
While the meds are kicking in, I'm going to have to limp my way back downstairs. Ideally there would be a fire escape, because things get really awkward if the cops arrive any time in the next few minutes. But there isn't, not that I can get to from here. I could take the stairs, but that would hurt my leg and take a very long time to get downstairs. So downstairs we go. I hop in the lift and I'm about to press ground floor, but then I notice there's a button for a basement- and in this day and age, a basement probably means a garage. Where's there's a garage, there's an exit to the street. So let's do that! I hit the button labelled B, and the elevator shoots down again, until I arrive down in the basement with a small dinging noise. I walk out of the elevator, head through another door, and I'm confronted by a huge basement filled with cars. There's two exits, that I can see at least. One of them is way closer, so I head for that exit, when I hear something behind me, a loud clapping noise. Who would be applauding me, especially at this point? It's like, midnight or something, surely. It was dark last night, very dark, so maybe even later than midnight. Or earlier, or whatever. It's coming from behind me, towards the other exit. I limp my way that way, and I'm very nearly at the exit when I see none other than Kara, the Glowing Maiden, sitting on the hood of a very flashy sports car. I don't know the model, but it looks very expensive.

"I'm pleased you made it this far. You're more tough than those boys thought." She says, smiling as she slides down off of the bonnet and walks towards me, heels clicking with every step. They sound like tiny gunshots in the echoing space of the basement.

"The boys? How did you find me? And most importantly, how are you not dead?" I ask, sort of stumbling over the words, as each question I'm more desperate to hear the answer to than the last.

"The three boys, also known as the Amours? You've met them, I know you have. I took some reasonable guesses to find you. I figured that once you escaped from the hellhole up the road, you would go for the nearest apartment building. I was proven right, wasn't I? And as for how I'm not dead, well- a lady deserves to keep some secrets, doesn't she?"

"The Amours? I don't know anyone by that name" I say, frowning. "Oh! Are two of them blond?" I ask, thinking of Claw, Shard and Ash.

"Indeed. The three of them are all very much in love, lucky bastards" She says, grinning. From a pocket in the green and black suit she wears, she draws a set of car keys, walking over to the drivers side of the beauty she was just using as a seat.

"Are you coming?"

I think about it for a second- presumably, she's not overtly hostile. I know she could take me down and force me to come with her, so by asking she's probably on my side. So I walk to the car, my bad leg dragging along the ground more than actually walking. But it'll be fine soon.

"Where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go?" She replies.

"Back to my friends, where I can begin to not be broken" I answer, starting to fully feel the effects of my many injuries, now that my fight or flight response is beginning to end. God, it really fucking hurts- so bad.

I start to cry, mostly from the pain, but also because of all that's happened to me recently. I've been attacked in my home, drugged, kidnapped, and shot, and I can't deal with it anymore. I start to feel bad for crying, because it makes me seem weak in front of Kara. But I ignore that little voices and let the tears fall. 'Nothing to be ashamed of' I say to myself firmly, in my head. I'm still strong. Crying doesn't make me less strong, less of a man, less anything. Not that I'm exactly very sold on being a man- but masculinity still has it's hooks in me, part of growing up as a dude.

She reaches out a hand to pat my shoulder, sympathy shining in her eyes.

"Where's your friends then, kiddo?"

"Blackthorn Hall. 361 Hollywood Crescent. I'm not a kid, Kara- I'm only a few years younger than you are."

"I'm 32, kid. You're more than a decade younger than me, if your police record is accurate"

"I'm 21" I whisper, starting to have a panic attack.

"So it is accurate." She murmurs, nodding. To me, or to herself, I'm not sure.

"I think we're almost back to that Blackthorn place. Can you walk?"

"I think so... it hurts though" I mutter quietly.

"I can help you get to the door, but your friends might try to murder me" She says lightly.

"And I've already cheated death once this week."

"I can ask them to stop, they will listen to me. After a couple seconds, when it gets through to their brains that I'm okay. Do you think you can stay alive that long?" I say, half-teasingly.

"I believe so, although it depends on a few things."

"I would love to know more, but I believe we have more pressing concerns" I say, aiming for a lighthearted tone of voice but it hurts too much to keep up that pretence. I raise a shaking arm, pointing through the windshield at Claw and Shard advancing towards us, weapons raised. I hesitate to assume from such a distance, but they do not look happy at all.

"I know them reasonably well, I don't think they would hurt me" she says confidently. At that moment, the two of them sprint at us, lances dragging behind them.

"Are you one hundred percent certain? Because they do not look friendly right now."

"I was one hundred percent certain..."