Chapter 31

At that time, no matter what she did, she would make a big show and make it known to the whole world.

And Yvette Hill has been following her, just secretly staring at Aaron.

Ada Wood slightly lowered her head, turned around, closed the door, and returned to the room. Her mobile phone has been burned to ashes in the fire, and she can’t call Adair Carter.

Walking to the balcony, watching Aaron Hunter driving a black ewenta to leave with Yvette Hill. Ada Wood opened the door gently and went downstairs to find Adair in the hospital.

She was afraid that Aaron would not give Winni an operation, but she was also worried about the injury of Adair.

The doctor said the examination report on his leg would not come out until the afternoon.

As soon as she got downstairs, she saw Barry standing at the door, saying something.

Ada Wood walked slowly to the door. As soon as she stepped out of the gate, several wolf dogs suddenly rushed towards her and yelled at her.