Chapter 14 : Date Night

“Where are you taking me?” I asked, looking over to Sonny, who sat in the driver seat with a grin upon his face.

He looked incredibly sexy in his tight blue jeans, brown boots, and tight-fitting red t-shirt. Even the five o’clock shadow upon his face had me wanting to taste him once more.

“It’s a surprise... You do like surprises, don’t you?”

The taunting in his voice made it clear that he found this amusing. I wasn’t going to let him play with me, though—I did have a mission tonight.

I needed answers. Answers to a riddle I had been trying to figure out since I got here.

“Well, it depends...” I replied with a smirk while turning my eyes to face him.

The grin upon his face grew as he chuckled, “Oh yeah? On what?”

“That’s for me to know, and you to find out.”

It didn’t take long for his pickup truck to end up at a bar on the outskirts of a town that was almost an hour away.