Possession of a Computer

Nadia was driving fast and took a corner into the warehouse area from the street. She saw the van that had taken Lillian and Zyer away. Ahead she saw them fighting the same creatures and puppets. Adrellie was there somewhere she was sure. Nadia just felt that somewhere close was where she needed to go. 

Aiming for one of the white pale creatures Nadia hit it dragging it under the car. She hoped that she killed it. How Laural was calling them up Nadia didn't know. She had a few guesses, but she could see that Lillian and Zyer were handicapped in their fighting. They were not wolves. They had not gotten the cuffs off fully and were in danger of severing their hands off if they shifted. Mythical creature didn't mean they weren't of flesh and blood. That metal couldn't cut them.