Special case 2

Chapter 042 Special case 2

Feeling a bit doubtful because of the young age of the doctor in front of her, Helen Rong showed a bit of hesitation as she reluctantly sits on the chair for patients.

Sun Jisoo, on the other hand, did not say anything and just showed a smiling face while she carefully scrutinized the face, then the neck of the woman in front of her.

Confusion and doubt could now be seen in the eyes of the woman.

"Hmm… Mrs. Tang, your breathing seems a bit hoarse, and I can hear some gurgling sound from your lungs… And from your eyes, I can see that a few of your internal organs have already been affected by your disease… It seems that you are not taking your medicine lately…" Jisoo suddenly said.

When Helen heard this, she was stunned. She did not know that the doctor in front of her could actually deduce as such judging by her breathing and her eyes alone.

From this, she knew that the woman in front of her is actually an expert.

Suddenly, Jisoo lifted the folder and then showed a faint smile on her face.

"Hehe… I've read it all in your lab test… So don't worry I did not misdiagnose…"

Helen and Director Pan almost fell on their seat upon hearing her words. How could she say such a thing?

"You see, I need to read something about you before I could diagnose you myself. That would mean to support my claims rather than just say some rubbish about my patient, right?" she explained.

Director Pan suddenly understands and nodded his head.

He remembered that he said this to Jisoo a few days ago.

"Then… How about my condition? You see, I… I don't like taking medicine, if there are injections I could just take those…" Helen suddenly blurted.

This time it was Jisoo and Director Pan that was surprised.

Most patients are afraid of needles, but this woman seems to be not scared of them.

"But of course, if there are none of those, then I would prefer that…" Helen added.

Jisoo looks at her and then nodded her head.

She then walked to the side of Helen and gestured for her to extend her hand. Jisoo takes her pulse and then listened for a while.

In truth, she is using a strange of her Reiki to slowly check the condition of Helen's body.

It did not take long before she removes her hand and then smiled.

"Your condition is actually correct according to the laboratory test… However, there is something that the test was not able to show… and that is the true condition of your pancreas…" she explained and then shows her the CT scan of her body.

Jisoo began explaining how she would help Helen get well, and the process they will take.

But the most amazing thing that she heard in her entire life, are the words… 3-days of complete cure.

She was not able to say anything about the plan and how Jisoo is going to heal her, because her mind was immediately drowned in happiness.

"Alright, I agree… I absolutely agree… You said that the total fee is 300,000 credits, right?" she suddenly interrupted.

"When are you going to cure me?" Helen excitedly asked.

"Well, I still have to buy or find some of the materials needed for your medicine. So next week I'm sure that I've already my hand on them…" Jisoo explained.

"But for now… I will apply a set of acupuncture to prepare your body next week." She added.

Helen laid flat on the consultation bed as Jisoo takes out a few long needles she has requested from Director Pan.

When Helen saw the long needles, her heart almost skipped a beat. Although she did not fear needles and preferred them to take medicines, she still showed fear upon seeing the long silver needles on the tray.

Jisoo had seen her reaction and a faint smile crept on her face. But she did not want her middle-aged patient to be afraid of her, so she tried to console her.

"Don't worry, these things might be that long, but I assure you that you will not be hurt… that much." She said.

When Helen heard that, she squinted but then thought for a while and just nodded her head.

Director Pan walked out of the room, and Jisoo closes the curtain cover as she is going to lift a part of Helen's upper clothing.

Helen cooperated and soon, her stomach is already bare, with her clothes tucked above her voluptuous chest.

When Helen saw Sung Jisoo looking at the long sharp needles, Helen could not help but close her eyes as she did not want to see them pricking her skin.

She waited for a while and for that pain to come. When the snowy and soft hand touches her stomach her body suddenly shuddered. She feels afraid and curious at the same time, but she has not the courage to open her eyes to see.

