Danzo's Misunderstanding

Danzo decided to stop wasting time and ran in the direction of Sarutobi Hiruzen with high speed.

He has the same thoughts as Koharu Utatane, everything he has lost tonight, get it back from Konoha's funds. In Danzos opinion, he is someone who is working hard for Konoha day and night, it is not too much to take some money. Anyway, after he is done with the Uchiha clan, he will fight for at least 1/3rd of the wealth and industries of it. Last time Sarutobi pocketed the complete inheritance of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, otherwise, it would be impossible for Uzumaki Naruto to hunger because of the lack of money. Minato Namikaze was an extremely strong ninja after all and completed a lot of well-paid missions in his lifetime. Especially since with his Flying thunder god he can instantly come back to the village after he is done with the mission, it's a piece of cake for Minato to acquire money.

Uzumaki Kushina as the Nine-tailed force of Konoha could not casually leave the village, but she still has the inheritance of the Uzumaki-clan sealing techniques. Although Uzumaki Naruto is shown a bit silly and stupid in the Anime, if he was carefully taught sealing techniques since childhood, with the strong sealing talent that Uzumaki members generally have, he would still be a valuable expert in it. Unfortunately, Naruto Uzumaki never had a chance to get into contact with the legacy of his parents.

Danzo is confident that with the excuse of Sarutobi swallowing Minato's things by himself without sharing, he can persuade the other two elders to support him when he forces Sarutobi to hand over part of the Uchiha clan legacy.

After a while Danzo appeared in front of the Hokage office, Koharu Utatane could be heard screaming in it.

Danzo opened the door and went in directly. When Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Danzo coming in, he thought of his plan to use Danzo as a scapegoat for Konoha's destruction and a little guilt and ruthlessness flashed in his eyes for a moment but were immediately covered up by him, restoring his calm gaze.

Sarutobi did not know that Danzo captured the look in his eyes and was confused.

'Why does he look at me that way? No way, could it really be...?'

Danzo seemed to have thought of something horrible.

'Was it really him? Did he order the extermination of my Shimura clan and even the Utatane clan? No, it does not make sense for him to do that, but why else would he look at me like that.'

Danzo's eye widened, doubts and suspicions appeared in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was really Sarutobi Hiruzens doing.

'Wait! He wants to push the fault of Konoha's destruction onto me! First, destroy my clan and then me. The Utatane clan was exterminated so he can steal the money Koharu embezzled over the years and use it to finance the reconstruction of Konoha. You really are scheming Hiruzen.'

The puzzle in Danzo's mind seems to have been solved. The only doubt that still remains is why Sarutobi would attack the Shimura clan and not his Root. After all the Root is his real support, if Sarutobi plans to capture and execute him, the Root will help him but the Shimura clan would probably not go against Hokages order.

'Is it a smokescreen? Destroy my clan, so that I do not find out about his plan? Yes, that must be it, then everything makes sense. Hiruzen! Hiruzen! Have you really forgotten all past affection between us? You want to ruthlessly abandon me and even smear my name? I bled for Konoha and you want the future generations to remember me as someone who tried to destroy Konoha?'

How can Danzo accept such a thing? He is ready to sacrifice himself for Konoha if it's necessary, but he will never let himself become a Konoha traitor, he looks down on traitors the most. Danzo was instantly furious but nothing could be seen on his face.

'I have to leave fast and make the necessary preparations, while Hiruzen does not know that I already found out about his plan.'

Danzo was already anxious in his mind and even the original purpose of him coming to the Hokage office was not important to him anymore.

'The superficial work still has to be done, otherwise, Hiruzen that old bastard may get suspicious.'

Immediately he put on a furious look on his face and started screaming:

"Hiruzen! Someone actually dared to destroy my clan, I have to make him pay! Also, I need funds to rebuild my clan."

Sarutobi looks at the hysterical Koharu and the furious Danzo and immediately understands that Konoha's finances will have to bleed today. He himself is very shocked that two genocides happened this night and even the target is the clans of Konoha's elders.

The events that happened in succession during this period of time made Hiruzen suspect that Konoha's majesty has completely fallen.

"Koharu, Danzo I am deeply sorry for your loss. Don't worry I will immediately let Anbu investigate who did this and I will also tell the finance department to give you both funds."

Danzo who heard this secretly felt disdainful.

'Hiruzen you are as hypocritical as ever. This level of acting, it's no wonder you have been Hokage for so long. In this regard I am inferior. You bastard have the nerves to tell me that you will investigate the culprit for something you ordered yourself.'

Secretly making up his mind to make Hiruzen pay, Danzo did not want to stay in the office any longer and left. He has a lot of work to do, his situation is not very optimistic and even if he can't save himself in the end, he has to make some plans to drag Hiruzen to hell with him. Either he wins and Sarutobi Hiruzen dies or he loses but Sarutobi still has to die.

'Wait for me Hiruzen!'