Sleepless Night

Victoria was breathing rather hard as she stepped off the treadmill. She ran a good distance which felt great. She now went to one of the side rooms of the gym here to stretch and also set up for a bit of practice. She grabbed the wooden pole that was there and used it to help her stretch. She was again in her own thoughts. 

It had been hard for Victoria to find sleep tonight. So here she was at one in the morning in the gym trying to out run her thoughts. Since that didn't help, she was now going to try and exhaust herself in another manner. Plus she'd promised her father that she'd keep up with training. Keeping herself and her body in shape and ready should something happen. So not having a weapon she kept the wooden pole she used for stretching and moved to another room that had a few punching bags. A lot was on her mind, from her reactions to Vincent to now wondering if she was more set up by her parents than she realized.