favorite Hokage position, even the sadness of Konoha's destruction and the death of his wife were quickly forgotten by him. What he cares most about is the power of being Hokage, it makes him almost obsessed with it and the other thing is his image in public. Everything else no matter how important is secondary in Sarutobi's heart.

He often secretly feels smug, when he thinks that as the weakest Hokage he managed to become the 'strongest Hokage in history' in everyone's mouth and holding the position for the longest time, far surpassing his teacher and even the god-like Hashirama Senju.

This time it's different. Konoha got destroyed during his reign and he did not even manage to find the culprit responsible for it.

The reconstruction of Konoha will require many sleepless nights and he will even have to beg the Daimyo for funds, because a large part of Konoha's income lands in the pocket of his Sarutobi clan, and sometimes, he gives a bit to his old friend Danzo.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is feeling very depressed because he thinks that the image he has carefully built and maintained for so many years will collapse under the influence of this incident.

'No I can't let this happen, but this time the problem is too big, it's impossible to suppress it. It seems I have to use my good old strategy again. Transfer hatred.

Last time I threw the fault of Nine-tails attack to the Uchiha and Naruto.

Neither Danzo nor I prevented the Uchiha from participating in this battle this time and they helped many people, accusing the Uchiha again may have adverse effects. So who should I choose?"

Suddenly Sarutobi's eyes lit up and he glanced at his old comrade-in-arms Danzo without a trace, but there was deep meaning in his eyes.

'I'm sorry Danzo, but I am the light of Konoha and you are the roots hiding in the darkness. Isn't this your favorite speech? Well, it seems it is time for you to really implement your ideal in reality.'

There was no feeling of guilt in Sarutobi's heart, obviously, this is not the first time, that he let Danzo play the bad guy.

Basically every action Danzo takes is either deliberately guided by him or he tacitly allows it by acting like he does not know.

Danzo has been held down by him for decades, although this time Danzo will take real damage, Sarutobi will still do his best to save Danzos life.

'As a friend, this is what I should do Danzo. Everything is for Konoha.'

Danzo, who was not aware that he has been sold by his friend without hesitation, was wondering why the ninjas of his clan still have not arrived yet.

Gesturing one of his subordinates:

"Go, check out what the idiots from my clan are doing."

"Yes, Lord Danzo!"

Saluting respectfully, the Root ninja left taking two others with him.

Ten minutes later they came back and looked at Danzo with anxiety:

"Talk about what happened, why are you scared?"

One root ninja summons his courage, kneels down on one knee, not daring to raise his head.

"Lord Danzo, when we checked the Shimura clan land, there were traces of battles and a lot of blood. From the investigation, all clan members have been..they have been exterminated, Sir!"

Danzo was stunned for a moment wondering if he had misheard:

"My clan has been wiped out? What the hell are you talking about."

"Yes, Lord Danzo it is absolutely true, not only that, the Utatane clan is in the same situation. From the traces, we can be sure that everyone was silently killed."

Koharu Utatane, who was standing not far away also heard what the Root ninja said and almost exploded:

"Impossible, Danzo control your subordinates better, talking nonsense like this."

"It's true Lord Danzo I swear."

Danzo looked at his shivering subordinate and his heart sank.

He is still confident, that with the way he trains the Root members they will never dare lie to him.

Full of anxiety, he immediately ran to the Shimura clan land and Koharu followed closely behind with her subordinates.