Chapter 4: Crimson Scales (narrator)

Roman's body was now clean, he took his paint stained covers off his bed, as well as his now stiff paint covered pajamas and into a trash bag. Now he had a mission to put the trash into the trash can outside his house. Though, the concept expedition produced a nauseating feeling. He hadn't left his house in days and the bitter thoughts he had about his long lost love had tainted his already scarred heart. Living in his dome like house allowed him to blockade the real world, it allowed him to pretend his pain, and the pain of his once loved ones was nonexistent, he wanted to forget the markings of the world, the nature, the beauty, the streets, cars, men, women, houses, dogs, everything that had ever had connection to a monotonous human life, he wanted to abandon society. He had spent years trying to sew these broken fragments back into somewhat of what it was before. He was never able to accomplish this goal, the only thing he had created was a monstrous mass of aged flesh that lived only in his dreams, to haunt him, reminding him of all his regrets. The paint on the floor had now dried and his elongated phalanges where now dried all over his bedroom floor.

As he crouched his body to set down the trash bag, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. His lungs contracted again, he could not breathe, and after a few seconds he began to cough. He felt a sharp feeling within a deep part of his lungs, as if claws punctured them, claws that where crawling slickly upward out of his lungs. He felt a scaley texture that pressed against the walls of his throat. Roman retched curving his spine like a cat spitting out a hairball. The elderly mans coughs were scratchy, he couldn't stop. He began to cough up red, thick blood. Crimson stains dripped on his hands, the blood began to pour, filling his hands in the scarlet substance. The cold slimy creature obstructing his larynx and his ability to breathe. Romans eyes began to roll as if he was transforming into a bloodied monster. He rechaces, once more and a scaled dark green monster escaped his mouth, its tail slid slowly out of Roman's mouth as he gaged at the nauseating textural sensation. The lizard like creature had eyes like dusk that stared into his senile soul. Even in Roman's state of agony and repugnance, he felt the creatures eyes peirce into him like a knife through his translucent flesh.

Roman's body grew weak as blood spilled from his lips, he had lost to much.


His last raspy words before collapsing in a puddle of his own vermiliant ink.