Chapter 4 : Keeping Secrets

Sonny’s POV

After Clara fell asleep, I left the cabin and made my way back towards the pack house.

I couldn’t help but wonder why she acted the way she did towards me. I knew I was her mate, but I was also the Alpha of this pack. Yet, she didn’t seem to notice that.

Which was very odd - I would have thought she would be able to tell by my bearing alone. Anyone but an alpha should feel intimidated in my presence. Beautiful and charming as she was, her status was merely that of a rogue. So why wasn’t she cowed by me? Was it a mate thing?

That was something I would have to pay attention to.

I shifted from my wolf back into my human form once I got close enough to the pack house.

Every step I took made my heart ache in desperation to get back to her. But first, I had to sort things out here.

I had to make everyone aware that she was going to be joining us. I knew it was going to be a shock. Very seldom did I allow rogues to seek refuge with us and convert back into pack life. Most were not capable of it.


Turning, I spotted Vincent.

“Can we talk for a moment?”

“Stop being so formal, Vincent. It’s weird.” I replied with a chuckle. I picked up a file sitting in my basket and flipped through it. “I never knew you to really hesitate to tell me when I am messing up. So what’s on your mind?”

Vincent sighed and followed me into my office, closing the door behind him. “You know I don’t want the others to know how close we are. I’m trying to keep it professional.”

Looking up at Vincent, I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re acting like we’re lovers… Dude, we’re friends. And I don’t know why you keep messing with the new recruits. They think you have a stick up your ass, and we both know that’s not true.”

“Yeah, but they don’t need to know that,” Vincent replied with a smirk on his face as he crossed his arms. He managed to be both a hard-a** and a prankster at the same time.

“So, what did you want to ask me?” I said.

“What’s up with the girl you found?” he blurted out. “One of the guys said you still have her in the cabin. Man, rogues are bad news… What are you doing?”

Vincent’s words didn’t come as a surprise. Of course, it looked weird.

“Ah… yes…”

I took a breath before continuing.

“The girl in question is my mate.”

His expression changed to one of confusion. “....What?”

“You heard me, Vincent.” I said, shooting him a dubious glance. “The woman I found is my mate.”

I didn’t like him questioning me, which made it easier to get to the point. Still, though, saying the words myself sounded almost unreal. An involuntary thrill went through me at the thought of my mate…

…But also a chill of fear at the situation I found myself in.

“Whoa…” Vincent said.

He opened his mouth like he was going to say more, but then closed it, shaking his head for a moment as if to clear it. His eyes went to my window and then traveled around the room; I could tell his thoughts were racing.

Finally he met my eyes again and awkwardly mumbled, “Congratulations are in order, then. Never thought I would see that day you finally found her.”

His smile didn’t quite meet his eyes. I knew what he was thinking.

She was a rogue.

The pack would never accept a rogue as their Luna. Especially not in these dangerous times.

“I know her status is a complication. We have to be careful and take precautions to ensure the safety of the pack…”

Sighing, I tried to think through the situation. I didn’t really see her as a threat, but looks could be deceiving.

“Hey,” Vincent said, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I know you can handle this. And I’ll be there for you, whatever you need me to do. Always have, Always will.”

I looked at him and smiled.

“I know I can count on you.”

I took a breath.

“There is one thing. I don’t think she realizes I am the Alpha. So I want to play along like I’m not.”

His eyebrows shot up, but I forged on.

“See how she acts, if she wants anything, if she has any debts or ties to other rogues that could cause trouble. Figure her out before letting her know she can claim the Luna position.”

Vincent began nodding, slowly. He saw what I was getting at.

“So,” I continued, “pass the word along to the main people, and let them know not to address me as Alpha for the time being. To address me by my first name.”

Vincent looked shocked for a moment. Then a smile spread across his face. “Seriously?”

“Yes. It doesn’t mean I am not still going to be doing my Alpha duties. But you do get to take over training for the next week or so.”

Vincent groaned in protest. He detested running training classes.

“Fine… Anything else I need to know?”

