Chapter 9: The list of Odin's mistakes 

*FeMan, Confusion, ASnek, SpiderChild, and LittlePanther logged onto to group chat "Avengers Assemble"*

LittlePanther: Peter! We are making a list!

SpiderChild: A list?

LittlePanther: A list!

SpiderChild: Of?

LittlePanther: Of everything Odin pulled!

ASnek: Ok what

LittlePanther: Anything Odin has done to upset you tell us it goes on the list

Confusion: This will be a very short list

FeMan: This should be interesting

SpiderChild: Go ahead Loki!

LittlePanther: Start from when you were young and work up!

ASNek: He didn't want me to pursue magic and instead be like Thor

SpiderChild: Good next

ASNek: He wanted me to stay a prince, He didn't want me to shift genders

ASNek: He favored Thor leaving me in the dust

ASnrek: He never told me of my true parentage

ASnek: He made me go off a ledge both literally and figuratively

LittlePanther: *-*

ASnek: He told me I could be king, He lied

ASnek: He told me to try my best and when I did he said it wasn't good enough

SpiderChild: Is that all?

ASnek: I suppose for now

SpiderChild: Anyway! Let's move on from that depressing subject!

SpiderChild: I Have a Quote book!

ASnek: A Quote book?

SpiderChild: A QUOTE BOOK!!!

LittlePanther: Tell us one now!

SpiderChild: Ok let me see

SpiderChild: They said and I quote:

Loki: That'd go against my moral compass

Thor: Your moral compass is a roulette wheel, Loki

LittlePanther: Lol Facts tho

ASnek: Not wrong though I forgot Thor said that

FeMan: Tell us another!

SpiderChild: Oh remember after one of Loki's first missions this happened:

Loki who has his daggers out: Get back, you savages!

Thor who is standing between him and the people: Sorry! Sorry, he's just not used to positive feedback!

ASnek: I remember doing that! But I guess I wasn't listening to Thor! How dare you expose me like this!

Confusion: I'm just telling the truth Loki

ASnek: Sigh

FeMan: lol

SPiderChild: Next one!

Me: So Mr. Rogers what's your shield made out of?

Mr. Rogers: Vibranium

Me: What about you Mr. Barton

Mr. Rogers: Clint doesn't have a shi-

Mr. Barton: Quicksilver

FeMan: Lol that was brutal but funny

ASnek: Dark humor my favorite

FeMan: You guys do know how late it is right?

*SpiderChild and LittlePanther logged off*


*FeMan logged off*

ASnek: Goodnight Brother

COnfusion: Goodnight Loki!

*ASnek and COnfusion logged off*