Title Here

Upon opening all the many doors, I sit down to rest near the open doors of the building and wait for people to... defrost. Which is gross to think about, but I don't want to think about it very hard. Hopefully nobody is severely damaged, but I really have no clue whether they are or not. All I have to go on is the word of a sociopathic scientist. Ah well- I've done what I can now. If I were religious, I could pray, but I'm afraid there's no higher power than myself.

Well, not that I really believe that I'm very high up on the list. But still, no god up there. Otherwise I'd never need to do what I do.

I'm waiting for a very long time before anyone moves through the front doors of the building, which makes me nervous. There's no reason to think that there would be no visitors to this building in the time it takes for people to melt- and given the usage of the space, there may even be a very unwelcome visit from the cops. However, my worries are all for nothing, as I'm not disturbed by anything- not even pigeons, which are nearly ubiquitous this far into industrial areas. Again, makes me nervous- because whatever can scare off pigeons can most likely take me in a fight. Pigeons are stupidly brave for whatever reason.

From within the frozen depths of the building behind me (an old factory, it seems. But heavily renovated) come two vaguely familiar figures. Familiar because they were shooting my house with a mother-effing cannon earlier today. If I had any sense of self-preservation, I might leave them alone. But I really don't. Plus- both of them are still recovering from a sedative, whereas all of my faculties are intact. I'm quite sure I can take them, mostly because I'm quite sure any second now, a friend of mine will appear behind them and whack 'em. So maybe I rely too closely on my friends, but there's worse problems to have. I search for something I could use as a weapon- a brick, a stick, anything. But then my rational brain kicks in and makes me think for a second. I don't know these people? Just because everyone has been trying to kill me lately doesn't mean these people are trying to kill me. Although, once again. Cannon, house, etc.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though, which is at least in part due to the fact that I can't see anything immediately available to hit them with. I probably could if I looked just a little bit harder, but I don't want to. I'm happy sitting on the dusty ground, waiting for my friends, bleeding from my chest- wait, bleeding from my chest? The fuck? Internal monologue, what the hell. I'm not bleeding from my chest. I've got a cut on my shoulder that's bleeding a bit, but it's not enough to seriously hurt me, and anyone that can see it knows that. Nobody needs to worry about it, least of all myself.

As always, I'm getting distracted. But there are pirates. Pirates that are men. Men that are making out. How could I not get distracted. I mean, honestly. It's important.

Suddenly, there are several dozen people walking out of the factory, looking chilly but alive. Including every member of the Seven Devils, to my palpable relief. And Ash, Claw, Shard, Kara, and The Gardener. All of whom I'm rather fond of by now.