Cat and Mouse

Octaivious decided that he didn't give a fuck anymore and was tired of cat and mouse. He organized his men and just entered the lobby that he knew Vincent owned. Knew he was controlling the flow of information, and while beneficial before was now a problem However he was really here for a completely different reason. This would damage Vincent a different way and he had a damn good feeling that those wolves and possibly the peace keeper keeping Vincent's sanity whole was here.

He'd bet his goddamn life on it now, there just was no other explanation other than Vincent had once more found a peace keeper. Octavious had a very dark feeling that he was to late this time. Which angered him greatly, so he was just going to go through the building killing any in his way until he found others like them. Super naturals and then they could tell him what he wanted to know. If he was lucky then he'd find the mates to those wolves because evidence also supported them being here.