Looked down upon

Chapter 003 Looked down upon

The two men were paid to kidnap a young woman and held her hostage for a while. But then an accident happened and the young woman actually tried to escape through the forest… so the two chased after her.

Actually, when they first saw the woman, they were already taken aback because she is far more beautiful than her picture.

But they dare not do anything to her because they were in the city at that time.

Then an idea came to their mind to take her to their forest hideout. Although they were tasked to kidnap her, they were not told not to do anything to her.

So, if they take advantage of her, then that would not be against their contract.

With this in their minds, the two decided to take turns raping the girl, and then just wait for the call from their employer after.

They would not only be paid a high price, but they could also enjoy high-quality beauty at the same time.

Actually, this is not the first time that they will do such a thing. There are others who have suffered in their hands before. But those women ended up badly, and some have even died.

But of course, they did not care about any of these. The two men are hired, hitmen and hoodlums. They belong to the most devious part of society.

But the two did not expect that the woman would suddenly jump out of the car and so they have to chase after her for a while.

And the situation right now seems to have changed. This is because… there are now two beautiful women in front of them.

"Hey… This one is far more beautiful… Look at her… She… She looks like a goddess… Damn… Her body is hot too…" the bald man suddenly exclaimed while ogling at Sung Jisoo.

The two men looks like they were parched after the chase as they swallowed their saliva subconsciously while looking at Sung Jisoo.

"Hehe… She is mine…" the bald man said while grinning lewdly.

"No… she is mine…" the guy with a ball cap protested.

"What are you arguing with me about? Both of us can have the two of them. We will just enjoy the two of them… Hehe…" the bald guy said as he rubs both of his hands while he began to take his step towards the two women.

Seeing the action of the two men before her, Sun Jisoo frowns. She did not have her powers right now, and her body has returned to being mortal without Reiki energy.

Looking at the build of the two guys, she knew that she would be having a hard time with them if she fought them upfront.

But Sung Jisoo has never feared anyone before. Even in Talos Continent, she has even faced those who are stronger than her until she has reached the top finally. When someone punches her, she would not usually meet that punch with her own fist.

Because according to her training… that is only how stupid brutes fight.

She did not usually rely on her powers… as that was only to supplement her strength. What she truly relies on are her skills and techniques, trained and engrave in her very bones and blood for many years.

The grueling training she has done while young, and the suffering she has suffered while being experimented upon for all those years enabled her to master her skills and abilities by heart. She was the most successful product of the so-called Perfect Cultivator experiment of the destroyed Oolong sect.

And for hundreds of years, she has proven this fact and rose to the top.

But right now, a different feeling is currently entering her heart. It is a feeling that is new to her and that she did not understand.

"Is… Is this fear? Am… Am I afraid of them…" she muttered.

When the two men heard this, their expressions became more pronounced as they showed evil grins on their faces.

"Damn it… her innocent face could not make me stop from imagining how she would react once I get my hands on her… Hehe…" the bald man said while licking his seemingly parched lips.

Meanwhile, the young woman hiding behind Sung Jisoo suddenly grabbed Sung Jisoo's arm and is slowly dragging her back. It was as if she is gesturing for Sung Jisoo to run and escape with her.

"I'm sorry… I have dragged you with me… Let's try and escape together… okay?" the young woman said with tears in her eyes.

Sung Jisoo did not reply but she also did not leave her sight on the two men.

"Let go of my arm and move back a couple of meters away from me. You are a hindrance…" Sung Jisoo's temperament suddenly changed and her cold tone made the young woman subconsciously let go of her.

She then took a few steps back but her eyes are filled with hesitation.

Crack! Crack!

Sung Jisoo cracked her neck from left and right, then stretches her two arms back which made her twin peaks bulge.

The two men look at each other and immediately chuckled.

"Are you going to fight us… little fairy? Please don't, I would not want to hurt your beautiful face… Hehe…" the bald man said as he continue to chuckle.

