CHAPTER 17 Visual Reality

Sending and concentrating a huge amount of energy into his right fist, Stefan picked him up, holding him by his neck. The guy was already bleeding through his mouth and all he felt at the moment was enormous pain. Stefan lunched a lethal blow to the heart of the guy annihilating him into little crystals.

The audience rose to their feet to give him an applaud for his remarkable performance, those that were supporting his previous competitors were now having double thoughts.

A screen appeared as his view revealing him a couple of people that had sent him a friend invite, and also some that choose to follow him on the gaming server.

Swiping them away from his view, he didn't even bother to check the people cause he wasn't interested.

"It seems like this your modern era, it's only power that matters and nothing else" The guardian chimed into his thoughts.

"Yeah exactly, nothing matters apart from gaining power, to the extent that some people are even called gods in our Era" Stefan retorted.

He was then transfered to the previous room he was in, Raymond was already there waiting for him with a smile on his face. "Man you nailed it bro, just on your first match and you already got the stares from the audience" Raymond complimented.

Stefan once again booked a random match, in less that a sec an opponent was found. "Okay bro, I will see you at the arena" Raymond said before he was transported.

Mana Evolver VS ??????

He was transported to the arena, but this time he was also having some viewers. His opponent was a young adult with a huge body build, having a beard with a bushy dark hair. He was wearing a normal outfit without any body armor just like Stefan,but he had a long pole at his back.

The count down came up staring from 1 2 3 FIGHT, immediately the signal was giving the both contestant charged at each other, and arrived at the center of the arena at the same time.

The moment the match started, Stefan had already spread his energy around himself. when Stefan got almost to his opponent he striked with a lethal blow to the chest of the opponent.

Joining his hand together, the opponent was fast enough to set his forearm in a defense formation, when the blow landed on the opponent forearm he was sent skidding back with some few feets.

"You know, all you metal awakened always think your body can withstand almost everything but that's not true" Stefan said to the guy while taking a combat stance with a smile. The guy charged at him with his hands now in a silver color showing he has activated his bloodline.

Stefan was now giving this guy his attention, that's because people with metal bloodline are almost unbeatable. Only high tier weapons can penetrate their skins, they can also transfer hardness to what ever they are holding.

Bringing the pole from his back, his opponent started unleashing fatal attacks to Stefan who had no weapon to block the attacks. Stefan was moving from side to side doing his best to avoid the attacks.

The opponent turned the pole into a long sword and lunched an horizontal slash from his back, Stefan grabbed hold of his wrist and kneed him in his gut twice and also kneed him in the face.

The guy strumbled back before he regained his composure, he then divided the pole into two equal half, Stefan was surprised to see that after his previous attack his opponent wasn't bleeding.

The guy began attacking him at different weird angles giving him an hard time at defending, through the process of moving and also throwing jabbing punches, an attack successfully landed on Stefans left shoulder.

During the fight his guardian has taking it as an opportunity to show Stefan some of his mistakes he makes while attacking, the reason being Stefan is good at defending than attacking because he is a shield user.

Everyone of the spectators were astonished to see that Stefan was healing, it didn't take long and the deep wound on his shoulder disappeared. Now the opponent didn't know what else he can do to win this fight, he had tried all the skills he has in his arsenal and no one could overpower Stefan.

Taking the upper hand in the fight, Stefan was now the one attacking the guy with his enhanced strikes, out of frustration the opponent was just fighting absent mindedly.

Through the process of trying to strike Stefan with the pole, Stefan got his wrist mid-way and turned his hand to face his chest, while adding pressure to the hilt of the pole pressing it into the chest of the opponent destroying him on the spot.

Mana Evolved wins!!!

Once again the crowd rose to their feet while applauding his performance and some of them sending him friend request with a lot of invites.

Exiting from the match, he was transported back to the previous room with Raymond also there.

"Okay we have had too much fun in one day, so I will be going out now" Stefan said while clearing some of the friends invite from his screen.

When he was done clearing the invite he proceeded to log out, he saw the pod opening and he was back to reality. Raymonds pod also opened and he stepped out with all smiles.

"Did you enjoy the game, or I am still going to have to pay for your games?" Raymond asked hoping Stefan enjoyed it.

"Yeah I did, the bill is on me then" Stefan said while gesturing for them to head down to the receptionist.

They both finalized their bills and headed out of the gaming shop while reviewing about Stefans previous matches.

"Hey guardian, hope I impressed you back there?" Stefan asked hoping to hear something good.

"Of course you did kid, get ready for training tonight" The guardian replied having a playful tone.