“Yeah, actually… Will you please see to it that your mate has the Luna suite made up for our new guest? I want to make sure she is comfortable while she is here until she is adjusted.”

Even if I had to treat her with suspicion, I couldn’t resist setting her up in the best suite. I felt warm at the thought of doing something to care for my mate.

“Yeah, no problem, man.” He hesitated for a moment, and then continued, “Are you going to have her train? If you don’t plan on telling her that she is the rightful Luna, we’ll need to treat her like any other newcomer. And seeing as she’s a rogue, the pack will expect her to prove herself.”

He was right. If I was going to see how far I could get with keeping my identity from her, I had to play it smart.

“Let me get her situated tomorrow,” I replied, “and then, the next day, I will have her come down. We can see how she measures up.” I had to admit that I was curious to see what my mate had in her.

Regardless, I had to remember to keep an eye on her and not let her into my life too quickly. I felt a pang at the thought, but… something wasn’t adding up. And that something could potentially cost me my pack—or my life.


A few hours later, I returned to the cabin. As soon as it came into view, I could pick up her scent.

She hadn’t left, and it made my heart swell with pride to know that my mate wanted to stay.

Or, at least, she was true to her word. Given her packless status, that was a good sign for her trustworthiness long-term.

Pushing open the door, I spotted her freshly dressed, in a blue flannel shirt and sweatpants. Her long, beautiful hair cascaded down over her shoulders.

It only took a second for her eyes to meet mine, and all my harried thoughts about pack safety and secrets plans flew out of my brain.

I knew without a doubt that my soul belonged to her.

“How are you feeling?” I asked as I closed the door behind me and made my way towards her.

She hesitated for a moment before a smile crept onto her face. “I’m healing great. Thank you.”

She seemed to almost be healed completely, which was odd. Even for one of us, that was fast.

“That’s great.” I replied with a nod.

Getting back on task, I continued, “I talked to the Alpha. He said that you can stay, under one condition…”

There was hesitation in her face again. I hated how she seemed so unsure of me.

“What’s the condition?” She asked.

“Stay at the pack house.”

The way I said it made me seem unsure, but, in reality, I was nervous. After all, I was hiding who I was from her.

“The Alpha always has unclaimed pack members staying there. It’s for your protection.”

Clara seemed taken back for a moment before furrowing her brows. “The packhouse?”

“Yeah. Is there a problem?” I asked, a bit gruffly. I wasn’t going to let her think she could get away with what she wanted around me. I wanted her, yes, but I was also an Alpha and I would be respected.

She blinked, but then her face was impassive. “Sounds good. Thank you.”

“No problem,” I replied, walking past her towards the fridge. “We leave in the morning, so you may want to get some sleep.”

“Of course… I can’t wait to meet the Alpha, and thank him for his hospitality,” Clara called out.

I almost choked on the water I was drinking.

“Uh… he isn’t going to be there tomorrow.”

“What do you mean?”

Clara seemed upset, and I didn’t understand why. People usually dreaded having to meet with me.

“He has pack business elsewhere…” I shrugged as I walked back towards her. “So he left earlier today.”

“That’s a shame. It’s okay…” She fidgeted for a moment before smiling at me. “I’ll see him eventually. In the meantime, maybe you can show me around.”

I wasn’t one to blush, but I had to pause and get a hold of myself as my nerves sent shivers over my body.

“Uh… yeah, I can definitely do that.”

“Great. I look forward to it.” She smiled. “Thank you for everything you have done for me, Sonny. I appreciate it.”

The way her eyes fluttered when she spoke captivated me. I wanted more than anything to kiss her.

Taking advantage of the moment, I took a seat on the edge of the coffee table, But she seemed to sit back, a little unsure again.

“Clara… you’re my mate.” I leaned toward her to brush a bit of hair behind her ear, and her eyes widened. “I would do anything for you.”

She was speechless, and I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she didn’t know what to say.

All I felt was an overpowering desire to kiss her, right then and there.

“Sonny…” she said softly, staring at me.

Shaking my head, I smiled at her, pulling back.

“Not tonight… Get some sleep. We leave at first light.”