She suddenly feels the soft sensation of a hand touching her stomach every now and then, but the prickly sensation did not occur.

In her curiosity, she slowly opens her eyes and then saw the long needles sticking out of her body. She was shocked as she did not feel any of those needles entering her skin.

Jisoo did not wait for her to react as she suddenly removed all of the needles like magic and then put them on the tray.

"Alright… We're done…" Jisoo said with a smile.

What she did was to stimulate Helen's body to prepare it to absorb the medicine she will concoct. That way, she would immediately get cured of her sickness.

Although it would take 3 days as it included the reconditioning of her vitality and nerves, with the preparation, Jisoo knew that her body would now be able to take the nutrients properly and efficiently.

After the acupuncture treatment, Jisoo walked to her table and then write down something on paper.

When Helen walked back to her seat after fixing her clothes, Jisoo passed the paper to her.

"You should not eat these in the meantime… Wait until you are cured…" Jisoo said and did not explain further.

Helen nodded her head but elation could be seen in her eyes.

"Doctor Sung, my body… why does my body feel… light. I feel robust and strong…" Helen said in elation.

"Umm… That is the effect of the needle treatment. But remember the types of food I listed for you not to eat. If you violate this, then we would wait for another week before the treatment would start." She warned.

Helen nodded her head.

But then she seems to have thought of something and looks at Sung Jisoo.

"Umm… Doctor Sung… Can…Can we do this at my home? I feel uncomfortable when doing this in the hospital…" Helen suddenly requested.

Jisoo pouted cutely as she thought but then nodded her head as she thought that it would also be plausible.

Seeing the cute expression of her doctor, the heart of Helen could not help but feel a bit excited.

She could not deny the fact that the young doctor before her is truly a good doctor. Plus, her beauty is something exceptional that she could not help but admire.

She suddenly thought of her son whom she dotted on. If she can introduce Doctor Sung to her son, she knew that her son would take a liking to Doctor Sung. She could not help but imagine what her grandchild would look like if she could get Doctor Sung as her daughter-in-law.

With the agreement of Doctor Sung, Helen left the consultation room with a big smile on her face.

Director Pan walked inside and then showed a faint smile.

"How was it?" he asked.

"Her condition is a bit… troublesome," Jisoo said.

If she would use her Reiki then it would easily be cured, but she could not just spend her Reiki just like that on a single patient, right?

Although she could get as much Reiki as she likes in this hospital, she still could not just spend it like a nouveau riche. In truth, she could still be considered a poor girl when it comes to Reiki.

"Then… Can you cure her?"

"Umm… Yes, of course… it would not be a problem." Jisoo replied confidently.

"How about the next patient?" Director Pan asked.

"The two you have given me, is something that is easily taken care of by your doctors here… So I will not touch them. Umm… Can I try to find my own patients?" she replied and requested.

"Hmmm… Sure why not. But you have to let me know before administering a cure to them…"

"Of course, I've read the SOP of the hospital, so you don't have to worry about me…"

"Alright, this old man is going back to his office. Good luck!" Director Pan then walked out of her consultation room.

That day, the hospital is abuzz when a pretty new young doctor began doing rounds on the patients in the hospital. The resident doctors just greeted her and some even took pictures of her as she walked and talked with them.

Jisoo truly likes the feeling she is having right now and the attention that people are giving her. Although she could also feel some animosity among them, she did not care. What she likes are the feelings given to her by the people and of course, the Reiki emitting from their bodies.

Jisoo discovered that the children and the old people are the ones that give off a rich amount of Reiki. As she followed and interact with the doctors, she could not help but admire them for being versatile and strong.

The amount of knowledge she has gained by roving in the hospital made her content, especially the amount of Reiki she has earned today.

With the sun rays tempering her body in the morning, and Reiki filling her dantian for the day, Jisoo could not help but feel elated and happy when she went home that night.

But unknown to her, a few eyes are glued to her figure as they watch her leave the hospital that night.