Consequences of Actions

"Xyle!" Nadia shouted moving after him and she wasn't sure the words to say right then. Oh my god, that was not the same thing! He better not just go search her room.

"A diary is not the same as a story! That is incredibly private, what is wrong with you? There aren't tons of private things in those books about you. Get out of my room!" She said as he opened the door and went in.

"So you do have one." He said amused.

"I did not say that. I said a diary was private." She shot back.

"Your nervous air says otherwise. That or you have a hidden side, have some kink instead? That actually sounds really appealing, I don't mind. I'll try anything once, remember that." Nadia felt her face was burning.

"I do not have hidden kinks in here, get out of my room. I put your book down."

"Guess I'll find out when I look won't I? Either a diary or whatever you keep in your draws and such." She saw the odd smile he had. He was clearly really amused and she was not. This situation was getting so far out of control she didn't know what to do.

"You're being an asshole again." She snapped moving around him. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm doing research. I don't think you'd tell me the truth." He used her words against her. Though he looked amused even as he also seemed annoyed. He eyed the room and went for the nightstand first. He figured if she had a diary it would be there. Nadia was really quick. She jabbed him in the side and he jerked just slightly with the unexpected sharp poke. Nadia was fast to slide the drawer open and grabbed her diary. Not stopping she went over the bed just missing his grab for her.

"I knew it." He stated with a smirk again. It made him look boyish. Nadia tried to edge toward the door clutching the diary hard.

"Back off, this is private damn it. I read your story before in ignorance. I didn't read it yet. You want me to ask you instead, better keep your hands off how I deal with things." She said and really didn't want him to read it. It was more because it had a great deal of her own insecurities written in there. Things that she wanted in life that she just felt like she didn't have a close friend to share it with. This was not the same as him.

"I don't think so. Just give it to me, what are you really going to do? I'm going to show you how it feels, so next time you want to accuse me of things you'll remember what it's like." Xyle moved around the bed and Nadia went back over it toward the door. He seemed to know she was going to do that though and snagged an arm around her waist stopping her.

She made a frustrated sound and clutched the diary harder when he lifted her up off her feet a bit. Damn him, damn him and his inhuman strength. His arm felt like a steel band and it was very easy for her to feel the hard planes of his body against hers. Xyle reached with his free hand and got a hold on the diary edge. Nadia held firm though.

"I suppose searching a blood memory works too." He said as she didn't let go. Before when he'd tasted her blood he'd been just looking for memories of her involvement with writing his story. When you took blood, you had to be thinking of what you wanted to see. You didn't just get everything at once. Wasn't how it worked, this time he'd find something more important to her if she didn't want him to read what she had.

Nadia jerked a bit to try and pull away but went nowhere. She felt his head move more toward the edge of her shirt where her shoulder and neck were exposed. She reached back to slam her palm into his nose but he moved and she missed. That however loosened her grip on the diary and he yanked it from her.

"Let's see what's got you so defensive shall we?" He stepped away from her and Nadia tried to lunge for it.

"Xyle, please don't. That's not fair and it's not right." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Neither is being tortured or cursed to live a half life with out your soul mate. I didn't choose that did I?" Nadia reached again but he just moved out of the way again. He went to open it but she managed to slam a hand down on it and nearly knocked it from him. Xyle once more had to get a hold on her to keep her from nearly jumping on him to take it.

"Such a little hellion. I find you exciting Nadia." Nadia narrowed her gaze at him. His arm was low around her back holding her to him with force. Her front mostly against his front and side. She had to tip her head back to look at him. He was holding her diary out away with an outstretched arm. She suddenly felt very awkward with how he was looking down at her.

"Remember this Nadia, how it feels to be out of control. To have another take control of what matters or even your emotions. What it's like to know someone else might see things you don't want and you aren't able to stop it." Nadia made a slightly shocked sound as his arm came up very fast. A hand bunched in her hair and pulled slightly. His mouth hit hers harshly for a second and then he let go of her. Xyle was walking out of her room with her diary. Nadia stood there for a second stunned. Why'd he do that? Such a harsh kiss, this man was so strange!

