Ready For Battle

While Yami was observing and evaluating them in his mind, he noticed that the six Pains and Konan were entering Konoha from somewhere else.

'They should be responsible for holding back Konoha's forces tonight, while the other members slaughter the Uchiha. No idea where that sneaky bastard Obito is. Maybe discussing something with Itachi.'

Obito's Kamui is an almost unsolvable ability for most ninjas, especially because Obitos behavior is very low-key usually and basically uses Kamui for sneaking and observing.

So Yami decided to stop thinking about Obito and turned back his attention to the Akatsuki members. He wants to put them under Kyoka Suigetsu illusion and already has a plan on how he can accomplish that.

'But first I need to make sure there is no White Zetsu in the surroundings.'

Activating Observation Haki to the fullest, Yami soon felt a creature underground not far from his position. Using Shunpo and his sneak skill, he appeared a few meters in front of the White Zetsu and used mental suggestions on the White Zetsu so that he does not pass on his information to Black Zetsu.

Then he activated Kyoka Suigetsu and put the White Zetsu under illusion, making him believe nothing unusual is happening here.

'That's done, now...'

Satisfied, Yami turned around and used transformation jutsu to change his looks into a generic Konoha guard ninja.

Then he used Shunpo, moved to a position where the Akatsuki members will soon pass by, and waited patiently.

'Now it's time to act a bit.'

Soon the Akatsuki members appeared and Yami started his performance.

"Who are you? Please identify yourselves."

Kisame who was walking in the front of the group was a little surprised when he saw that a guard appeared here. They had already sensed someone long ago, but with their power, they don't need to hide at all.

Looking at the hapless guard, Kisame thought that he was really unlucky, he grinned, showing sharp shark teeth.

"Hahaha, guys this is a bit funny. I thought Danzo knew all the positions of the guards, maybe this guy just came here by coincidence, it's really bad luck."

Sasori glanced at him and said coldly.

"Don't waste time, just kill him."

Yami also continued his play, taking out his Zanpakuto, he activated Shikai, effectively putting all of the members present under complete hypnosis.

Then he showed them an image, where Kisame attacked him with his sword and he just died without having a chance to defend himself.

For the Akatsuki members, this was just a small episode, they didn't take it to heart and just continued their journey, while Yami was walking right beside them leisurely.

Right when they almost reached the Uchiha-clan land at the edge of Konoha, Yami disappeared again.

Uchiha clan.

With weapons in their hands, they were waiting full of bloodlust for today's enemies. Yesterday night, their patriarch had informed them, that today may be the last day they see the sun.

Their enemies were too strong and they have no chance of winning at all. Initially, the ninjas panicked, but quickly their genes as a war race began to show again.

Although the recent peace period made them a bit comfortable, but as a clan that has been fighting for thousands of years, the desperate situation made them reignite the glory of the old days.

To protect their children and wives, who were hiding in an underground basement, they are ready to lie down their lives in the battle today.

Uchiha Fugaku glanced at his eldest son with sadness.

"Did you bring Sasuke and Izumi to him?"

"Yes father, I tried to talk to them, but Sasuke didn't listen at all. He wanted to fight with us."

Itachi had a helpless expression on his face when he thought of how Sasuke pulled out a training Kunai yesterday, ready to go battle.

"I knocked them out and brought them to the agreed meeting place."

Uchiha Mikoto gently stroked Itachi's hair.

"We can rest assured to leave the future of the Uchiha clan to Sasuke."

Forcefully holding back the tears that are threatening to fall from her eyes, she hugged her husband's arm.

Fugaku held her tightly and felt his own uselessness. He can't even protect his own family, can't fulfill his duty as the Uchiha patriarch to bring his clan to glory.

"Mikoto, I have to talk to the clansmen."

"Yes, husband."

"And Itachi, I know you are ready to die with us today, but please if there is a chance to flee, RUN!"

Itachi nodded his head, but in his mind, he never had the idea of running tonight.

Meanwhile, the group of Uchiha demons have also gathered together.

Uchiha Akira glanced at his comrades and said in a low voice.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. We are lucky that the battle is at night, so are you ready?"

The other demons also felt helpless but still nodded.

Akira wasn't satisfied with their response and raise his voice.

"Tonight we will fight to protect our families. If we can't defend our clan today, everyone will die! This is also our chance, if we make enough merits today, our clansmen may accept our changes, as long as we don't tell them about our cannibalism. But that's all secondary.

Think about your wife! Think about your daughter! About your son!

Tonight, we will shed the blood of the enemy!

I ask you again, ARE YOU READY?!"

All demons seemed to have been affected and the aggressiveness of their demon blood combined with their warrior nature as an Uchiha.

They shouted simultaneously.


This time Akira was satisfied, his own blood was already boiling with anticipation.