When washing her face, Sung Jisoo has put the stick on the ground.

She then looks at it and with a step at the tip of the stick, it flips in the air and she extended her hand to catch it.

She then stood valiantly in front of the two big men while looking at them with her cold eyes.

"This feeling I have… might be fear… But that does not mean that you two can defeat me?" she said with a smirk.

She then extended her hand and gestured a challenge to the two with her left index finger.

When the two men saw this, they immediately chuckled.

"You take her down…" the ball cap guy said as he folded his arms while looking at the amusing scene in front of him with interest.

"Alright… Once she is down, take that other woman…" the bald guy said as his body suddenly dashed towards Sung Jisoo.

It was a straight punch, and the direction is towards her stomach.

Sung Jisoo wave the stick in her hand as she shifted her body to the left. But this action made her wince in pain as she strained her wounded left thigh.

When the bald man missed his target, his expression actually turned grave.

But he did not want to give up just like that. He followed his punch with a jab at Sung Jisoo's face.

This time… Sung Jisoo has already seen that this guy's skill is only subpar. He only knows the basics of punching, and his basic posture and footing are even wrong. With one quick glance, she could already tell how to defeat her opponent.

However, she did not move yet, as she knew how weak she has truly become. If she casually wastes her energy, then she would surely be defeated even if her enemy is an amateur.

After missing twice, the bald man is now enraged as he feels humiliated.

However, he still did not lose his cool and a slight smirk appears on his face.

"It seems that the pretty little lady knew how to dodge… Very good… How about you dodge this!" he said as he suddenly charges towards Sung Jisoo planning to tackle her to the ground.

But how could Sung Jisoo, who has hundreds of years of experience in fighting, be easily fooled by his crude movement?

Without hesitation, she shifted her body to the right and barely dodges the large body of the guy charging at her.

As soon as the large body of the man was about to pass by her side, his large hand suddenly swipe to the side with his palms wide open, it is clear that he wanted to grab her.

But before he could grab her arm, a stick suddenly appears whacking his big hand.


"Arrgghh… That hurts! You bitch!" the bald guy cried while grabbing his right hand and showing a painful expression on his face as he staggered before finally stopping.

In his anger, he launches a series of rapid and random punches. He is not trying to be gentle now and has truly wanted to beat up the annoying smirk on Sung Jisoo's face.

Although the woman is very pretty, her mocking expression made him want to grab her head and smack her face with his huge hand.

She might be beautiful, but she could not mock him no matter how beautiful she is.

Sung Jisoo, quickly moved her body from left to right, without moving her left leg too much. Her precise dodging and movement made the bald guy astounded.

But the one who is more shocked is the guy with the ball cap. This is because he could clearly see how she dodges each attack of his companion.

It was like watching a boxing match.

The opponent is clearly adept in dodging that not even a single punch could hit her.

"Damn it! She… she is not normal… This is bad…" the ball cap guy suddenly said as he seems to have realized something.

"Shit! She might be an assassin! She might be an assassin! Kill her!" he quickly shouted.

He has no time to explain what is in his mind. He is now thinking that their employer might have double-crossed them and hired this woman to kill the two of them after they deal with their target.

From the movement of the woman alone, he could tell that they are facing an expert.

But then suddenly, the ball cap guy stopped as he looks at the scene in front of him with bulging eyes.

The bald man suddenly fell to the ground while the beautiful woman stands beside him with her right hand extended.

The ball cap guy could tell that she has knocked his companion unconscious with one strike.

"Damn it! Damn it!" the ball cap guy began to panic as he suddenly grabs the knife hanging on his waist.

"Do you think you can kill us? Hahaha… We are not that easy to kill…" he said as a sinister gleam appears in his eyes.

Without hesitation, he quickly rushes to attack the beautiful yet very scary woman.

He wanted to gain the upper hand because he has now noticed that the woman is actually panting heavily.

This only means one thing…

The beauty is already tired and that... if he plays his cards right, then he would be able to take down the beauty…