Nadia whipped around and was out the door after him as he was nearly to the living room. He already had the front open and she felt heat rising up her neck and into her face.

"You keep reading that, I swear on all that is holy I will fight you on this mate thing with every fiber of my being." He turned his head glancing at her as his profile was to her and then rather sharply turning the page with a flick of his finger. A clear disobedient message. Xyle looked back down to read the next longer entry.

"Fight me all you want, each time you do I'll just find something to match your strike with my own. I think this will show me exactly the woman behind your stubborn facade you have." Nadia came toward him and he turned to keep her from reaching. Nadia instead reached and gripped his forearm. Her hand didn't make it all the way around the taught muscle and skin of it. However a tingle of awareness did shoot through her at the touch. He must have felt something too, he paused and looked down at her hand.

"Please stop, I do understand. This is very personal to me and honestly it's hurtful okay? I'm a private person, I don't like to share. I'm sorry, I will ask you first about things and about yourself, not what Laural wrote." Nadia swallowed her pride to get him to stop. She had a lot of things in there, and she had multiple diaries. Things about people in her life, and like she said hopes and fears. She also had notes and day dream kind of things in there. Also what she wanted and hoped for in a partner. It wasn't a diary that was by the daily events. It was a diary that she wrote out her feelings because they could be hard for her to say.

Xyle was actually a bit surprised that she was so sincere in this moment. Clearly the diary meant a great deal to her. More than he thought, and he puzzled for a moment. He weighed out the pros and cons of ignoring her. However he suddenly had a suspicion that if he kept going he just might damage something with her. From the small bit he read he already saw that this was not a diary on how she lived. Of what happened in her day. It was far more, and suddenly he really did want to read it. It would tell him about this woman he now called mate. The one that was tied to him, his other half. He kept his gaze on her anxious one and slowly snapped the diary closed. It had a spiral spine and a white and black swirling design for the hard cover protecting the pages inside.

"Fool me once Nadia." He said darkly still holding the book and she glanced at it. He didn't give it to her yet.

"I promise I'll give you that courtesy if you give me mine back." Xyle slowly moved the book to her. She reached and got a hold of it, but his grip was still strong.

"I keep my word and my promises Nadia. I will not be played with anymore. An eye for an eye. Don't push me." She very clearly got that and she nodded to him. She breathed a sigh of relief when he let go. Nadia looked at the cover and then up at him.

"I mean what I say too Xyle. You might have felt you had to do this, I am still not okay with it." She gestured toward the computer. "To me we are not mates, my world doesn't have anything like this. I don't even know you."

"No one knows anyone Nadia until they try." Nadia clenched her jaw and she was not in the mood to try right now. This was way too much, honestly she suddenly felt like her mind was on overload and she took a step back.

"I need to think." Nadia turned from him and moved toward her room. "Go where you want Xyle. You got what you wanted, to live." Nadia felt that staying in his presence was going to cost her more than she wanted. So she just went to her room and slammed the door shut as she had nowhere else to go. This was her home after all. She set her diary down on the bed next to her and put her face in her hands. She was a lost storm of emotions and just sat like that unsure if she wanted to cry or scream.

Xyle on the other hand just stood in her living room and looked up at the ceiling with narrowed eyes. This was going to be some serious work, two different people from two very different worlds. He already knew he was more than up for the challenge and task he'd hastily signed himself up for. This was obviously his one and only chance to live and possibly get the chance at a happily ever after.

Thing was, he didn't know who was controlling the flow of this story. If this was real or not. Honestly he was never really going to know was he? So all he could really do was try this with Nadia. There was no changing it now, she was his other half and clearly he had some very serious work cut out for him.

"Good thing I'm a masochist." He grumbled to himself and just sat down on the sofa there to rub his forehead. How the serious fuck was he going to do this?