Chapter 16 : The Warmth of Family

When the sun finally had shown a glimpse of itself through the dark curtains of Sonny's room, I found myself stirring beneath the sheets. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep in his room, but after all the events that had happened the night before, I was worn out.

Looking over at the other side of the bed, I saw that it was empty, and with the coolness upon the sheets let me know that he had long been gone. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but judging by the amount of rest I seemed to have gotten, it must have been a long time.

Slowly I slid from the bed and pulled on the dress I had worn that was laying upon the floor. I wasn’t sure where Sonny had gotten off too, but I was intrigued as to why he had left without saying anything.

As my eyes cast around the room, I took note of everything within it.