Uchiha Itachi POV

Uchiha Itachi POV

My name is Uchiha Itachi and I am the eldest son of patriarch of the Uchiha clan. I am also hailed as one of the greatest geniuses in Konoha since its creation. Due to my outstanding strength at a young age, I was quickly absorbed into Konoha's Anbu.

My father wanted to take advantage of this and let him work as Uchiha's spy, on Konoha's side the situation was the same and I ended up as a double-spy for both sides.

If my best friend and mentor Shisui was not there for me and had my back, I would probably collapse worrying about the outbreak of a civil war in Konoha.

I hate war, since the day my father took me to the battlefield, the sight I saw there was grotesque. I never want my little brother Sasuke to ever experience something similar.

Everything was getting better in recent times due to the personality change of the Third Hokage and the Uchiha-clan had quieted down a lot.

I felt relieved and even had more time to spend with Sasuke until that masked man appeared in front of me.

He told me that soon the Uchiha clan would be attacked by an organization called Akatsuki filled with S-rank missing-nin from different villages. He told me that he can ensure Sasuke's safety, if I join them after the extermination of my clan.

Out of caution, I agreed to his terms, for fear he would immediately attack Sasuke if I disagree.

But in reality, I planned to ambush him with Shisui as soon as we get an opportunity.

And with the help of Konoha's forces, the Uchiha clan would be able to resist Akatsuki's attack.

So, I wasn't too worried about it.

That was until a clansman approached me and passed on a message to me to meet on the Hokage mountain with someone, to talk about Akatsuki and Sasuke.

Sasuke has always been a trigger word for me and I went to the meeting place ahead of time. Hiding in a bush, ready to ambush the person who comes here and use illusions to on him.

Although I am still young, I have great confidence in my strength, as long as it is not an enemy at the Kage level, a battle is not a problem for me.

Then I felt someone approaching, getting ready for the ambush, I was about to plunge on him when he looked directly in my direction.

'He seems to have good sensory abilities.'

I got a bit more cautious, but I didn't care that much, until...

"Itachi, come out. I don't want to brag but with your current strength, you simply have no qualifications to have a battle with me."

Before I could even disagree mentally, the mysterious man blasted his chakra aura on me.

Great pressure pressed on my body and even breathing became almost impossible for me. Deep horror gripped my heart and I struggled to get some oxygen into my lungs. My brain short circulated and even simple thinking got difficult.

Then it suddenly all stopped and I took a deep breath.

With difficulty, I managed to avoid falling on my knees and helplessness overcame me.

'That...was horrifying, is it really possible to become so strong? Or was that some kind of trick from that man? But the chance of that is really small...'

Although I thought it might be a trick of the man to make me fear him, I still put away my Kunai and wanted to ask him, what he wants.

But right then the man took out a sword, thinking that he wants to attack me, I was about to immediately get ready for combat, but the man turned away from my direction and just slightly slashed his sword.

I was a bit confused about what he wanted to do, when something happened I will never forget in my life.

That simple slash triggered an incredible scene. Everything in its way got annihilated and the aura emitting from the slash made me remember the horror from a few seconds ago.

Looking at the power that was stronger than all the S-rank jutsu, I have seen until now, made me truly realize the strength gap between me and the mysterious man.

'Will I ever reach such strength?'

I felt a bit frustrated with my talent for the first time in my life because I am not sure if I can ever become strong enough that a casual attack of mine is comparable to S-rank ninjutsu.

The man seems to be satisfied with his display and puts away his sword.

'Did he want to show me his strength to assure me? That if he wants to be unfavorable to me, it's an easy task for him.'

I looked at him for a second and asked as cautiously as I could.

"May I know, why I got the attention of such a strong ninja."

The man turned his masked face to me and laughed. Although I don't really understand what's so funny about my current situation, the strong have privileges I guess. Even if I feel frustrated I can do nothing about him at all.

After that, the most important conversation I ever had in my short life followed.


Kneeling on the ground I looked dazedly in the direction where the mysterious man, no it can be said he is my benefactor disappeared.

I didn't immediately get up, this conversation made me feel mentally exhausted or it was the Mangekyo Sharingan eyes I have just awakened.

Although my mind was still mostly filled with despair, there was also hope.

Hope for Sasuke's future. With such a strong ninja to guide and protect him, he will surely become incredibly strong. A gentle smile appeared on my face thinking of my cute little brother.

'I hope you will not be too obsessed with revenge after the death of father, mother, and me, Sasuke. Live a happy life and become strong, this world is cruel and only strength is the capital for a peaceful life.'

Slowly I got up, I need to have a long talk with my parents now.

Despite my exhaustion, I used instantaneous technique and soon appeared in front of our home.

Opening the door I slowly walked in, observing the situation, I noticed my mother and father drinking tea together.

'Good, it seems Sasuke is already asleep.'

"Itachi, you look very tired, come drink tea with us."

I heard my mother's gentle and concerned voice and walked to them, sitting down on my knees, I thought hard about how to start this conversation.

"Father, Mother. We need to talk..."

- thirty minutes later -

I was lying in my mother's arms, both of us had tears in our eyes. This talk had proved too be much less difficult than I expected it to be. The reaction of my parents was very calm when they heard they would probably die tomorrow. They only worried about the safety of Sasuke and me.

My heart was filled with warmth and only now have I truly realized that it will always be only my family, who will always have my back. It's not Konoha, it's them, my parents, and in the future Sasuke too.

"So that mysterious man is willing to accept Sasuke and one other clan member as a disciple and his strength is extremely great. Greater than Hokage and just his Aura makes you feel unable to breathe and think.

Itachi, take Sasuke and you two become his disciples together."

I looked up when I heard my father's stern voice.

"Father, we have already talked about this. I will fight to death with my family. It's impossible for me to leave! You and mother are the same, so don't try to persuade me any more father."

My father looked at me with a helpless expression but there was a bit of pride in his eyes.

My mother on the other hand had tears in her eyes, filled with deep worry. I had tried to convince my mother to go, but she didn't accept it at all.

"Fine, it seems I can't do anything about you. So who is the second person, Itachi? Have you already thought of someone to save?"

"I want to save Izumi, father."

My mother smiled a bit when she heard Izumi's name.

"A cute girl, I thought she might become your wife in the future Itachi, but now..."

Mother started crying again, I gently rubbed her back with my hand.

"Then it's decided, I have to get the clansmen ready, tomorrow may be our last day!"


Author Note:

Write in the comments, who you want to survive the Uchiha destruction event except for Sasuke, Izumi, and Itachi.

I will pick some out and let them survive, they will become a group and begin a life of revenge or something. Not sure about it yet.